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Rachel : King Herod, in whose reign Jesus was born, had many children killed hoping to kill Jesus among them. The Bible says that this was the fulfilment of an old prophecy: Rachel weeping for her children, / & would not be comforted, / Because they are not. (Mathew: 2.18, in King James’ Bible)
... sun, I tell my mother: “May the kingdom of Truth and Harmony be established upon Earth.” She answers: “It has always been here, but we don’t notice it at once.” * (Letter to Rachel, a friend from Paris) Rachel, I like the tone of your letter. Please forgive me for answering so late, I am overworked. I don’t know how to handle this immense problem — in fact, the problem of the world... Mother tells me: write to her. With my deep respect and my gratefulness, Satprem April 15-16, 1976 Vision of Indira, who takes me in her arms! April 26, 1976 (To a friend in Paris) Rachel, I remember our meeting very well. Your affectionate message is right. Mother’s and Sri Aurobindo’s Work is not affected one iota by an Ashram or even by the millions of resistances of the world... heads? March 9, 1978 Delhi (C.P.N.) accepts the project of the new place. * (Letter to our friends in Paris) The letters dated March 4th, from you, Micheline, Carmen, Miel, Pierre, Rachel, the young student from Nantes and this girl from Cernier, all that flows like honey with all the Page 359 sweetness of Mother, it warms the depths of our hearts — at last, there is a ...
... confined to such texts. For instance, in the Genesis story of Jacob, Laban and Laban's two daughters Leah and Rachel, Laban deceives Jacob by sending to him at night not Rachel whom he loves and who has been promised to him but Leah. When Joseph protests, saying: "...did I not serve with thee for Rachel? Wherefore then hast thou beguiled me?" Laban answers: "It must not be so done in our country, to give ...
... looked after them well. Even today, Etienne and his sisters have kept a vivid and deep impression of their grandmother as an exceptional woman.* * It is through the dilligence of our friend Rachel Neuville that the information on Matteo's family was obtained. Page 38 The first eighteen years of Matteo's life were inextricably linked with his sister Mirra's. "A fright-fully... seen or lived in in this life, not England, but France." The day: Thursday. The time: morning, quarter past ten. The place: 41 Boulevard Haussmann, Paris. Thus the birth of Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa was registered at the 9 th arrondissement of Paris. And began a sadhana* which will never see an end. "I began my sadhana from my birth, without knowing I was doing it ...
... "You must go at once," she reiterated, "For my sake, do not be found in this house. Others besides Rachel may have heard the shot." But he took her by the wrists, drew her away from the fireplace and set her in a chair. "We lose time, Monsieur," said Rachel, again. "It is better to lose time, Rachel," he said, "we will give ten minutes to Fate." And the serving-woman nodded and proceeding to the... past six. "I will go to Imogen's," he said, very deliberately. She looked at him, looked at the clock, then cried impulsively, leaning towards him: "And you will come at eight and dine with me! Rachel shall lay the covers for two," then drew back, as if repenting her invitation. Eight! Yes, he would dine with her—after he had done his work. That seemed to be the arrangement,—not hers, but ... happen before the hour struck. That was the moment destined, and no one could outrun Fate by a second. The man went on: "Don't say it till the clock strikes! There's time till then. When I shoot you, Rachel will run up and I will shoot her. I left the door open so that she might hear the sound. Who else in England knows that I exist? I shall go out—oh, when you are both dead, not before. There's a fog ...
... reincarnation of Buddha tomorrow, of Krishna the day after and of Sri Aurobindo in a few days hence? The abyss of human silliness is unfathomable, as Sri Aurobindo said more than once. Well.... Rachel is right. It is always the same old story everywhere: they use Mother's name, Sri Aurobindo's name, Auroville's name or the Agenda's name in order to run their own little business. They are all ...
... Chandra Pal 6.Aug-15.Oct.1906 Bande Mataram By the Way 04-September-1906 The wailings of the Englishman for Sir Bampfylde Fuller do not cease. The Rachel of Hare Street mourns for the darling of her heart and will not be comforted. We wish our contemporary would realise that the rest of the world are heartily sick of this daily ululation. Deeply as ...
... reprove, That even God's stern will unbends to Her. She spoke to Lucia: 'Go forth and remove His sorrow, thou who art grief's minister.' So Lucia, winging there where I abode With Rachel of past ages, bade me stir: 'O blessed Beatrice, true praise of God! Why lingerest thou when he, who for thy sake Has thrown away all treasures men applaud. Page 502 ...
... child — her first, a son, had died from a vaccination when he was six months old — was born in Paris on the 21st of February 1878, at 41 Boulevard Haussmann. It was a girl, and she was named Blanche Rachel Mirra. Everybody called her Mirra. Only in 1890, twelve years after Mirra’s birth, was Maurice Alfassa to become a naturalized Frenchman. Mirra, age 11 Mathilde wanted, just like Dr K.D. Ghose ...
... convictions, from some of the crankiest to many that would help shape history. Such was the metropolis where she, who would become known as ‘the Mother,’ was born on 21 February 1878 as Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa. 91 The propitious event took place in the parental house at 41, Boulevard Haussmann, named after Georges, baron Haussmann, who had recently given Paris its now world-famous new look ...
... caused all the Greeks who were fighting against Troy. In keeping with this perspective. Homer’s style is dramatic rather than narrative. As a poet and as a singer what he sings is "tragic joy” or, as Rachel Bespaloff says "what he exalts and sanctifies is not the triumph of victorious force but Man's energy in misfortune, the dead warrior's beauty, the glory of the sacrificed hero...” When the ...
... and Racine – if it is read as poetry should be, it would sound totally dry and monotonous, but if despite pause and rhyme, it is read like prose, it would reveal its beauty. Because the noted actress Rachel discovered this, she has become renowned in the world of French drama. The intention of the moderns is somewhat like this. Take, for example, Eliot; but Eliot may be considered afterwards. Let us first ...
... brother. He became a distinguished diplomat of France. Died in 1942. 1877 The Alfassas emigrate to France. Maurice prospers as a banker in the Banque Ottoman. 1878 Feb 21 Birth of Blanche Rachel Mirra Alfassa (the Mother) at 10:15 a.m. at 41, boulevard Haussmann, Paris. Sri Aurobindo: 'The Mother's consciousness and mine are the same, the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is ...
... Mother's Chronicles - Book One MIRRA'S BIRTH CERTIFICATE (translation) This Sunday 24 February 1878 at 10 a.m., birth certificate of BLANCHE RACHEL MlRRA, of female sex, surname as under, born the 21 st of this month at 10:15 a.m., at the home of her father and mother, 41 Boulevard Haussmann, daughter of: Maurice ALFASSA, banker, aged thirty-five ...
... 21 Om That Mirra had "the BEING capable of gaining this knowledge" within her is without a shadow of doubt. Matteo's son Etienne Alfassa told the following story to our friend Rachel Neuville, from whom we heard it. In the beginning, Mirra used to pull along her brother to those 'spiritist' reunions. One day, as they went in, they were told that there was a young man who was a ...
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