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Raghuvamsha : an epic poem in Sanskrit by Kālidāsa, containing nineteen cantos & based on the history of kings of the Ikshvākū family in general.
... these cases you can say that one is unwilling. Then there was some talk about Kalidasa's Raghuvamsha and Kumarasambhava. It seems that X found Raghuvamsha full of problems, questions of morality and immorality. SRI AUROBINDO (to Purani): Have you been struck by a great number of problems in Raghuvamsha? Kalidasa being concerned with morality and immorality? PURANI (laughing): I thought Kalidasa... beauty of the feeling, if an idea, with the beauty of the idea. PURANI: Some people—Bankim was one, I think—are trying to make out that Kumarasambhava is earlier than Raghuvamsha. SRI AUROBINDO: I don't think so. Raghuvamsha is brilliant while Kumarasambhava is more mature, has more power and energy. ...
... wife, respectively asti, kashchit, and vaag, and written three poems, each one starting with one of these words. From asti came Kumarasambhava. From kashchit, Meghaduta and from vaag, Raghuvamsha. We can find stories about Kalidasa in the tradition of Sri Lanka also. A Ceylonese work Parakramabahucharita which is five hundred years-old speak of Kalidasa's friendship with Kumaradasa,... are attributed to Kalidasa. Out of them, three are plays: Malavikagnimitra, Vikramorvashiya, Abhijnanashakuntalam, and four are poems, Ritusamhara (a descriptive poem), Meghaduta (a khandakavya) Raghuvamsha, and Kumarasambhava (two mahakavya or epic poems). There is no external evidence to ascertain the chronology of Kalidasa's works. However, judged on the base of internal evidence, a few remarks... assign their development; physical Yoga processes existed almost from the first, and the material development portrayed in the Ramayana and Mahabharata is hardly less splendid than that of which the Raghuvamsha is so brilliant a picture. Page 39 But whereas before, these were subordinated to more lofty ideals, now they prevailed and became supreme, occupying the best energies of the race ...
... assign their development; physical Yoga processes existed almost from the first, and the material development portrayed in the Ramayana and Mahabharata is hardly less splendid than that of which the Raghuvamsha is so brilliant a picture. But whereas, before, these were subordinated to more lofty ideals, now they prevailed and became supreme, occupying the best energies of the race and stamping themselves ...
... the world-pageant through a rich packed poetry could very well be true of ancient epics like Valmiki's Ramayana and Vyasa's Mahabharataor mediaeval ones like Kalidasa's Kumarasambhava and Raghuvamsha. The last phrase about man's word being upraised to neighbour a divine utterance, rather than itself becoming such, is a pointer to the secular character of the poems concerned. This character ...
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