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Prabasi : illustrated monthly of Calcutta, edited by Rāmānanda Chatterji. Started in 1901, it was distinguished for its editorials & views & wealth of information.

10 result/s found for Prabasi

... him on his trip from Calcutta to Chandernagore, published an article dealing with that event in the Baishakh 1352 issue of Prabasi . In reply to this, Ramchandra Majumdar, who was with Sri Aurobindo and Sureshchandra for part of that night, published an article ( Prabasi, Sraban 1352) questioning Sureshchandra's account. When this was brought to Sri Aurobindo's attention, he dictated a final statement... statement in which he tried to set the record straight. This was not published during his lifetime, but it was used by his disciple Nolini Kanta Gupta in writing an article that was published in Prabasi in Phalgun 1352. The first two letters by Sri Aurobindo referred to above were published in Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on the Mother in 1953. The third was published in On Himself in 1972 ...


... height, how can he escape being hurt?" he asks SRI AUROBINDO: It is not a question of being hurt. The question is of remaining unmoved and unshaken by the hurt. NIRODBARAN: Tagore himself in Prabasi speaks of unpurterbed peace. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but that should be the ideal, it is not realisable in life: that is perhaps his view. NIRODBARAN: But he says one must have it. SRI AUROBINDO: ...


... School's Vice-Principal; Gagan Thakur became its energetic General Secretary. -Ramananda Chatterjee's (1876-1938) practical help in this field is inestimable. He founded the two monthlies Prabasi (Bengali) and Modern Review (in 1901). It is difficult to overestimate the role of these two magazines in putting across the new art and educating the public in it. Sri Aurobindo had said ...

... Calcutta's Sanskrit Sahitya Parishad. Ramananda Chatterji was the founder editor of the Bengali magazine 1 Rapture of trance. 2 Upalabdhi = realization. Page 277 Prabasi (1901, from Allahabad), as well as the founder editor of the Modern Review (1907); he too was an educationist. Lalit Mohan Das hailed from Barisal, he had taken active part from 1905 onwards during ...

... Early Cultural Writings Two Pictures 17-July-1909 The Modern Review and Prabasi are doing monthly a service to the country the importance of which cannot be exaggerated. The former review is at present the best conducted and the most full of valuable matter of any in India. But good as are the articles which fill the magazine from month to ...


... patriotic worker, Sj. Ramānanda Chatterji. Ramānanda Babu is well known to the Bengali public as a clear-minded, sober and fearless political speaker and writer; as editor of the Modern Review and the Prabasi he has raised the status and quality of Indian periodical literature to an extraordinary extent, and has recently been doing a yet more valuable and lasting service to his country by introducing the ...


... spite of the foul weather a large number of people assembled on Sunday afternoon at Beadon Square where a big Swadeshi meeting was held under the presidency of Babu Ramananda Chatterji, Editor of the Prabasi . Several speakers addressed the meeting. We publish below an authorised version of Mr. Aurobindo Ghose's speech delivered at that meeting. Sj. Aurobindo Ghose said that when in jail he had been ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... -law. Ali-Alys' children, Bilkis and Adil came later. Jatindra Prasad Bhattacharya (20.5.1890-14.3.1975). Poet who contributed regularly to top Bengali magazines such as Bharatbarsha, Prabasi, Manasi, Bharati, etc. "It knows that this active state of love should be constant and impersonal, that is to say, altogether independent of circumstances and persons, since it cannot ...

... hitherto of marriage and football, and complains of an inability to write. As for the other he has produced nothing since he left here, except a drama for the "Bijoli" and the answer to [? ] even his Prabasi article was written and sent before he left for Bengal. Moni's inspiration flows in channels hardly suitable for the Prabartak. As for myself, it was only as a result of a solitary inspiration and ...


... × This statement, dictated by Sri Aurobindo in response to an article written in Bengali by Ramchandra Majumdar and published in Prabasi in 1945, was used by Nolini Kanta Gupta as the basis of a rejoinder published in the same journal.—Ed. × ...
