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Punjabee : nationalist journal started in 1904 at Lahore by Lālā Jashwant Rai with K.K. Athavale as editor. Both were ‘convicted’ for sedition in 1907. In February 1910 the paper was taken over by a loyalist syndicate.

16 result/s found for Punjabee

... trivial premises to gigantically incongruous conclusions, in his heroic attempt to make bricks out of straw. His chief arguments are that the Arya Samajists read the Amrita Bazar Patrika and the Punjabee , Page 402 —to say nothing of the long defunct Bande Mataram ,—and that some of the prominent members of the Arya Samaj are politicians and yet remain members of the Arya Samaj. The perfectly... Chandavarkar has declared it to be the law that to condemn terrorism in strong language and trace it to its source is sedition. At Patiala it is contended that to read the Amrita Bazar Patrika and the Punjabee is sedition. We are not quite sure that at Patiala the prosecuting counsel did not hint that to bring Christianity or Mahomedanism into contempt or hatred is sedition. And we have these remarkable... injustice, say, in the matter of the deportations or the Gulab Bano case; for that inevitably creates hatred. Therefore strong criticism of the Government is sedition. The Amrita Bazar Patrika and Punjabee strongly criticise the Government. Therefore they are seditious papers and their readers seditious conspirators. Every official is a member of the Government established by law; therefore to criticise ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... 18-April-1907 The finale of the Punjabee case has converted a tragedy into a farce. The bureaucracy started to crush the new spirit in Punjab by making a severe example of its leading exponent in the Press. They have ended by acerbating public feeling in the Punjab and creating racial hostility—the very offence for which, ostensibly, the Punjabee is punished,—without gaining their ends... truth without fear or favour affected even in the smallest degree. But the memory of the original sentence will remain; the gulf between the aliens and the people yawns yet wider. Incidentally the Punjabee has been endeared to all India by its boldness and readiness to suffer for the cause; its circulation has been largely increased and its influence more than doubled. Well done, most simple and rigorous ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... May.1907 Bande Mataram An Ineffectual Sedition Clause 19-April-1907 We commented yesterday on the folly of the Punjab Government in prosecuting the Punjabee and the ridiculous and unenviable position in which the practical collapse of that prosecution has landed them. The absolute lack of courage, insight and statesmanship in the Indian Government has... higher one rises in the official scale, the greater is the deterrent effect of the fear of consequences and the fear of the world's censure. This is the reason why ferocious sentences like that on the Punjabee are minimised in successive appeals—a phenomenon an Anglo-Indian contemporary notices with great disgust. The clauses 124A and 153A are therefore weapons which the Government cannot effectually utilise ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... somewhere or other asked to be commented upon in the paper. One day it was the bureaucracy-inspired hooliganism at Jamalpore in the Mymensingh District. Another day it was the blow struck at the Punjabee, or the threatened action against Lala Hansraj and Sardar Ajit Singh, or the deportation of the Lion of the Punjab, Lajpat Rai. Yet another day it was the onslaught on the universities and other... scruples as a crime. Indeed, the Government had made a laughing-stock of themselves by instituting proceedings against Sri Aurobindo. "There would have been some meaning in the case", the Punjabee wrote, "if proceedings had been taken against the paper [the Bande Mataram) for any of its editorial writings which had given it a speciality among Indian newspapers"; but the flimsy ground ...

... Bombay, the Indian People of Allahabad have by this time swelled that cry. The principle that underlay our attempt to get Lajpat elected to the Presidential chair has not been appreciated by the Punjabee , the Hindu and even Lala Lajpat Rai himself. Capital is being made of this fact and unworthy motives attributed to the Nationalists. Our enemies have got a splendid opportunity to discredit the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... do at Mymensingh. An awakened nation consults its necessity and proceeds to the invention. The song that nerves the nation's heart is in itself a deed. That song may lead to persecution but as the Punjabee has said, "Today we are in the firing line, but our recruits are at our back—ready to take our places the moment we drop down." This music can no longer be silenced and keeping time with it the coming ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... moment the bureaucrats were sure that the fire had caught in the Punjab, they hastened to strike, hoping by the suppression of a few persons to suppress the whole movement. The first blow at the Punjabee was a disastrous failure. The second has been delivered with extraordinary precautions to ensure its success. The whole might of the British Empire has been summoned to drive it home. The pomp and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Sleeping Sirkar and Waking People 23-March-1908 In commenting on the helplessness of the frontier Hindus, the Afridi raids and the callous indifference of the British authorities, the Punjabee reports the conversation between the old Chowdhury of a raided village and a high officer of the district. "Were you awake or asleep when the raiders came in?" asked the belated Heaven-born. "Sir ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... and an anticipation of the agrarian outbreak in connection with the Punjab Government's ill-advised land legislation. The bubble has been speedily pricked by the simple statement of facts in the Punjabee and by Lajpat Rai's own evidence. That Lajpat Rai was acquainted with Shyamji Krishnavarma when he was in England, was known already; so were many men who worked with him, Sir Henry Cotton among ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... also more contented". The meaning of this extraordinarily slipshod rigmarole is that the Englishman has been frightened by the disturbances in Lahore which followed on the final conviction of the Punjabee and is also a little uneasy at the prospect of unwelcome changes in the Legislative Councils. Hence its unusual and unsuccessful attempt to overcome its customary "fatuity" and "madness". For our ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... The Issue 29-July-1907 The bureaucracy as usual has overreached itself in instituting a case under the sedition clause against the editor of the Yugantar . The Punjabee prosecution did untold harm to their prestige and helped to shatter the not overabundant remnants of their moral ascendancy; its work was negative and destructive. But the Yugantar prosecution ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... sedition and the law relating to the offence of causing racial enmity are so admirably vague in their terms that there is nothing which can escape from their capacious embrace. It appears from the Punjabee case that it is a crime under bureaucratic rule to say that Europeans hold Indian life cheaply, although this is a fact which case after case has proved and although British justice has confirmed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... with the mere breath of a people's revolution. To save the situation, they resorted to the usual device of stifling the voice of the people into silence. On a frivolous pretext they struck at the Punjabee . The only result was that the calm resolution of the people received its first tinge of fierce indignation. Then the bureaucracy hurriedly resolved to lop off the tall heads—the policy of the tyrant ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Resistance in the Punjab 23-April-1907 We are glad to find that Passive Resistance is being boldly carried into effect in the Punjab. The recent demonstrations at Lahore which followed the Punjabee conviction have evidently come as a shock upon the white population. So long as the political ferment created by the new spirit was mainly confined to Bengal, Anglo-India comforted itself by saying ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram Personality or Principle? 03-December-1907 Our contemporary, the Punjabee , has in its last issue a balanced and carefully impartial comment on the Congress trouble and the action of the All-India Congress Committee, or rather of Sir Pherozshah Mehta in the exercise of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Prince of Mathura, The, 119 Pringle-Kennedy, Mrs. and Miss, 305, 365 Prothero, G. W., 33, 37 Psychology of Social Development, The, See The Human Cycle Punjabee, The, 234, 246 Pujalal, 579 Purani, A. B., 21, 34, 276, 411, 459, 536ff, 694 Purani, Chhotalal B., 276, 536, 537 Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli, 187, 511 Rehman, ...