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Pushan : in Vedas ‘the increaser’, ‘the nourisher’. In later scriptures he is Surya.
... war-horses, let Pushan conquer for us the plenitude. O Pushan, go after our cows.... Let Pushan hold his right hand over us Page 486 in front; let him drive back to us that which we have lost." So also he brings back the lost Surya. "O shining Pushan, bring to us, as if our lost herd, the God of the varied fullness of flame who upholds our heavens. Pushan finds the shining King who was hidden... increase or growth ( puṣṭi ) is a frequent object of their prayers. Pushan represents this aspect of the Surya-power. He is the "lord and master of plenitudes, lord of our growings, our comrade". Pushan is the enricher of our sacrifice. Vast Pushan shall advance our chariot by his energy; he shall become for the increase of our plenitudes. Pushan is described as himself a stream of the divine riches and a... increase which Pushan gives depends on the recovery of these disappearing illuminations of the Truth. Therefore this god is associated with Indra the Power of divine Mind, his brother, friend, ally in battle, in their forceful recovery. He perfects and accomplishes our host that seeks for the herds so that they conquer and possess. "Let Pushan pursue after our luminous herds, let Pushan guard our war-horses ...
... addressed to the Sun as the Increaser Pushan. 'O Pushan, Lord of the Path, we yoke thee like a chariot for the winning of the plenitude, for the Thought.... O shining Pushan, impel to giving the Pani, even him who giveth not; soften the mind even of the Pani.... Smite the hearts of the Panis with thy goad, O seer; so make them subject to us. Smite them, O Pushan, with thy goad and desire in the heart... again in another hymn (1,124,11): "she yokes her host of the ruddy cows," yunkte gavāṁ aruṇānām ānīkam. The Rigveda employs too the word aja, meaning 'goat', as a chariot-pulling animal. The God Pushan, the Increaser, is given a chariot whose yoke the goats take upon them (1,138,4). At one place, in a flight of vision, we get even birds: a hymn (4,45,4) makes the horses of the chariots of the Aśvins... 480. Op. cit., p. 43. Page 394 the RV which identify Agni with various gods." The sequel itself to the opening phrase exemplifies the multi-identification: Agni is said to be Pushan. And in verse 4 of the hymn, after some earlier verses have made him Indra, Vishnu and Brāhmaṇaspati, we find him hailed: "Agni, thou art King Varuṇa whose laws stand fast; as Mitra, Wonder-Worker ...
... We have the idea also of a voluntary yielding up of their store by the Panis in VI.53, a hymn addressed to the Sun as the Increaser Pushan. "O Pushan, Lord of the Path, we yoke thee like a chariot for the winning of the plenitude, for the Thought.... O shining Pushan, impel to giving the Pani, even him who giveth not; soften the mind even of the Pani. Distinguish the paths that lead to the winning... winning of the plenitude, slay the aggressors, let our thoughts be perfected. Smite the hearts of the Panis with thy goad, O seer; so make them subject to us. Smite them, O Pushan, with thy goad and desire in the heart of the Pani our delight; so make him subject to us.... Thy goad thou bearest that impels the word to rise, O shining seer, with that write thy line on the hearts of all and sever them, (so... Aryans by the surrender and ascent of the imprisoned cows and their own departure from the darkness to a better place ( ā varīyaḥ ). And it is by the strenuous touch of the goad of the luminous seer, Pushan, lord of the Truth, the goad that drives open the closed heart and makes the sacred word to arise from its depths, it is by this luminous-pointed goad which perfects the radiant cows, accomplishes ...
... Maruts, shall break open the pen" (VI.66.8), and elsewhere we hear of the cows of the Maruts (I.38.2). Pushan, the Increaser, a form of the sun-god is also invoked for the pursuit and recovery of the stolen cattle, (VI.54); "Let Pushan follow after our kine, let him protect our war-steeds.... Pushan, go thou after the kine.... Let him drive back to us that which was lost." Even Saraswati becomes a slayer... inspiration;—by the Wine, and Soma is the god of the Wine and the Ashwins its seekers, finders, givers, drinkers. The herds are the herds of Light and the Light comes by the Dawn and by the Sun of whom Pushan is a form. Finally, Indra is the head of all these gods, lord of the light, king of the luminous heaven called Swar,—he is, we say, the luminous or divine Mind; into him all the gods enter and take... passages in which there is a more scattered collocation of these symbols. First, we find that in this image of the cavern-pen in the hill, as elsewhere, the Cow and Horse go together. We have seen Pushan called upon to seek for the cows and protect the horses. The two forms of the Aryan's wealth always at the mercy of marauders? But let us see. "So in thy ecstasy of the Soma thou didst break open, ...
... May they work out for us peace, immortals for us who are mortals, repelling inimical powers. (4) May Indra and the Maruts discern for us paths for our easy progress and Pushan and Bhaga, gods desirable. (5) Yea and ye, O Pushan, Vishnu and thou who movest in all motions, make for us our thoughts such as are led by the rays of illumination and full of happiness. (6) Sweetness in the winds of life... Vasus, carry us beyond out of all evil like a chariot out of a difficult place. (4) I make richer here with my plenty the master of plenty who gives his self-expression to man. Our desire goes to Pushan the Increaser with his happinesses in whom the heroes have their dwelling place. O bountiful Vasus, carry us beyond out of all the evil like Page 245 a chariot out of a difficult place ...
... 9. Ibid. 10. Op. cit., p. 5. 11. Hymns to the Mystic Fire, SABCL Vol. 11, p. 14. 12. Ibid. Page 200 O Pushan, that remove for the vision of the law of the Truth. O Pushan (Fosterer), Seer, O Yama, O Sun, O Child of the Father of beings, marshal and gather together thy rays; I see the Light which is that fairest (most auspicious)... seer of the Upanishad translates into his own later style, keeping the central symbol of the Sun but without any secrecy in sense, a mystic thought or experience in a passage of the Rig-veda. "Pushan", "Kavi", "Yama", "Prajapati" are also Rig-vedic names though not present in that passage itself. The earlier formulation (V.62.1) runs: "There is a Truth covered by a Truth, where they unyoke ...
... formation that hides the face of the Truth. The Isa Upanishad addresses Pushan, who represents in the Veda, the power of enlarging vision of the Sun. Pushan is fosterer or increaser. His work is to effect enlargement of the divided self-perception and action and will into the integral will and knowledge. When the work of Pushan is effected, the vision of Surya, the true supramental and integral knowledge ...
... great pens this god won full of the kine.' Sometimes the Maruts also are associated in this action. Pushan also (the Increaser, a form of the Sun-god) is invoked for the pursuit and recovery of the stolen cattle. 'Let Pushan follow after our kine, let him protect our war-steeds.... Pushan, go thou after the kine. . . . Let him drive back to us that which was lost.' (VI. And in the ...
... sacrifice; giving praise with steady limbs, with motionless bodies, may we enter into that life which is founded in the Gods. Ordain weal unto us Indra of high-heaped glories; ordain weal unto us Pushan, the all-knowing Sun; ordain weal unto us Tarkshya Arishtanemi; Brihaspati ordain weal unto us. OM. Peace! peace! peace! Then the Chapter of the First Question. ॐ नमः परमात्मने । हरिः ॐ ॥... sacrifice; giving praise with steady limbs, with motionless bodies, may we enter into that life which is founded in the Gods. Ordain weal unto us Indra of high-heaped glories; ordain weal unto us Pushan, the all-knowing Sun; ordain weal unto us Tarkshya Arishtanemi; Brihaspati ordain weal unto us. OM. Peace! peace! peace! Page 192 ...
... sacrifice; giving praise with steady limbs, with motionless bodies, may we enter into that life which is founded in the Gods. Ordain weal unto us Indra of high-heaped glories; ordain weal unto us Pushan, the all-knowing Sun; ordain weal unto us Tarkshya Arishtanemi; Brihaspati ordain weal unto us. OM. Peace! peace! peace! ओमित्येतदक्षरमिदं सर्वं तस्योपव्याख्यानं भूतं भवद् भविष्यदिति सर्वमोंकार... sacrifice; giving praise with steady limbs, with motionless bodies, may we enter into that life which is founded in the Gods. Ordain weal unto us Indra of high-heaped glories; ordain weal unto us Pushan, the all-knowing Sun; ordain weal unto us Tarkshya Arishtanemi; Brihaspati ordain weal unto us. OM. Peace! peace! peace! Page 196 ...
... psychological sense of the Vedic symbol. Page 286 But who, then, is Surya, the Sun, from whom these rays proceed? He is the Master of Truth, Surya the Illuminator, Savitri the Creator, Pushan the Increaser. His rays in their own nature are supramental activities of revelation, inspiration, in tuition, luminous discernment, and they constitute the action of that transcendent principle which... the divine existence becomes eventually the sole Lord of all creation in ourselves; and by his constant visitations or by his continual progressions the Creator becomes the Increaser, Savitri becomes Pushan. He aggrandises us by a constantly progressive creation until he has illumined the whole world of our becoming. We grow into the complete, the universal, the infinite. So has Shyavashwa, of the sons ...
... a few other Hymns also appeared in translation, with an explanatory Introduction on 'The Doctrine of the Mystics' and several important notes on the 'Guardians of the Light': Surya, Usha the Dawn, Pushan, Savitri, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga. Long after the Arya had ceased publication, Sri Aurobindo published in 1946 Hymns to the Mystic Fire, a new or revised translation of the Hymns to Agni... whom language of so mystic a fervour is addressed, to whom functions so vast and profound are ascribed?" 25 In one Hymn (II.i), Agni is addressed as Indra, Vishnu, Brahma, Rudra, Varuna, Twashtri, Pushan, Savitri, Bhaga, Ribhu, Aditi, Bharati, Ila and Saraswati! In another, again, there is this multiple-identification: Thou art Varuna, O Fire, when thou art born, thou becomest Mitra when thou ...
... Sy. परितो गंत्रे. I take it = capacious, Rt जम्. Page 655 7) कथा महे पुष्टिंभराय पूष्णे कद्रुद्राय सुमखाय हविर्दे । कद्विष्णव उरुगायाय रेतो ब्रवः कदग्ने शरवे बृहत्यै ॥ How to Pushan great, bringing increase or what to Rudra the good sacrificer, the giver of the oblation? what offence to Vishnu wide-striding hast thou told? what to Sri of the Vastness (or Sri who is mighty)? ...
... luminous realms of ideal truth from man,—interposing the hiranmayam patram of the Isha Upanishad, the golden cover or lid, by which the face of truth is concealed, satyasyapihitam mukham. “Tat twam Pushan apavrinu”, cries the Vedantic sage, using the same word apavri, but he calls to Surya, not to Indra, because he seeks the possession of the Vedanta, the sight of the rupam kalyanatamam which belongs ...
... an insistent unifying tendency which is also continually falsified in the separate result, but yet leads persistently towards our eventual integrality in knowledge, in being and in will. Surya is Pushan, fosterer or increaser. His work must be to effect this enlargement of the divided self-perception and action of will into the integral will and knowledge. He is sole seer and replacing other forms ...
... but without any secrecy in the sense. Thus runs the passage in the Upanishad, "The face of the Truth is covered with a golden lid.OPushan, that remove for the vision of the law of the Truth. 6 O Pushan (fosterer), sole seer, O Yama, O Sun, O Child of the Father of beings, marshal and gather together thy rays; I see the Light which is that fairest (most auspicious) form of thee; he who is this Purusha ...
... understanding become articulate; arrive, O Agni, with the gods. इन्द्रवायू बृहस्पतिं मित्राग्निं पूषणं भगम् । आदित्यान् मारुतं गणम् ॥३॥ 3) On Indra and Vayu, Brihaspati, on Mitra and Agni, Pushan, Bhaga, the Adityas and the Marut host. प्र वो भ्रियन्त इन्दवो मत्सरा मादयिष्णवः । द्रप्सा मध्वश्चमूषदः ॥४॥ 4) For you the nectar streams are filled in, rapturous and maddening, dripping ...
... of the action of Surya. Higher states of consciousness visit our lower members more and more frequently, and this increasing frequency of Savitri is termed in the Veda as the action of Savitri, the Pushan, the Increaser. As Shyavashwa testifies by Page 44 his personal experience and realization: "Thou becomest the Increaser, O God, by the goings; and thou illuminest entirely all this world ...
... else, as in the Isha Upanishad, we turn to the Sun and effect the same realisation: Page 33 "The face of Truth is covered with a brilliant golden lid; 52 that do thou remove, O Fosterer (Pushan), for the law of the Truth, for sight. O Fosterer, O sole Seer, O Ordainer, O illumining Sun, O power of the Father of creatures, marshal thy rays, draw together thy light; the Lustre which is thy ...
... from a relatively lower level of consciousness may blot out from before the seer's vision a far greater truth of the reality. Did not the Rishi of the Isha Upanishad send up his passionate appeal to Pushan, the Godhead, to remove the veil of dazzlingly golden light which was covering the face of the Truth? - Hiranmayena pātrena satyasyāpihitarh mukham. (Isha Upanishad, 15) Here are some representative ...
... May days be Peace to us, may the nights be Peace and upbear us; may Indra and Agni with their protection be Peace to us, may Indra and Varuna pour their oblations and give Peace to us, may Indra and Pushan who conquer the plenitudes be Peace to us, may Indra and Soma be Peace to us for our perfect journey. May Peace and Power be there for us. ( 11 ) May the Goddesses, the waters, bring to us the Peace ...
... being. आस्क्राः ? S. তোমাকর্ত্তৃক অপরিতেক্ত হেইয়া Hymn 44 (1) Dadhikra first of you (or for you) I call, the Aswins, Dawn & Agni kindled high & Bhaga for my increase; Indra & Vishnu & Pushan, Brahmanaspati & the sons of Aditi, Earth & Heaven & the waters & Swar. अपः waters or the Antariksha? (2) Let us awaken by adoration Dadhikra & impel him upward; let us approach the sacrifice ...
... What, O Fire, to Rudra the slayer of men? कथा महे पुष्टिंभराय पूष्णे कद् रुद्राय सुमखाय हविर्दे । कद् विष्णव उरुगायाय रेतो ब्रवः कदग्ने शरवे बृहत्यै ॥७॥ 7) How wilt thou speak of us to Pushan, the mighty bringer of increase, what to Rudra great in sacrifice, giver of the offering? What seed of things to wide-striding Vishnu, or what, O Fire, to vast doom? कथा शर्धाय मरुतामृताय कथा ...
... one of the great Heaven and thou art the army of the Life-Gods and hast power over all that fills desire. Thou journeyest with dawn-red winds to bear thee and thine is the house of bliss; thou art Pushan and thou guardest with thyself thy worshippers. त्वमग्ने द्रविणोदा अरंकृते त्वं देवः सविता रत्नघा असि । त्वं भगो नृपते वस्व ईशिषे त्वं पायुर्दमे यस्तेऽविधत् ॥७॥ 7) O Fire, to one who makes ...
... as Vishnu with Agni prominent & in Agni Vayu, in Agni-Vayu Aryaman & Bhaga, Indra concealed in Agni Vayu, Mitra & Varuna behind Aryaman-Bhaga. Vishnu & Brihaspati are one. Surya is Vishnu working as Pushan & Yama. Rudra is a bhava of Vishnu. The Maruts are the host of Agni Rudra. Lipi 1) Fierce tapas 2) disability in the telepathy is not of thought, but of the delight of others (not of the ...
... Veda is an elaborate methodised effort in which various human powers can be intertwined, purified and developed, and they are symbolised under specific and discernible symbols of Agni, Indra, Usha, Pushan, Surya, Savitri, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Soma, Brihaspati, and many others in a systematic manner. And in the hymns relating to the Rihbus, we have a summary of the entire process of perfection ...
... Veda is an elaborate methodised effort in which various human powers can be intertwined, purified and developed, and they are symbolised under specific and discernible symbols of Agni, Indra, Usha, Pushan, Surya, Savitri, Varuna, Mxtra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Soma, Brihaspati, and many others in a systematic manner. And in the hymns relating to the Rihbus, we have a summary of the entire process of perfection ...
... the days be Peace to us, may the nights be Peace and upbear us; may Indra and Agni with their protection be Peace to us, may Indra and Varuna pour their oblations and give Peace to us, may Indra and Pushan who conquer the plenitudes be Peace to us, may Indra and Soma be Peace to us for our perfect journey. May Peace and Power be there for us. (12) May the Goddesses, the Waters, bring to us ...
... the Surya Savitri and the Bhaga Savitri, who are themselves aspects of Surya, the Sun; for the Sun is, not only Truth, but also Light; he is the creator (Surya Savitri), the fosterer or increaser (Pushan), and the enjoyer (Bhaga Savitri). Like reflections of light on a sheet of trembling water, meanings merge and separate and mingle again in some of these ancient Riks: And thou art powerful ...
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