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Premanand Premanund : (c.1636-1734) Gujarati poet. At fifteen he became a disciple of Guru Rāmacharan, learned Sanskrit & Urdu in which he composed his first poems. He developed Gujarati through his ākhyānas, legends depicting his society’s philosophy & psychology, customs & festivals. His most famous works are Nala-upakhyāna, Sūdāmā Charita, Māhmeru.
... 15 May 1933 Mother, While Premanand was translating for me some sentences underlined in Dahi’s letter, Nolini came to the Library to take Premanand’s signature on the circular about the meeting. Nolini wanted Premanand not to talk about it to anybody, not even Amal. Now Amal and Premanand have been very good friends for a long time. So Premanand came to me this afternoon to ask if he ought ...
... as soon as possible. PURANI: In the Maharshi he has found his right Guru, he says. I hope he will be able to stay half the time there. Premanand was waiting for Sarojini Naidu's visit to the Library. Pujalal remarked, "Keep both parts of the door open!" Premanand did not understand the joke, so I said, "She may not be able to pass through only one open part of the door!" (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: ...
... picture, taken in the Ashram, The Devil and his Disciples . Amal has a devilish grin. The scene is the old library of the Ashram. Dr Rajangam is at the opposite end of the table, the librarian Premanand standing to the left of Amaland Anil Kumar (bearded) behind him. The three others are Udayshankar's company. Uday himself stands near to Rajangam and looks down. Rajangam is reading a typed sonnet ...
... standing, I used to see him sitting in what is now the Reading Room, known at that time as the Library, chatting with Premanand, the Librarian. One day I dropped into the Library, Premanand introduced me to Amal. There was hardly any talk except a gracious laugh. Amal and Premanand would be sitting in the Library chatting while Pranam was going on and I would often wonder why he wasn't attending... that because of his physical defect he could not take part in the meditation, and while waiting for his turn for Pranam, he was utilising his time in teaching Premanand metrical scansion of poetry. Scansion happened to be Premanand's passionate hobby. When his turn came for Pranam, Amal would slowly walk to the Meditation Hall with the aid of his stick and do his pranam to the Mother... constant walking hour upon hour. (The floor has since been redone and the famous floor bricks carefully removed and distributed to various places in the Ashram.) Premanand lived downstairs in the same house. A word or two on Premanand by way of digression, especially Sri Aurobindo's humour at his expense. He was very regular in his habits, always neat and clean, and kept a smiling face. ...
... much credit on their army. Of course, in the long run, Finland doesn't have any chance. Russia will throw in its huge mass. The Finns have destroyed nearly two hundred of their tanks. SATYENDRA: Premanand was showing me a picture of the tanks. These can cross wide ditches, it seems. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but they are not so formidable now. many weapons have been devised to destroy them and the Germans ...
... properly. Of course, many appreciate when I have explained it to them—but otherwise they admire the beauty of individual phrases without grasping the many-sided whole the phrases form. This morning Premanand, Vijayarai and Nirod read my Agni. None of them caught the precise relevances, the significant connections of the words and phrases of the opening five lines. In the rest of the poem too... Nolini and Arjava who write poems of the inner vision and feeling must have that, moreover their minds are sufficiently subtle and plastic to enter into all kinds of poetic vision and expression. Premanand and Vijayarai have no such training; it is natural that they should find it difficult. Nirod ought to understand, but he would have to ponder and take some trouble before he got it; night with her ...
... as by an "elder brother" in order to be impressive? I personally have never cared about respectful address. An old friend of mine, now dead, Premanand, who used to be the Ashram librarian, would feel offended if anybody called him "Premanand-ji". I think he felt that the would-be respectful appurtenance spoiled the beauty of the name. At least it adds nothing significant to my mind and assimilates... formality it has a sentimental value. In any case I don't expect anyone to "Amal-da" me, much less "Amal-ji" me. However, when the "da"-ing or "ji"-ing takes place, I don't frown or feel disgusted like Premanand. As for the missing passages in Nolini's translation of Savitri, your two dreams seem to suggest that they are hiding somewhere. The vision of an exercise-book provides the clue most ...
... - the description with its economy and felicity of phrase is very telling." The term "Totalitarian" was a prodigious poser to me and seemed to be such also to the librarian, my diminutive friend Premanand, Our situation was comparable in puzzlement more than in wonderment to that of Keats's "stout Cortez" and "all his men" when with "a wild surmise" they first gazed at the Pacific, standing . ... such as the New Statesman, which Arjava regularly sent him and which our Lalloobhai, born malapropist, called the New Testament. Arjava also sent the Manchester Guardian, apropos of which Premanand and I speculated a little lewdly about a companion weekly, Woman-breaster Guardian . So sustaining a touch with the current world-chaos along with the ups and downs of Ashram-life is quite de ...
... Nolini and I were wondering if they would send us copies. SATYENDRA: Nolini and Purani get them free. SRI AUROBINDO: Why? PURANI: For review. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh! (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: Premanand has found a new trick for selling copies. He promises your autograph. (Sri Aurobindo laughs) In that way he is like Gandhi. But now people don't crowd round Gandhi for his autograph. SRI AUROBINDO: ...
... everywhere. In England also she was a best-seller. Only the critics were hard on her. SATYENDRA: The poor Indian Express is not allowed up here now. SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): Why? SATYENDRA: Premanand says that the Mother has asked him to send only The Hindu and the Patrika. The others spoil the atmosphere. The thing is that it gives all the news though not the views. PURANI: Paris is not ...
... were given rooms on its ground floor. Amrita's room was then turned into a library and the whole house began to be known as Library House. Punamchandbhai was the first librarian; he was succeeded by Premanand. × The word “Prosperity” in this context means the materials, such as toilet articles, clothing ...
... Jatin Bal (Building Service of the Ashram). He left the Ashram after 1950 and joined the Government Arms Factory, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu and subsequently Dum Dum Factory, Calcutta. 36 . Premanand: a Gujarati sadhak who was the Librarian of the Ashram Library. 37 . Mrs. Elizabeth Montgomery connected with Harper & Collins publishing house of America. She arranged for the publication ...
... makes the poem an epic instead of a fairy-tale in verse). There is, for instance, the incident of the swans; we all know to what prolixities of pathos and bathos vernacular poets like the Gujarati Premanand* have enlarged this feature of the story. But Vyasa introduced it to give a certain touch of beauty and strangeness and that touch once imparted, the swans disappear from the scene; for his fine taste... far more in his element in the expression of the feelings, of the joy and sorrow that makes this life of men; his description of emotion far excels his description of things. _______ * Premanand: a Gujarati poet, 1636-1734. ** Sri Aurobindo, Centenary Edition, Vol III (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram,1972),p. 153. Page 68 When he says of Damayanti: In grief she wailed ...
... properly. Of course many appreciate when I have explained it to them—but otherwise they admire the beauty of individual phrases without grasping the many-sided whole the phrases form. This morning Premanand, Vijayrai and Nirod read my Agni. None of them caught the precise relevances, the significant connections of the words and phrases of the opening lines: Not from the day but from the night he's... Nolini and Arjava who write poems of the inner vision and feeling must have that, moreover their minds are sufficiently subtle and plastic to enter into all kinds of poetic vision and expression. Premanand and Vijayrai have no such training; it is natural that they should find it difficult. Nirod ought to understand, but he would have to ponder and take some trouble before he got it; night with her ...
... properly. Of course, many appreciate when I have explained it to them—but otherwise they admire the beauty of individual phrases without grasping the many-sided whole the phrases form. This morning Premanand, Vijayarai and Nirod read my Agni. None of them caught the precise relevances, the significant connections of the words and phrases of the opening five lines. In the rest... Nolini and Arjava who write poems of the inner vision and feeling must have that, moreover their mines are sufficiently subtle and plastic to enter into all kinds of poetic vision and expression. Premanand and Vijayarai have no such training; it is natural that they should find it difficult. Nirod ought to understand, but he would have to ponder and take some trouble before he got it; night with her ...
... writing poetry, philosophy and literary criticism under Sri Aurobindo's inspiration, I still found the time to meet all my friends. Sometimes I used to return pretty late at night. My chum premanand and, the then librarian of the Ashram, who stayed in the same building, the Old Guest House, where the Mother had given me the room in which Sri Aurobindo had once stayed for nine years, would ...
... from England or via some place in Bengal, but he carried something of the air of England, (laughter) He had passed out as a doctor mentioned was the then librarian of the Ashram — Premanand — with whom I came to be associated very closely after a while. Both have passed away. 1 Philippe Barbier Saint-Hilaire. Page 22 at Edinburgh. I saw him ...
... members or so. I came most in touch with forceful Purani, gentle Pujalal, poised Nolini, sympathetic Amrita, diligent Champaklal, disciplined Dyuman, simple Rajangam, enthusiastic Dara, scrupulous Premanand, cordial Pavitra, dignified Anilbaran and courteous Doraiswamy on his week-ends from Madras. All of them were devoted workers. I sought to catch the light which they channelled in their diverse ways ...
... read at leisure. But up to now nothing surrealistic. So far don't find any identity with yours except a certain fullness and boldness of language. Please don't keep the book for long. Otherwise Premanand 99 will lose all his prem and anand ! 100 He is always doing that and losing his hair too into the bargain. If he objects to my keeping the book, I will give him a clout on the head ...
... reading has dwindled, and now I'm on the way to be a "subconscient ass". Sri Aurobindo: Why not become a conscious one? 33 (15)NB: Please don't keep the Library book for long. Otherwise Premanand [the librarian] will lose all his prem and anand! [Love and bliss] Sri Aurobindo: He is always doing that and losing his hair too into the bargain. If he objects to my keeping the book, I will ...
... him. Apart from his service to the Mother, he is now best known as a teacher of Hathayogic Asanas, but formerly he was most notable as one of the two closest friends of Amal, the other having been Premanand, the first librarian the Ashram had. Yes, I mean Ambu — our energetic, outspoken, humbug-proof, loyal-natured Ambu. In the old days he had a somewhat foppish air, but there was no effeminacy in him ...
... seemed absolutely impossible for me to take up teaching. However, I started the classes. My whole day was spent in preparing for my French classes. I had no time at all for reading my storybooks. Premanand, the Ashram librarian at that time, used to select the books for me to read. There were no sports activities then. After coming home from the meditation in the evening, I would enjoy reading my books ...
... today. What cheer, brothers? In view of the fact that anaesthetic may be necessary it might be safer to postpone for two or three days—what? Tomorrow's list of people for vaccination: Krishnayya Premanand, Nishikanta ... Krishnayya? not an unhealthy subject? won't bite? Besides D.R. badly off for workers. Leave it to you, sir. K has swelling of left ankle (old injury). Why revived? She ...
... epic instead of a fairy Page 312 tale in verse.) There is for instance the incident of the swans; we all know to what prolixities of pathos & bathos vernacular poets like the Gujarati Premanund have enlarged this feature of the story. But Vyasa introduced it to give a certain touch of beauty & strangeness and that touch once imparted the swans disappear from the scene; for his fine taste ...
... well: from France, Germany, England, USA, Africa - and the sadhaks have had different religious backgrounds, and are drawn from a variety Page 578 of professions. Narayan Prasad, Premanand, Pujalal, Shankaragauda, Chandradip, Gangadharam - to name a few - were among the familiar figures in the Ashram in the early forties. The aeronautical engineer. Pinto, joined the Ashram and secured ...
... readings from Sri Aurobindo's works, or visited Dilip's house to catch the strains of Mira bhajan, or exchanged words or smiles with Nolini, Amrita, Rishabchand, Pavitra, Prithwi Singh, Chandradip, Premanand, Gangadharam, or even if one merely watched the sadhaks at work - perhaps the rolling up or unrolling of mats at meditation time, or the culling and sorting of flowers, or the washing and piling ...
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