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Prince of Mathura : “This fragment, related in theme to Prince of Edur, was written a few years later, probably in 1909 or 1910” [CWSA Vol.03-04, p.1005] between 2 May 1908 & Jan-Feb 1910 Sri Aurobindo grew increasingly close to his Guide Sri Krishna. (1) “I had never heard before of thoughts coming visibly into the mind from outside, but I did not think either of questioning the truth or the possibility, I simply sat down and did it. In a moment my mind became silent as a windless air on a high mountain summit and then I saw one thought and then another coming in a concrete way from outside; I flung them away before they could enter and take hold of the brain and in three days I was free. From that moment, in principle, the mental being in me became a free Intelligence, a universal Mind, not limited to the narrow circle of personal thought as a labourer in a thought factory, but a receiver of knowledge from all the hundred realms of being and free to choose what it willed in this vast sight-empire and thought-empire. I mention this only to emphasise that the possibilities of the mental being are not limited and that it can be the free Witness and Master in its own house.” [SABCL 26:84 & CWSA 35:244] (2) Historical Ajamida (q.v.) was Sri Krishna’s ancestor; Mathura was once under the sway of Kushāns, & Toramāna the Hun did try his luck there; Roodhra is obviously the Shivādry, & Siwalik Hills are just 70-80 km north of Mathura which is on the Yamuna [s/a Siege of Mathura]

6 result/s found for Prince of Mathura

... Rodogune; Eric. Volume 7 Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part Two: The Viziers of Bassora; Prince of Edur; The Maid in the Mill; The House of Brut; The Prince of Mathura; The Birth of Sin; Vikramorvasie (The Hero and the Nymph): Short Stories: Idylls of the Occult: The Phantom Hour; The Door at Abelard; The Devil's Mastiff; The Golden Bird. Juvenilia ...


... Incomplete and Fragmentary Plays (1891-1915) Collected Plays and Stories The Prince of Mathura Persons of Drama AJAMEDE - Prince of Mathura, a fugitive in the mountains. INDRADYUMNA - his friend and comrade. ATRY - King of Mathura, by the help of the Scythians. TORAMAN - Prince of Cashmere, son of the Scythian overlord of the North-West. ...


... posted in the area while serving as a Baroda state officer. The Prince of Mathura. Editorial title. This fragment, related in theme to The Prince of Edur , was written a few years later, probably in 1909 or 1910. The Birth of Sin. This fragment, written in the same notebook as The Prince of Mathura , must date from the same period, that is, 1909 - 10. In December 1909 ...


... Eric) and three unfinished plays (The House of Brut, The Maid in the Mill and Prince of Edur) were published, first in Sri Aurobindo Annual year after year and later in book form. The Prince of Mathura, an earlier version of Prince of Edur, and two dramatic pieces of his student days - The Witch of Ilni and 'Fragment of a Drama' (a dialogue between Achab and Esar) - are now included in... Like Polydaon, Humber too seems to have been intended as a dramatic study  megalomania - the overweening pride that canters before the inevitable fall. In the early fragment. The Prince of Mathura, Ajamede the fugitive in the mountains is the intended hero-saviour of Mathura from the usurper Atry, and perhaps Ajamede also marries Atry's daughter, Urmila. Sri Aurobindo seems to have enlarged ...

... Piper, Raymond R, 20, 515 Plato, 48, 418, 441 Plotinus, 441 Poddar, Arabinda, 26fh Prasad, Narayan, 579 Prince of Edur, The, 119,120, 152,154-55 Prince of Mathura, The, 119 Pringle-Kennedy, Mrs. and Miss, 305, 365 Prothero, G. W., 33, 37 Psychology of Social Development, The, See The Human Cycle Punjabee, The, ...

... Deliverer; Vasavadutta; Rodogune; Eric. Volume 7 — Collected Plays AND SHORT STORIES, Part Two: The Viziers of Bassora; Prince of Edur; The Maid in the Mill; The House of Brut; The Prince of Mathura; The Birth of Sin: Vikramorvasie (The Hero and the Nymph). Short Stories: Idylls of the Occult: The Phantom Hour; The Door at Abelard; The Devil's Mastiff; The Golden Bird. Juvenilia. ...