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Purochana : was sent by Duryodhana to build a palace of wax for the Pandavas & kill them by setting fire to it in the night. Informed by his spies, Vidura dispatched a team to dig a tunnel & spirit the Pandavas before Purochana set the fire.
... knowledge to the ignorant. The five sons of Pandu, the five noble Pandavas, were staying in a palace which at first sight seemed beautiful and comfortable. But it had been built by an enemy, Purochana, and he had made Page 246 the floors and the walls and the roofs of very inflammable material; he intended to set fire to it one night while the Pandavas were asleep, so as to be rid of... very skilful miner came to the palace. He said secretly to the princes: "One of your friends sends me here to serve you. I am a miner. Tell me how I can help you. I know for sure that your enemy, Purochana himself, will try to burn you all alive in this house." Then the eldest of the Pandavas said to the miner: "Use your skill in mining, good sir, to make us an underground passage so that even... passable by your art." In the floor at the very centre of the palace the miner began to dig. The Pandavas kept planks ready to place over the hole and covered the planks with carpets whenever Purochana came near. So the deceiver was deceived. At last the five princes were informed that the passage was ready. It led from the house to a lovely spot in the forest. One night the princes set fire ...
... single word suranga , an underground tunnel, which European scholars believe to be identical with the Greek σῦριγξ that the account in the Adi Purva of the Pandavas' escape from the burning house of Purochana through an underground tunnel must be later than another account in the Vana Purva which represents Bhema as carrying his brothers & mother out of the flames; for the Page 342 former they ...
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