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... limb the same happens to the other. I do not see any advantage in all this." Prajapati said, "It is as you say. But I shall explain to you more fully again. You live with me for another thirty-two years." Indra stayed with Prajapati for the next thirty-two years and then approached Him once again. Prajapati gave a fuller explanation this time. "I have already told you," He said, "about the waking... affliction, then where is the gain, what makes it worth while?" Indra went back to Prajapati, related to Him his experience. And once again Prajapati said, "What you say is right. I shall speak about it in more detail, if you can wait for another thirty-two years." At the end of the thirty-two years, Prajapati spoke again about still more fundamental things. Beyond dream is the state of dreamless... the utility of this kind of experience." Again he came back to Prajapati, and as on the previous occasions, Prajapati said once again, "What you feel is true. But if you stay with me for another five years, I shall give you my final instructions and you will have the realisation." Indra spent another five years with Prajapati, making in all a stay of thrice thirty-two plus five, that is a hundred ...
... loses a limb the same happens to the other. I do not see any advantage in all this." Prajapati said, "It is as you say. But I shall explain to you more fully again. You live with me for another thirty-two years." Indra stayed with Prajapati for the next thirty-two years and then approached Him once again. Prajapati gave a fuller explanation this time. "I have already told you," He said, "about the waking... affliction, then where is the gain, what makes it worth while?" Indra went back to Prajapati, related to Him his experience. And once again Prajapati said, "What you say is right. I shall speak about it in more detail, if you can wait for another thirty-two years." At the end of the thirty-two years, Prajapati spoke again about still more fundamental things. Beyond dream is the state of dreamless... see the utility of this kind of experience." Again he came back to Prajapati, and as on the previous occasions, Prajapati said once again, "What you feel is true. But if you stay with me for another five years, I shall give you my final instructions and you will have the realisation." Indra spent another five years with Prajapati, making in all a stay of thrice thirty-two plus five, that is a hundred ...
... are the three primal Purushas of the earth life,—Agni Twashta, Prajápáti & Matariswan, all of them soul bodies of Mahavishnu. Agni Twashta having made the Sun out of the Apas or waters of being, Prajapati as Surya Savitri enters into the Sun and takes possession of it. He multiplies himself in the Suris or Solar Gods who are the souls of the flames of Surya, the Purushas of the female solar energies... life and the spirit. The present earth in its turn appears as the scene of life, Mars being its last theatre. In the Bhumi Agni Twashta is again the first principle, Matariswan the second, finally, Prajapati appears in the form of the four Manus, chatváro manavah. Not in the physical world at first, but in the mental world which stands behind the earth-life; for earth has seven planes of being, the material... movements of the gods in their higher existences in the worlds above Bhu. The Manus manifested in the Manoloka of Bhu bring pressure to bear upon the earth for the manifestation of life and mind. Prajapati as Rudra then begins to form life upon earth, first in vegetable, then in animal forms. Man already exists but as a god or demigod in Bhuvarloka of Bhu, not as a man upon earth. There he is Deva, ...
... Record of Yoga mention that Suktas 23 – 26 were translated on the 29th and Sukta 27 on the 30th. Sukta 28 was presumably translated soon afterwards. Mandala Three Sukta 54.1 – 12 . Rishi: Prajapati Vaishwamitra or Vachya. Circa 1915. Mandala Four Sukta 18 . Rishi: Vamadeva Gautama. A slightly different version of the first two verses of this translation was published in the Arya in... on item [24] of Part Four. This work is mentioned in the Record of Yoga on 25 January 1915. Mandala Ten Sukta 54 . Rishi: Brihaduktha Vamadevya. Circa 1912 – 13. Sukta 129 . Rishi: Prajapati Parameshthi. The entries of 15 July and 5 August 1914 in the Record of Yoga mention the drafting and completion of the translation of this Sukta. The manuscript of the final version is damaged at ...
... grew superconscient in many forms. He expressed himself multifoldly in the material and the supramental universe. Soon then he set himself on the path of progress. In the Brahminic tradition Prajapati is the Lord of Sacrifice. It was in building up the body of this Begetter of Creatures that the creative act of sacrifice was performed long ago. By it shall he propagate. 34 That from the Supreme's... world in the sky above. If it is splendid like the Gods, if not more splendid than them, surely then it must be beyond the reach of death. The Yajna-Purusha has to be someone greater than Agni or Prajapati or Brahma performing the cosmic Yajna. His dwelling has to be in infinity of the Transcendent. As a matter of fact he himself is the Transcendent turned towards creation. If Savitri is the incarnation ...
... Aurobindo with Speeches Delivered during the Same Period 6.Feb-3.May.1908 Bande Mataram By the Way - The Parable of Sati 29-April-1908 Daksha, the great Prajapati, had a daughter, named Sati, whom he loved beyond all his children, and the Rishis wedded her to Page 1073 Mahadeva, the great lord of the Universe. The choice of the Rishis was not pleasing... pieces and shattered the hall of sacrifice and slew Daksha in his hall. There was a Daksha too in India which was called the Indian National Congress. Like Daksha it was a great figure, a Prajapati with numerous offspring, full of dignity, sobriety, wisdom, and much esteemed by the gods. This Daksha too had a daughter whom he loved, the young Indian Nation. When the time for her marriage came ...
... Rishi, husband of Lopamudra, who composed the great body of hymns in an archaic tongue that close the first Mandala of the Rig Veda. Nor can we accept the astonishing identification of the Puranic Prajapati, Kashyapa, progenitor of creatures, with the father of the Kanada who founded the Vaisheshika philosophy. It distresses us to see Indian inquirers with their great opportunities simply following in ...
... Mother of the Worlds and their inhabitants, he is also their Son and ours: for he is the Divine Child born into the Worlds who manifests himself in the growth of the creature. He is Rudra and Vishnu, Prajapati and Hiranyagarbha, Surya, Agni, Indra, Vayu, Soma, Brihaspati,—Varuna and Mitra and Bhaga and Aryaman, all the gods. He is the wise, mighty and liberating Son born from our works and our sacrifice ...
... Matter, but Matter with life and mind involved in it. Every cell of the human body, every fibre of bark & leaf, every grain of earth treasures in itself a secret life & mind, is the hiding-place of Prajapati, the cocoon of the eternal butterfly. In the lowest inert or inanimate status of matter just so much & such a nature of life-energy has been at work as is sufficient for the creation of its different ...
... n of a metaphysical fact that is inexpressible in words and that is therefore in the ancient texts told by the great seers as a humanized story. One will remember the words from the Upanishad: ‘Prajapati [the Father of all creatures] then was this Universe. Vak [the Word] was second to him. He united with her and she became pregnant. She went out from him and produced all the creation and again ...
... St John, directly influenced by the Chaldean tradition, are well known: ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’ The Kathaka Upanishad says the same: ‘Prajapati [the Father of all beings] was then the whole Universe. Vak [the Word] had come forth from him. He united with her and she became pregnant. She went out from him and made all these worlds, and ...
... this All; thou art the knower and that which is to be known and the highest status; O infinite in form, by thee was extended the universe. Thou art Yama and Vayu and Agni and Soma and Varuna and Prajapati, father of creatures, and the great-grandsire. Salutation to thee a thousand times over and again Page 26 and yet again salutation, in front and behind and from every side, for thou ...
... starting-point for this supreme achievement. By Avidya one may attain to a sort of fullness of power, joy, world-knowledge, largeness of being, which is that of the Titans or of the Gods, of Indra, of Prajapati. This is gained in the path of self-enlargement by an ample acceptance of the multiplicity in all its possibilities and a constant enrichment of the individual by all the materials that the universe ...
... into his own later style, keeping the central symbol of the Sun but without any secrecy in sense, a mystic thought or experience in a passage of the Rig-veda. "Pushan", "Kavi", "Yama", "Prajapati" are also Rig-vedic names though not present in that passage itself. The earlier formulation (V.62.1) runs: "There is a Truth covered by a Truth, where they unyoke the horses of the Sun; the ten ...
... who taught the Gods in heaven. And this is the bliss of the Vedawise whose soul the blight of desire touches not. A hundred and a hundredfold of this measure of Brihaspati's bliss, is one bliss of Prajapati, the Almighty Father. And this is the bliss of the Vedawise whose Page 58 soul the blight of desire touches not. A hundred and a hundredfold of this measure of Prajapati's bliss, is one ...
... tent negation, neti neti ('not this', 'not this') and thus pass beyond all names and forms, n ā ma-r ū pa. 18.The reader may refer in this connection to the very interesting account of Prajapati-lndra-Virochana Samvad in the Chhandogya Upanishad, VIII. 7-12. Page 128 knowledge so far have been very few." This intuitive knowledge, this scientia intuitiva, is a perception ...
... acknowledge the help I have received from Smt. Rekha Rathi in preparing the text of the book. I am also thankful to the members of my personal staff, particularly, Shri Mukesh and Shri Kalpesh Prajapati for secretarial assistance they have provided. KIREET JOSHI Page 4 ...
... all becoming without exception, irrespective of the plane in which it manifests, is bom in the Being of Sachchidananda who himself, of course, transcends all becomings and is always their Lord, Prajapati. Here is a passage from The Synthesis of Yoga where Sri Aurobindo speaks of the capital importance of this momentous vision of the One in All: "The one secure and all-reconciling truth which ...
... this All; Thou art the knower and that which is to be known and the highest status; O infinite in form, by Thee was extended the universe. Thou art Yama and Vayu and Agni and Soma and Varuna and Prajapati, father of creatures, and the great-grandsire. Salutation to Thee a thousand times over and again and yet again salutation. (Translation by Anil Baran Roy) Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita: ...
... Parameshthi is Brahma—not the Creator Hiranyagarbha, but the soul who in this kalpa has climbed up to be the instrument of Creation, the first in time of the Gods, the Pitamaha or original & general Prajapati, the Pitamaha, because all the fathers or special Prajapatis, Daksha and others, are his mind born children. The confusion between the Grandsire and the Creator, who is also called Brahma, is common; ...
... this All; thou art the knower and that which is to be known and the highest status; O infinite in form, by thee was extended the universe. Thou art Yama and Vayu and Agni and Soma and Varuna and Prajapati, father of creatures, and the great-grandsire. Salutation to thee a thousand times over and again and yet again salutation, in front and behind and from every side, for thou art each and all that ...
... पतत्रि च यच्च स्थावरं सर्वं तत् प्रज्ञानेत्रं प्रज्ञाने प्रतिष्ठितं प्रज्ञानेत्रो लोकः प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठा प्रज्ञानं ब्रह्म ॥३॥ Page 204 3) This creating Brahman; this ruling Indra; this Prajapati, Father of his peoples; all these Gods and these five elemental substances, even earth, air, ether, water and the shining principles; and these great creatures and those small; and seeds of either ...
... who taught the Gods in heaven. And this is the bliss of the Vedawise whose soul the blight of desire not toucheth. A hundred and a hundredfold of this measure of Brihaspati's bliss, is one bliss of Prajapati, the Almighty Father. And this is the bliss of the Vedawise whose soul the blight of desire not toucheth. A hundred and a hundredfold of this measure of Prajapati's bliss, is one bliss of the Eternal ...
... worlds is becoming of existence in the one existence and one Lord of all becoming, the Purusha, Sachchidananda. All becoming is born in the Being who himself exceeds all becomings and is their Lord, Prajapati. By the revelation of the vision of Surya the true knowledge is formed. In this formation the Upanishad indicates two successive actions. First, there is an arrangement or marshalling of the rays ...
... Madhuchchhandas & are paralleled by the intimacy of his claim, later on, of special & dear comradeship with Indra, the master of the thunderbolt. The Fatherhood of Zeus was the distant fatherhood of the Prajapati, general & remote, not this near & moving personal relationship. But we have done more than ascertain the religious ideas & temperament of this single Rishi. We have established the right to look ...
... even during the period of the Brāhmaṇas, for Hale, 429 dealing with the prevalence of ásura in these books proffers the information: "An etymology of ásura- is offered by the suggestion that Prajapati created asuras from his asu (M[aitrayanī] S[aṁhitā] 4.2.1)." So, linguistically, the Rigveda leaves us in the dark as to explaining the strange situation Parpola has presented. We have to probe ...
... Word expresses that which is self-hidden in the Silence." 101 But are we indulging in unnecessary obfuscation when we speak of the superhuman statuses of speech or of the primal Word of Prajapati being the agency for the creation of the world? Surely not: for a fuller acquaintance with the esoteric theory of sound and speech, the reader may be referred to the Commentary V (pages 35 to 41) ...
... Kauravas and the Pandavas. This 'brother against brother' theme appears with numberless variations in the course of the epic. In the Adi Parva itself, the warring Devas and Asuras — both offspring of Prajapati — chum the ocean to secure amṛta or the elixir of immortality. The snakes and Garuda — natural enemies — are the offspring respectively of the sisters, Kadru and Vinata; and Garuda is asked to ...
... 226-9, 231, 236 Pit Grave (Yamna) culture, 247, 323, 324 Polyaenus (Strategemata), 318, 319 Pomponius Mela, 206 Possehl, G., 186 Potter, Simeon, 262 Prajapati, 376 Prasād B, 218 Pre-Harappān Cultures of India..., by S. Asthana, 225 fn., 231 The Problem of Aryan Origins, by K.D. Sethna criticism by A.J.C. de Sa, 153-67 reply ...
... us with a bright and gracious understanding. "God is fire that burneth and the Sun in heaven and the Wind that bloweth: He too is the Moon. His is the seed and Brahma and the waters and He is Prajapati, the Father of his peoples. "Thou art woman and Thou art man also; Thou art the boy, or else Thou art the young virgin, and Thou art yonder worn and aged man that walkest bending upon a staff ...
... knower and that which is to be known and Page 107 the highest status; O infinite in form, by Thee was extended the universe. Thou art Yama and Vayu and Agni and Soma and Varuna and Prajapati, father of creatures, and the great grandsire. Salutations to Thee a thousand times over and again and yet again salutation, in front and behind and from every side for Thou art each and all that ...
... and adopting the practice of those qualities which really make men not Brahmins — say thus: Indra, we call upon thee, Soma, we call upon thee, Varuna, we call upon thee, Isana, we call upon thee, Prajapati, we call upon thee, Yama, we call upon thee! Truly, Vasettha, just by their invoking and praying and hoping and praising, that they should after death and when the body is dissolved, become united ...
... who taught the Gods in heaven. And this is the bliss of the Vedawise whose soul the blight of desire touches not. A hundred and a hundredfold of this measure of Brihaspati's bliss, is one bliss of Prajapati, the Almighty Father. And this is the bliss of the Vedawise whose soul the blight of desire touches not. A hundred and a hundredfold of this measure of Prajapati's bliss, is one bliss of the Eternal ...
... Kauravas and the Pandavas. This 'brother against brother' theme appears with numberless variations in the course of the epic. In the Adi Parva itself, the warring Devas and Asuras - both offspring of Prajapati - chum the ocean to secure amrta or the elixir of immortality. The snakes and Garuda - natural enemies - are the offspring respectively of the sisters, Kadru and Vinata; and Garuda is asked to ...
... tasthurbhuvanāni viśvā. 19 I know Him who is the greatest of all, luminous like the sun and beyond all ignorance. By knowing him alone death is transcended. No other way exists for this. Om Prajapati moves about in the womb and though unborn grows within it and takes up diverse forms. The wise look far into his source of being. In him alone dwell all the worlds. Suklayajurveda 31.18, 19 ...
... tadeva śukraṁ tad brahma tadāpastatprajāpatiḥ.2 God is fire that burneth and the Sun in heaven and the Wind that bloweth: He too is the Moon. His is the seed and Brahma and the waters and He is Prajapati, the Father of his peoples. Shwetashwatara Upanishad 4.2 Translation by Sri Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo, The Upanishads: Shwetashwatara Upanishad दृते टुंह मा मित्रस्य मा चक्षुषा ...
... passages where the whole context relates to mental activities. Finally, we have the goddess Dakshina who may well be a female form of Daksha, himself a god and afterwards in the Purana one of the Prajapatis, the original progenitors,—we have Dakshina associated with the manifestation of knowledge and sometimes almost identified with Usha, the divine Dawn, who is the bringer of illumination. I shall ...
... complete Brahmana, unless he has the Kshatratejas in him, the Vaishyashakti and the Shudrashakti, but all these have to serve in him the fullness of his Brahmanyam. God manifests Himself as the four Prajapatis or Manus, the chatwaro manavah of the Gita, & each man is born in the ansha of one of the four; the first characterised by wisdom and largeness, the second by heroism and force, the third by dexterity ...
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