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27 result/s found for Psychic mind

... damned personality that comes back and makes a similar fool of itself. The Psychic Mind When the mind is turned towards the Divine and the Truth and feels and responds to that only or mainly, it can be called a psychic mind—it is something formed by the influence of the psychic being on the mental plane. Psychic mind and mental psychic are the same thing practically. When there is a movement... movement of the mind in which the psychic influence predominates, it is called the psychic in the mind or the psychic mind. The Mind Proper Above the physical mind and the vital mind is the mental intelligence, the mind proper. Beyond the ordinary thinking mind or intellect is the higher mind; beyond the higher mind is the illumined mind and beyond that is the intuitive mind. Above the intuitive mind ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... The expression of this profounder idea and experience is again not enough until the spiritual idea has passed into a complete spiritual realisation and not only affected individual intellect and psychic mind and imagination, but entered into the general sense and feeling of the race and taken hold upon all thought and life to reinterpret and remould them in their image. It is this spiritual realisation... man, of his divine possibilities as well as of the greatness of the power that manifests in what he is, a spiritualised uplifting of his thought and feeling and sense and action, a more developed psychic mind and heart, a truer and a deeper insight into his nature and the meaning of the world, a calling of diviner potentialities and more spiritual values into the intention and structure of his life that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... man, of his divine possibilities as well as of the greatness of the power that manifests in what he is, a spiritualised uplifting of his thought and feeling and sense and action, a more developed psychic mind and heart, a truer and deeper insight into his nature and the meaning of the world, a calling of diviner potentialities and more spiritual values into the intention and structure of his life that ...


... body and can receive more largely and easily the divine influence. The psychic is deep within in the inner heart-centre behind the emotional being. From there it stretches upward to form the psychic mind and below to form the psychic vital and psychic physical, but usually one is aware of these only after the Page 122 mind, vital and physical are subjected and put under the psychic influence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... see and floating images of the future; but as the real body of the psychic worlds is not present to the physical mind, but only appears like a dream or Page 1415 imagination, so to my psychic mind is the body of the material world. This presents a difficulty which most who do this writing do not appreciate. It is only spirits who are very near to the earth who can to some extent see it with ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Chapter IV The Higher Planes of Mind The Higher Planes and Higher Consciousness The higher planes are the higher mind, illumined, intuitive, over mind, supermind. The psychic, mind, vital, physical belong to the ordinary manifestation. The planes and the body are not the same. Above the head are seen all the planes from the overmind down to the higher mind, but this ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... uplifting of the thought mind or the emotional and psychic being, or only Page 829 at most so much as is specially needed in order not wholly to obstruct the will action. The emotional or psychic mind may try to intuitivise and supramentalise itself and to a great extent succeed, and yet the thinking mind remain ordinary, poor in stuff and obscure in its light. There may be a development of ...


... of his divine possibilities as well of the greatness of the power that manifests in what he is, a spiritualised uplifting of his thought and feeling and sense and action, a more developed psychic mind and heart, a truer and a deeper insight into his nature and the meaning of the world, a calling of diviner potentialities and more spiritual values into the intention and structure of his life ...


...       But you say that one of the carriages is the psychic. That is not one of the higher planes. The higher planes are the higher mind, illumined, intuitive, overmind, supermind. The psychic, mind, vital, physical belong to the ordinary manifestation.         I am afraid my interpretation of the carriage with three horses as the psychic and the triple lower being was not true. ...

... in man, of his divine possibilities as well of the greatness of the power that manifests in what he is, a spiritualised uplifting of his thought and feeling and sense and action, a more developed psychic mind and heart, a truer and a deeper insight into his nature and the meaning of the world, a calling of diviner potentialities and more spiritual values into the intention and structure of his life that ...

... touch you and hold you after coming in though unwanted into your (and others') intimate relation within with the Mother. As the Mother disapproved it tried to attack her but your inner being (psychic, inner mind, inner vital) threw itself upon it and pushed it out and continued fighting with it so as to drive it away. The effect on the body means only some difficulty in the external being caused by the ...


... touch you and hold you after coming in though unwanted into your (and others') intimate relation within with the Mother. As the Mother disapproved it tried to attack her but your inner being (psychic, inner mind, inner vital) threw itself upon it and pushed it out and continued fighting with it so as to drive it away. The effect on the body means only some difficulty in the external being caused by the ...


... having done, a selfless surrender, was purely a display of the vital. The vital nature seems to be full of disguises and devices, is it not so?       It is. Your mind saw the necessity of a selfless surrender and your psychic and mind together imposed it. But there were also vital and ego elements which hung on and these raised themselves as soon as the inertia came. When asked to disappear or change... open to the ordinary ignorant forces of Nature?       One is always open so long as there is not the final change. If things do not come in, it is because the consciousness is vigilant or the psychic in front — but the least want of vigilance or relaxation can allow something to enter.         I wonder how the adverse things coming from outside appear to us as if they were our own —...       Can sadness help one cure dryness in the vital being?       I do not know that sadness has the power to cure. I have myself followed the Gita's path of equanimity — but for some the psychic sadness may be necessary. But I think it is more an indication of a mistake than a cure. Page 146       Tamasic indifference is one thing and the absence of sorrow is another ...

... preparatory endeavour consists mainly in a spiritualising of the ethical supported by the psychical mind—or rather it brings in the spiritual power and purity to aid these in enforcing their absolute claim and to impart a greater authority than life allows to the ethical ideal of right and truth of conduct or the psychic ideal of love and sympathy and oneness. These things are helped to some highest expression... yet a considerable obstacle, otherwise there would be no problem—for its own characteristic Page 565 satisfactions and self-realisation. The mind of man is not only a vital and physical, but an intellectual, aesthetic, ethical, psychic, emotional and dynamic intelligence, and in the sphere of each of its tendencies its highest and strongest nature is to strain towards some absolute of them... can he wholly accept mind as nothing but a servant of the life and body admitted to certain pure enjoyments of its own as a sort of reward for its service or regard it as no more than an extension and flower of the vital urge, an ideal luxury contingent upon the satisfaction of the material life. The mind much more intimately than the body and the life is the man, and the mind as it develops insists ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... delight are above us, above mind and therefore above any perfection, within mind's own formula, of the foundations or .superstructure of our present nature."¹ The second step has, therefore, to be taken in the direction of the higher spiritual ranges of the mind and beyond. "A higher spiritual transformation must intervene on the psychic or psycho-spiritual change; the psychic movement inward to the... direct psychic action on the nature. The native impulse in the psychic is to give all it possesses to the Divine. As it emerges from its occult depths, it spreads its influence upon the members of its phenomenal nature, and tries to turn them towards the Divine. It may try at first to convert the intellect and the "larger mind of insight and intuitional intelligence", but the thinking mind, as soon... manifestation of the Divine in its phenomenal becoming. But for the soul or the psychic, our mind, life and body would have always remained in an un- relieved darkness and gone on chasing after the fleeting objects of the world, and involving themselves more and more in futile struggles and endless suffering. The psychic awakes as it evolves in Nature, and tries to influence its instrumental being ...

... outer mind also and in that complete quietude the true perceptions will come. The Mind and the Psychic Most people begin with the power [ of Yoga ] working in the Page 7 mind—it is only when the mind and vital have been changed to some extent that the psychic is ready to come forward. The chief obstacle in you is the mind. If you can quiet your mind and give the psychic being... they help to make the psychic active. When it [ one's inner perception ] is at the heart, it is probable that the psychic or at least the psychic mental thought is replacing the ordinary mental. Yogic thought comes from two sources, the psychic behind the heart and the higher consciousness from above the head. Your nature has always been very self-centred and the mind active—in such a nature... nature it is easier for the higher mind to act than for the psychic. The Mind and the Lower Nature It is necessary first to found the higher consciousness in the mind and heart. To deal with the lower nature before that means to fall into the struggle and confusion and disorder of the vital, for it all comes up. With the mind and heart prepared, one can deal with the vital without all that superfluous ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... lover, rejoicing in him and in our relation with him and having no other object or cause of joy or sorrow. Here too there may be for some time a division between the lower mind of habitual emotions and the higher psychical mind of love and self-giving, but eventually the former yields, changes, transforms itself, is swallowed up in the love, joy, delight of the Divine and has no other interests or... imperfection of our nature. Other impacts again the normal mind succeeds in holding at bay or neutralising and to these it has a natural reaction of indifference, insensibility or tolerance which is neither positive acceptance and enjoyment nor rejection or suffering. To things, persons, happenings, ideas, workings, whatever presents itself to the mind, there are always these three kinds of reaction. At the... endures with calm the impacts which bring joy and pleasure; refuses to be excited by Page 711 them and replaces the joy and eager seeking of the mind after pleasant things by the calm of the spirit. It can be applied too to the thought-mind in a calm reception of knowledge and of limitation of knowledge which refuses to be carried away by the fascination of this attractive or repelled by dislike ...


... experience as its forms and instruments the things of mind and soul and life and sense and matter. It commands a far vaster Page 821 range than the ordinary embodied mind shut up in the prison of the physical senses and vaster too than the pure mentality, even when that is free in its own ranges and operates with the aid of the psychical mind and inner senses. And it has that power which the... its own and it takes and relates to that the data too of a sixth sense, the inner mind sense. And it takes also the illuminations and the living symbols and images familiar to the psychic experience and relates these too to the truths of the self and spirit. The spiritual reason takes also the emotions and psychic sensations, relates them to their spiritual equivalents and imparts to them the values... and the ordering of it in its relations. The inspired intuitive mind is a mind of lightnings lighting up many things that were dark, but the light needs to be canalised and fixed into a stream of steady lustres that will be a constant power for lucidly ordered knowledge. The higher gnosis by itself in its two sole powers would be a mind of spiritual splendours living too much in its own separate domain ...


... most important thing for you is to develop the psychic fire in the heart and the aspiration for the psychic being to come forward as the leader of the sadhana. When the psychic does so, it will show you the "undetected ego-knots" of which you speak and loosen them or burn them in the psychic fire. This psychic development and the psychic change of mind, vital and physical consciousness is of the utmost... psychisation and spiritualisation there is a difference. The spiritual is the change that descends from above, the psychic is the change that comes from within by the psychic dominating mind, vital and physical. The psychic is the first of two transformations necessary—if you have the psychic transformation it facilitates immensely the other, i.e., the transformation of the ordinary human into the higher... directed from there—with, at the same time, a liberation of the psychic so that it may support the action from above in the mind, the vital and the physical parts. If the development of a higher consciousness did not bring things that were not before heard of by the mind, it would not be good for much. The unification of the psychic and the higher consciousness forces and activities is indispensable ...


... human emotions are mental-vital impulses, not ordinarily psychic in their nature. This mostly secret power behind, other than the mind and the life-force, is the true soul, the psychic being in us. The power of the psychic, however, can act upon the mind and vital and body, purifying thought and perception and emotion (which then becomes psychic feeling) and sensation and action and everything else in... inward and all the abnormal psychological experiences are called psychic. I use the word psychic for the soul as distinguished from the mind and vital. All movements and experiences of the soul would in that sense be called psychic, those which rise from or directly touch the psychic being; where mind and vital predominate, the experience would be called psychological (surface or occult). Sri Aurobindo... than not, in ordinary parlance, no clear distinction is made between mind and soul and often there is an even more serious confusion, for the vital being of desire —the false soul or desire-soul—is intended by the words 'soul' and 'psychic' and not the true soul, the psychic being. The psychic being is quite different from the mind or vital; it stands behind them where they meet in the heart. Its central ...


... How can one silence the mind, remain quiet, and at the same time have an aspiration, an intensity or a widening? Because as soon as one aspires, isn't it the mind that aspires? No; aspiration, as well as widening and intensity, comes from the heart, the emotional centre, the door of the psychic or rather the door leading to the psychic. Page 223 The mind by its nature is curious and... make it easier if He wants, can't He? First of all, one should know that the intellect, the mind, can understand nothing of the Divine, neither what He does nor how He does it and still less why He does it. To know something of the Divine, one has to rise above thought and enter into the psychic consciousness, the consciousness of the soul, or into the spiritual consciousness. Those who... Education. Sweet Mother, What is the difference between the psychic change and the spiritual change? The psychic change is the change that puts you in contact with the immanent Divine, the Divine who is at the centre of each being and of whom the psychic being is the sheath and the expression. By the psychic change one passes from the individual Divine to the universal Divine and finally ...


... Mother, How can one silence the mind, remain quiet, and at the same time have an aspiration, an intensity or a widening? Because as soon as one aspires, it is the mind that aspires, isn’t it? No; aspiration, as well as widening and intensity, come from the heart, the emotional centre, the door of the psychic or rather the door leading to the psychic. The mind by its nature is curious and interested;... make it easier if He wants to, can’t He? First of all, one should know that the intellect, the mind, can understand nothing of the Divine, neither what He does nor how He does it and still less why He does it. To know something of the Divine, one has to rise above thought and enter into the psychic consciousness, the consciousness of the soul, or into the spiritual consciousness. Those who have... Sadhana and Life Sweet Mother, What is the difference between the psychic change and the spiritual change? The psychic change is the change that puts you in contact with the immanent Divine, the Divine who is at the centre of each being and of whom the psychic being is the vesture and the expression. By the psychic change one passes from the individual Divine to the universal Divine and ...


... added further that, as we rose higher, we would see that the Truth that we sought comprised the four major aspects of Love, Knowledge, Power and Beauty, realisable respectively through the psychic, the mind, the vital and the body. In the present series of essays, we start from this text, and further ascents follow. While education may have different ends in view, where the ultimate aim (as in... vicious circle, and were cut off from the psychic. The crux of the problem, therefore, was not to allow the psychic to recede into the background, but rather to bring it into the open and make it "the leader of the march" and give it the control of the rest of the human faculties. Page 539 The cardinal problem of education was thus to keep the psychic awake, endow it with effective sovereignty... separativity, selfishness, narrowness, stupidity and fear, put the miserable ego in its place, and bring into the forefront the now behind-the-scenes psychic being which alone is touched with the elemental power of the Spirit. It is thus that the psychic being should be awakened and invoked and installed as "the leader of the march set in our front". III Not long after the inauguration ...


... progress, spiritual and psychic.   What difficulty does the psychic being find in coming forward and governing my nature? Your nature has always been very self-centred and the mind active - in such a nature it is easier for the higher mind to act than for the psychic.   You wrote, "It must be that it is easier for the nature to open the psychic from above than directly... of the greatest importance."? No. It is the psychic opening and the action of the psychic on the mind, vital and physical that is important.   You wrote to me, "Naturally, it is the psychic being of which that can be said." But I wanted to know if there was anything solid and practical in my writing about the inner and psychic being, or was it merely theoretical? I don't... is a difference. The spiritual is the change that descends from above, the psychic is the change that comes from within by the psychic dominating mind, vital and physical. Page 42 Of course the ego and the vital with its claims and desires is always the main obstacle to the emergence of the psychic. For they make one live, act, do sadhana even for one's own sake and psychicisation ...

... with the ego - if in the mind, if is identified with the mind and its activities and so on. If the consciousness puts its stress outside, it is said to live in the external being and becomes oblivious of its inner mind and vital and in most psychic. If it goes inside, puts its centralising stress there, then it knows itself as the inner being or, still deeper, as the psychic being. If it ascends out... ( VI ) SOUL OR THE PSYCHIC BEING (a) The Psychic Being " The psychic being is in the evolution, part of the _______________ ¹ On Yoga II, Tome One, P. 353-354 Page 153 human being, its divine part.'¹ " The soul, the psychic being is in direct touch yyj, the divine Truth, but it is hidden in man by the mind H vital being and the physical... "The psychic being has always been valid, consenting to the play of mind, physical and vital, experiencing everything through them in the ignorant mental, vital and physical way." ³ " Atma is not the same as psychic-Atma is the self which is one in all, calm, ever at peace, always free. The psychic being is the soul within that experiences life and develops with evolving mind and life ...

... belong to Prakriti. Behind the outer mind and the inner mind, the outer vital and the inner vital, the outer physical and the inner physical, lies the true being, the Purusha, in the form of "an inmost Page 345 mental, vital, physical, more specifically called the true mind, the true vital, the true physical consciousness". 23 The psychic being behind the outer being and the inner... being, and supporting both of these, the inmost being or the psychic (Fig.l). The outer being and the inner being have three corresponding parts — mental, vital, physical. Thus "There are, we might say, two beings in us, one on the surface, our ordinary exterior mind, life, body consciousness, another behind the veil, an inner mind, an inner life, an inner physical consciousness constituting ... but linger on the outskirts or even perhaps far off, waiting till they get an opportunity to attempt entrance. 20 The Inmost Being — The Psychic Supporting mind, life and body is the inmost being, called by Sri Aurobindo the psychic being, the term being derived from a Greek root (psukhē) which means the soul. The soul in its essence, called the psyche, is described by Sri Aurobindo ...


... soul to her and be content to feel her with the psychic nature and see her with the psychic vision that alone can make a straight response to the Truth." "Then the Mother herself will enlighten by their psychic elements your mind and heart and life and physical consciousness and reveal to them too her ways and her nature.....If you follow your mind, it will not recognise the Page 25... a brotherly advice, I should insist upon your putting a brake at once upon your physical mind, and revert to the joy and peace, the love and light of the psychic. Look upon your mind and treat its thoughts and ideas and logic and suggestions as something belonging to the universal nature. You are not the mind. Its thoughts and ideas must not be suffered to disturb or distract you. Stand back from them... summit of almost every other Yoga, is only our first, decisive step towards our goal. We must get beyond the mind as soon as we can, forget and reject our mental ideas and ideals, presuppositions and preferences, and, silencing the mind, plunge deep into the psychic, become and live in the psychic, as the Mother's child, and psychioise the whole nature and its movements. When that is done, we have to realise ...
