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5 result/s found for Purushottama consciousness

... Towards Purushottama My Pilgrimage to the Spirit (Undated?) I do not know that there is anything like Purushottama consciousness which the human being can attain or realize for himself; for in the Gita, the Purushottama is the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Being, who is beyond the immutable and the mutable and contains both the One and the Many. Man, says... says the Gita, can attain the Brahmic consciousness, realize himself as an eternal portion of the Purushottama and live in the Purushottama. The Purushottama Consciousness is the the consciousness of the Supreme Being and man by loss of ego and realization of his true essence can live in it. ...

... Purushottama Purushottama of the Gita is the supreme being; the supermind is a power of the Supreme—or proceeding from him, if you like. Supermind is not the Purushottama consciousness, it is a Purushottama consciousness, a certain level and power of being which he can share with his "eternal portions", aṁśāḥ sanātanāḥ ̣, provided they can climb out of the Ignorance. As for embodying it ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... immobile in him at the back of all creation. In regard to the Kshara she is the mobile cosmic Energy manifesting all beings and forces. I do not know that there is anything like a Purushottama consciousness which the human being can attain or realise for himself ,—for, in the Gita, the Purushottama is the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Being who is beyond the Immutable and the Mutable and contains... contains both the One and the Many. Man, says the Gita, can attain the Brahmic consciousness, realise himself as an eternal portion of the Purushottama and live in the Purushottama. The Purushottama consciousness is the consciousness of the Supreme Being and man by loss of ego and realisation of his true essence can live in it. The Gita and the Integral Yoga It is not a fact that the Gita gives ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Towards Supermind My Pilgrimage to the Spirit August 7, 1932 Supermind is not the Purushottama consciousness, it is in a Purushottama consciousness, a certain level and power of being which he can share with his "eternal portions" Anshah Sanatanah, provided they can climb out of the Ignorance. As for embodying, it is certainly difficult, but, not ...

... initial experiences of Purushottama. The jiva then becomes aware that Prakriti in which he is entangled has various strands and mixed strands of unconsciousness and consciousness, and that even in its highest state of consciousness which is marked by Buddhi, it is still largely partial and mixed up with unconsciousness. This entire mixture of unconsciousness and partial consciousness that is to be found... portion, of the Supreme Being, Purushottama, and that this jiva is constituted in Puroshottama's manifestation of multiplicity through Para Prakriti, — mama eva amś ā h san ā tanah 138 par ā prakrtir jīva bh ū t ā 139 The discovery of Purushottama and the analysis of Purushottama that we find in the Gita is central to the yoga of the Gita. Purushottama, according to the Gita, can... movement of the will of the Purushottama; that will is devoid of desire, since the Purushottama has no need to grasp and to acquire what is not yet inwardly realized and mastered. The will of the Purushottama has nothing to gain or acquire, and it makes no difference to him whether He remains without any movement of manifestation. Moreover, the movement of the will of the Purushottama retains always the state ...