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Psalms : of Old Testament begin the third section of the biblical canon known as the Writings. In its present form, the collection consists of 150 songs, hymns, laments etc.
... teaching referred frequently to the Law of Moses, by which is meant the five books of the Torah. In addition, he often refers frequently to the prophecies of Isaiah (see Note) or passages from the Psalms (see Note). These are the most widely quoted passages of the Old Testament in the New Testament. Whatever it was that Jesus spoke, he was speaking words of his own, he was speaking words of common... common wisdom, or he was referring to Page 109 or explicating verses specifically from the five books of Moses, from the Torah, or more especially the prophet Isaiah or the book of the Psalms. These will have been the stuff out of which Jesus will have created his teaching and his preaching, that is, what was to become the Old Testament. And it is only some 100 years after the Crucifixion that... part of his Jewish background. Furthermore, there are many instances in the Old Testamel11 where God showed His love. Since space is limited, only some chapter and verses from the Torah and the Psalms can be presented here.But let these be enough to show that a loving God was the God tb31 Jesus knew. Rather than considering the God of the Old Testament as being vindictive, let us consider the ...
... historical event but a divine sacrifice. They interpreted the passion of Jesus through various Old Testament passages, especially the song of the suffering servant (Isaiah 52:13- 53:12), certain psalms of lament (Psalms 22, 69), the image of the suffering righteous man (Wisdom 2, 4 and 5), and prophetic passages (Zechariah 9-14). These so-called prophetic passages allowed the Passion narrative to be coloured... message to the world. 44 Then he said to them, "These are my words which I spoke to yon, while I was still with you-, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled." 45 Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures, 46 and said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, 47 ...
... Luke 2:7 which he translates "and she gave birth to a son, her firstborn", he writes: "Although prototokos, 'firstborn', is sometimes clearly equivalent to monogenes, 'only born' (Psalms of Solomon 13:8; 4 Ezra 6:58), some would take this to mean 'firstborn among many'. And so, since the time of Helvidius (A.D. 380), this verse has played a role in the dispute among Christians as ...
... (formula) so that the soul, by the power of the word, may transcend everyday reality and emerge in a higher reality? Have not the repetition of the Lord’s prayer or the Ave Maria, or some phrases from the Psalms, the same function and effect, even unconsciously? Is not the Rule of St Benedict, for instance, essentially a discipline of God-realization contained in the practical regulation of a monastic community ...
... had essayed the epic strain in one manner or another, in long stretches or short. The Hebrew Prophets and the Christian Apostles were profoundly absorbed too – Genesis, the Book of Job, David's Psalms, Isaiah, the Gospels, the Apocalypse poured their splendour and terror into his spirit. From England itself, he was deeply influenced by Spenser's melodious subtlety, Marlowe's colourful violence ...
... would seem that the clear vision of the Golden Age is progressively darkened to the Iron Age where we now are. But these are mysteries far beyond poetry. But it might seem that from the Vedas and the Psalms and the epics of all civilizations there is rather a decline than an 'evolution'. But here I may simply not have understood Sri Aurobindo's thought, and I am as you know no philosopher. ...
... shall really be doing nothing. When I say that, maybe, it already is, I mean that I feel Her doing the work - not that the channel is clean. I want to go to the library today and read some of the psalms from the Bible, the ones where the human soul, being at peace, adores the Lord. So I feel, I aspire for more and more true, deep humility. How can I stand before my Lord without perfect humility? She ...
... common wisdom, or he was referring to or explaining verses from the Hebrew Bible, that is, The Old Testament. Specifically, he referred to the five books of Moses, to the Torah, or the book of the Psalms. Along with his own original teachings, these will have been the stuff out of which Jesus created much of his teaching and his preaching. Since the story of Jesus is told entirely in The New Testament ...
... 'dust' ( ā ph ā r) and 'flesh' (b ā s ā r), apart from his 'heart' (nephesh) that 'hopes and desponds, fears and longs', apart even from his 'mind' (l ê bh ā bh) that is the seat of 1. Psalms, Bk. VIII-5. Page 1 wisdom and thought, man is endowed with the unique principle, 'spirit' (r ū ach), 'breathed' into him directly from the Source. For did not God solemnly declare: ...
... pun: Example 1: (A play on the word 'habit'): Burke's great rival, Charles James Fox, was no mean master of the retort. Once, asked by a friend to explain the meaning of the passage in the Psalms, 'He clothed himself with cursing, like as with a garment,' Fox answered with a pun: "The meaning, I think, is clear enough - the man had a habit of swearing.' 60 Example 2: (play on the phrases ...
... yogic, tends ultimately to be identical." III. Exercises to be recommended: Repeated study and contemplation of Chapter XI of the Bhagavad Gita. Vow of the Buddha Selected Psalms Islamic prayers Selected portions from Tulsidas Songs ofMirabai, Surdas, Tukaram, Ramprasad, and ofher saints Prayer of Swami Vivekananda Page 234 Class ...
... ordinary poets have and at least as high ideas and as connected and logical a way of expressing themselves—allowing for the succinctness of poetical forms—as is found in other religious poetry, say the Psalms or the Book of Job or St Paul’s Epistles. But there is a better psychological test than any mere hypothesis. If it be found, as I hold it will be found, that a scientific & rational philological dealing ...
... the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it..." Thus goes "the glory of the Lord" in an ensemble wheeled and winged. When Christ is worshipped as 18.III. 19. The Psalms of David, 63: 7. 20. Ibid., 91: 4. 21. Ibid., 18: 10. 22. Ezekiel, I, 4-28. Page 49 the Lord, he must naturally be considered to be moving not only on wheels within ...
... Portable Blake, The, 22 fn. 5 "Preludium", 159 Preface to Paradise Lost, A, 102 fn. 162 Proclus, 134 Prophecy, 264 'Prospectus", 231 Proverbs of Hell, 138 Psalms of David. 49 fns. 19,20,21 Psychology, 4, 141,142,146 Puritan, Puritanism, 59 Raine, Kathleen, i, ii, vii, 4,25-29, 50 fn. 23, 134,144 fn. 18, 146,167-97, 222,231,237,258,261 ...
... Regained Monk, F. F. Representative English Poetry (London), 1927. Plowman, Max (Editor) Poems and Prophecies by William Blake (Everyman's Library, London), 1939. Psalms Raine, Kathleen Blake and Tradition, Two Volumes (Bollingen Series XXXV -No.11, Princeton University Press, U. S. A.), 1968. "Blake's Debt to Antiquity", The Sewanee Review, Summer ...
... Though the Indianness of the poems is obvious because of the prayerful note in all the poems (you do not get this tone in the English poetry of Great Britain and America except perhaps in the Psalms and the Prelude) and the in-depth references to Indian names like Sakuntala and Parasara as well as concepts like Yoga and Maya, Sethna does take us back repeatedly to English and French poetry ...
... World Union according to the Mother's wish. During the work she encouraged me. But I never felt easy with my work, because it was not my real work. I was given numerous clippings from newspapers and psalms from the Bible—in extremely small print. I had to type forty to fifty pages, whose sense I could hardly understand. The idea of the organisers was to adopt the theory of Vinoba Bhave to go from place ...
... laid on the physical (and therefore ritual) uncleanness which man contracts from the moment of his conception, cf. Leviticus 15:19f, and birth, cf. Lev 12:2f, since he is born of woman, Job 14:1, cf. Psalms 51:5. But this ritual uncleanness involves a corresponding moral weakness, a tendency to sin, and Christian interpretation has seen in this passage at least an allusion to what was later recognised ...
... powerfully opened to humanity Love as it had never been conceived of before. Certainly, we can read of God's love for his creation and humanity in the Old Testament such as in The Law of Moses and The Psalms. But as history tells us, the message of love Jesus brought to humanity was carried beyond its Jewish context and brought to all of humanity by Paul of The New Testament. Paul recognised that the ...
... yogic, tends ultimately to be identical". Exercises to be recommended: Repeated study and contemplation of Chapter XI of the Bhagavad Gita Vow of the Buddha Selected Psalms Islamic prayers Selected portions from Tulsidas Songs of Mirabai, Surdas, Tukaram, Ramprasad, and other saints Prayer of Swami Vivekananda Class X Science and ...
... or yogic, tends ultimately to be identical". III. Exercises to be recommended: -Repeated study and contemplation of Chapter XI of the Bhagavad Gita -Vow of the Buddha -Selected Psalms -Islamic prayers -Selected portions from Tulsidas -Songs of Mirabai, Surdas, Tukaram, Ramprasad, and other saints -Prayer of Swami Vivekananda Class X I. Sciences ...
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