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... Union. The Cripps Mission thus ended in failure. Page 102 Rajaji and the Cripps Proposal In 1942, at the time of the Cripps mission from the British Parliament to India, Rajagopalachari was among the minority of top Congress leaders who favoured acceptance of the offer made by Cripps in an effort to end the political deadlock. Efforts were being made by some leaders while Cripps... consultation for the purpose of arriving at an agreement and securing the installation of a National Government to meet the present emergency. The Congress party did not take this favourably, and Rajagopalachari had no option but to obey his conscience and resign. The following is a letter from Rajaji dated 30 April 1942, to the Congress President Maulana Azad: Dear Maulana Saheb, ... and affection bestowed on me by you and the other colleagues during all these many years that I have served in the committee. Yours sincerely, C. Rajagopalachari Sri Aurobindo and the Cripps Proposal Let us now take a look at the position taken by Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo took a totally different position from ...
... solution and settle the Dominion Status. Once you get that, it is practically independence, even if that independence is precarious nowadays. It would be the next practical step. NIRODBARAN: Rajagopalachari, I think, would accept it. PURANI: Yes. SRI AUROBINDO: It is only Nehru who would object. He lives in his ideas. PURANI: He may say, for example: "What interest has Japan in Indo-China... "Come to terms with the Muslims anyhow." NIRODBARAN: He may do quite the opposite the next day. SATYENDRA: Yes, as the conditions change. SRI AUROBINDO: That is supramental. PURANI: Rajagopalachari will be willing to accept Dominion Status, I think. SRI AUROBINDO: He is a practical man. Now they are neither doing civil disobedience nor going to the Ministry. Gandhi knows only his Charkha... he says again that twelve divisions were equipped and that was what France was led to expect. There may be nine divisions fighting in France and these three, making twelve in all. PURANI: Rajagopalachari is speaking of non-cooperation in France. He says the occupied countries may offer non-cooperation to Hitler. NIRODBARAN: He can be sent to preach and practise it. SRI AUROBINDO: He won't ...
... Council. The Viceroy ought to have seen Rajagopalachari too. Perhaps he was not in Madras during the Viceroy's stay. SATYENDRA: Yes, Rajagopalachari is the leader now. SRI AUROBINDO: No, Gandhi is the leader. But he doesn't want to lead and the others refuse to follow him. (Laughter) PURANI: Perhaps there may be a conference of Premiers in which Rajagopalachari will be present. Now only Punjab ...
... not heed his advice and we are now paying the price for this short-sightedness. Rajaji thus stands out as an exceptional leader of his time for his deeper political vision. Chakravarti Rajagopalachari was born in a village in Madras Presidency in December 1878 and graduated from the Central Hindu College of Bangalore. He then took a law degree from the Madras Law College. He joined... selfless character, and penetrating powers of analysis have been a tremendous asset to our cause.' In 1937, when the Congress won the provincial elections in several Indian provinces, Rajagopalachari became chief minister of Madras. He was considered one of the best chief ministers and he introduced many revolutionary and radically progressive steps. Some examples may be cited. He ordered the ...
... remained for the following 2 years except for brief visits to Ettayapuram, Karaikudi and other places; in March 1919, during a visit to Madras, he met Gandhiji at the residence of Chakravarti Rajagopalachari - a memorable meeting indeed! December 1920 found Bharati in Madras again, this time Page 79 installed as assistant editor of Swadesamitran, a post he had held 15... the Tamils in recent times by his writings. There can be no limit to reading Bharati's poems. The more they are read, the more do they bestow sweetness and benefit.' Bharat Ratna C. Rajagopalachari 'Poet Bharati has fulfilled the true mission of a poet. He has created Beauty not only through the medium of glowing and lovely words, but has kindled the souls of men and women by the ...
... political) contacts with France. The Indian Government wouldn't agree to this at the time, but after Sri Aurobindo's passing, when the unhappy stalemate continued, Surendra Mohan Ghose was asked by C. Rajagopalachari, then Chief Minister of Madras, to meet the Mother and request her to use her good influence to bring about a settlement. According to Surendra Mohan's testimony: This time I had to tell... her here [the Ashram]. Then she asked me, "Between certain dates - when will you be able to come to Pondicherry? Somebody will come from France; he wants to have a talk with you." Then I told Rajagopalachari that I wanted for some delicate matter a responsible man for consultation and I asked him to tell me when he would be available and fix up a date and note it in his diary too; so that I could come ...
... build except on a perfect foundation. 15 Das and Motilal went ahead, however, and unmindful of the rebuff at the Gaya Congress (December 1922) where the "no-changers" led by Rajaji (C. Rajagopalachari) had their way, the "rebels" organised the Swarajya Party with a policy and a programme that were a via media between Tilakite "responsible cooperation" and Gandhian non-cooperation. On 5 June... Kilafat, non-violence, non-cooperation, Swarajist stances - cropped up rather frequently during this period, though there was no dearth of other topics either. Once when somebody remarked, "C. Rajagopalachari says one yard of Khaddar means one step towards Swaraj", the answer came readily, "It will be a very long way in that case". 19 Again, on another occasion when someone made the assertion "Khadi ...
... members of the Congress Working Committee: Mahatma Gandhi, Maulana Azad, C. Rajagopalachari and others. He gave Duraiswami this letter authorising him to speak on his behalf. [3 and 4] On 2 April, Sri Aurobindo telegraphed Dr. B. S. Moonje, a former nationalist colleague, now head of the Hindu Mahasabha, and C. Rajagopalachari, the Congress leader of Madras. [5 and 6] On 9 April and again on a later ...
... for which Indian Nationalism has so long struggled." Sri Aurobindo in addition sent a personal messenger to the Congress to urge them to accept Cripps' proposal; he also sent a telegram to C. Rajagopalachari, in which he said : " .. . Appeal to you to save India. Formidable danger new foreign domination when old on way to self-elimination." (Japan was then threatening to invade Burma and India;... two forces, the Divine and the Asuric. What we have to see is on which side men and nations put themselves; if they put themselves on _______________ messenger. Although Nehru and Rajagopalachari favoured acceptance of Cripps' offer, Gandhi found it unacceptable "because of his opposition to war." Maulana Azad, President of the Congress, also opposed it, and the Congress finally turned ...
... his bed just before his daily walking exercise. All of us were present; Duraiswami, the distinguished Madras lawyer and disciple, was selected as the envoy, perhaps because he was a friend of Rajagopalachari.... He was to start for Delhi that very night. He came for Sri Aurobindo's blessings, lay prostrate before him, got up and stood looking at the Master with folded hands and then departed. We may... Desai, on September 29,1942 to the Bombay Daily, The Times of India. It is entitled "Complex of Dependency" and runs: "It is amusing to find such Congress and liberal stalwarts as Mr. Rajagopalachari and Sir Chimanlal Setalvad openly advocating almost unconditional acceptance of the Cripps Page 148 Proposals and denouncing the Congress leaders for rejecting them. "But what ...
... negotiating with Hitler about terms on which they can return to Belgium. SRI AUROBINDO: The general is out then! After his walk Sri Aurobindo took up the discussion again. SRI AUROBINDO: Rajagopalachari is getting uneasy. He says that India is like a pet cat kept in the jungle by the British. (Laughter) SATYENDRA: He wants to support the war effort. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, he wants to go to... AUROBINDO: Because he is from the West? Perhaps. SATYENDRA: Dr. Kher has given a lecture in favour of a war committee and asked everybody to sink all differences now. He has tried to imitate Rajagopalachari by using metaphors and examples. He says that India and England are two goats; the Indian goat must allow the English one to pass over her. SRI AUROBINDO: Rajagopalachari's examples are more ...
... his bed just before his daily walking exercise. All of us were present; Duraiswamy, the distinguished Madras lawyer and disciple, was selected as the envoy, perhaps because he was a friend of Rajagopalachari, one of the prominent Congress leaders. He was to start for Delhi that very night. He came for Sri Aurobindo's blessings, lay prostrate before him, got up and stood looking at the Master with folded... Similarly, Duraiswamy went with India's soul in his "frail" hands and brought it back, downhearted, rewarded with ungracious remarks for the gratuitous advice. Sri Aurobindo even sent a telegram to Rajagopalachari and Dr. Munje urging them to accept the Proposals. Dr. Indra Sen writes, "We met the members individually and the sense of the reactions were more or less to this effect: Sri Aurobindo has created ...
... also sent a telegram to C. Rajagopalachari, in which he said: "... Appeal to you to save India. Formidable danger, new foreign domination when old on way to self-elimination." Sri Aurobindo's advice was ignored: "He has retired from political life, why does he interfere?" said Gandhi to Duraiswamy Iyer, Sri Aurobindo's messenger. Although Nehru and Rajagopalachari favoured acceptance of Cripps' ...
... all are referred to in the Message, and nothing could have been more explicit than the sense of urgency he had imported into his words. Going further, he conveyed personal messages to both C. Rajagopalachari and B.S. Moonje, and sent S. Doraiswamy Aiyar as a personal emissary to the Congress Working Committee that was to meet at Delhi. India had more to fear from Japanese imperialism than from the... [disinterested work]." 33 To make matters worse, the Congress launched the 'Quit India' movement in August 1942, which further confused the main issue. Of the senior Congress leaders, only Rajagopalachari stood apart, and in fact pleaded that the Allies should be supported because theirs was the more righteous cause, and also the winning side; and India's good too was inextricably bound with ...
... 184, 236 , 238, 254 see also Shakti, strength pralaya, 74 press, 80, 174 propaganda, 196 psychoanalyst is, 197-198,218 psychology, 198 Puranas , 69 , 96, loolln), IOS, 110 R Rajagopalachari, Chakravarti, 166, 237-238(fn) Rama, 238 Ramakrishna, 76 , 102 Ramakrishna Mission, 112 Ramayana, 98(fn) Ramdas. 46 Ramprasad, 146 Rao, S. R. , 101(fn) rationalism , 55 , 85, 140 ...
... chance of the Cripps-offer; if it did so, the consequences might be disastrous. He sent Doraiswamy, a prominent Madras lawyer who was a devotee, to Delhi with a message for M.K. Gandhi, Nehru, Rajagopalachari and the other members of the Congress leadership. ‘The scene is still fresh in our memory,’ remembers Nirodbaran, it was the evening hour. Sri Aurobindo was sitting on the edge of his bed just ...
... of India's leaders, and even sent a personal messenger to Gandhi and the Indian Congress to convince them to accept this unhoped for proposal without delay. One of Sri Aurobindo's telegrams to Rajagopalachari (the future President of India) spoke of the grave danger, which no one seemed to see, of rejecting Cripps' proposal: "... Some immediate solution urgent face grave peril. Appeal to you to save ...
... (Sept. 19, 1895 - Jan. 31,1969) Amrita's original name was Aravamudhachari Iyengar. Born in to a respected Brahmin family of village munsiff Rajagopalachari of Kazhipervembakanm, a village 15Km North west of Pondicherry, Amrita came across the name of Sri Aurobindo, as a boy; the four names much talked about in his village were those ...
... Centenary Library, vol. 13. Pondicherry, 1971. Lai, P. The Mahabharata of Vyasa. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1980. Mukherjee, Radha Kumud. Ancient Indian Education. London: Macmillan, 1951. Rajagopalachari, C. Mahabharata. New Delhi; The Hindustan Times, 1950. Roy, Biren. The Mahabharata. The Indian Airman [Calcutta] 1958. 1. According to pragmatism, tile truth of a proposition cannot be ...
... and persuade the Congress leaders to accept the Cripps offer. S. Duraiswamy, a distinguished Madras lawyer and a disciple, was selected for this mission, perhaps because he was a friend of C. Rajagopalachari, one of the few senior leaders in the Congress who lent support to the Cripps proposals. However, it was all in vain: the offer was rejected by the Congress. When the rejection was announced, Sri ...
... ? "All drunken shadows of thought fade and pass..." "Drunken shadows"!! If even shadows become bibulous and stagger, what will become of the Congress and its prohibition laws? Besides Rajagopalachari is sure to pass a law soon forbidding the publication of any book with the words "wine" and "drunken" in it. You may damn as many lines as you like and find as many rabid utterances as you ...
... so, 'You see, before independence, it was the Britishers who were viceroys, governors or generals. As their 'food-taster' I used to eat a variety of wonderful dishes. After independence Rajagopalachari became the first governor-general. As his food-taster, I had no desire to try tamarind-water everyday. So I quit my job!' Page 17 A gentleman came to see Dada and began lamenting: ...
... Liberals and probably Savarkar and Ambedkar. PURANI: The Working Committee is giving counter-proposals, it appears. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, many are in favour of the National Government. So Rajagopalachari prevails. PURANI: If the Executive Council with its defence powers were handed over to the Indians? SRI AUROBINDO: The Viceroy is not likely to agree. The British won't like to abdicate, ...
... veto in the provinces, then it is practically Home Rule. PURANI: The Viceroy's long stay at Bombay seems significant. I think there is something behind it. He perhaps wants to make Dr. Kher or Rajagopalachari head of the Central Assembly in a Federation. SRI AUROBINDO: Is that so? Dr. Kher seems to be a very able man. He appears to have escaped the Socialist trap. PURANI: Vallabhbhai Patel is ...
... is in Rumania. Rumania's Government does not allow him to go to England. It is just as well, because he would clash with the Polish Government there and make a lot of mistakes. NIRODBARAN: Rajagopalachari says the English are a desirable lot. SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): Yes, he has seen what others are like. NIRODBARAN: And he says England gives way to public pressure. SRI AUROBINDO: That ...
... 536, 537 Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli, 187, 511 Rehman, Mujibur, 282fn, 713 Rai, Lajpat, 201, 227, 234, 235, 237, 262, 264, 267, 270ff, 324, 406fn, 528, 529, 534,727 Rajagopalachari, C., 231, 531, 533,706,707 Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, 16,19, 25, 48, 60, 188, 192, 193, 195, 197, 211, 278, 557-58 Ramalinga Swami, 60 Ramamurti's ("the modern Bhima Sen") ...
... Allies, and later, during the Cripps Mission, he advised acceptance of the British offer. The purblind Congress leaders— M.K. Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, A.K. Azad and the rest, though not Rajaji (C. Rajagopalachari)—rejected his advice, with the consequences (one of them being the Partition) that we all deplore. Although he did not encourage casual visitors, who generally had only a sightseer's ...
... The leaders were obviously confused, and the mass of the people even more so; and things came to a point of no return when, in August 1942, spurning the seasoned appeals of statesmen like Rajagopalachari, the Congress under Gandhiji launched the Quit India movement. Repression followed, there was some sporadic sabotage and underground action, but happily that didn't bring about a breakdown in ...
... executed.... 24 At the time of the non-cooperation movement launched by Gandhiji to redress the "Punjab-Kilafat" wrongs, it was often pointed out that the movement was "illegal"; and C. Rajagopalachari then argued that the movement was quite "legal" because the non-cooperators did not shirk the consequences of their action! The attack and the defence were both anticipated by Sri Aurobindo ...
... him. All the same I wish you had met him. Such a delightful man! Pleasant and humorous. He was born on 19 September 1895 in a high caste Brahmin family His name was Arumuda Iyengar. His father, Rajagopalachari Iyengar was the munsiffs of Kazhipervenbakam where Amrita was born (hence the K. before his name). The village was not far from Pondicherry. Amrita's uncle was living in Pondicherry. At the age ...
... K AMRITA, Manager, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, passed away on . Friday the 31st January at 8.40 p.m. He was born on 19th September 1895. His original name was Aravamuda lyengar. His father, Rajagopalachari, was a respected village Munsiff of Kazhipervembakam. An insatiable desire to serve the country brought Amrita to Pondicherry. Here he met a galaxy of refugees from British India, like poet ...
... the edge of his bed just before his daily walking. All of us were present. Duraiswamy, the distinguished Madras lawyer and disciple, was selected as the envoy, perhaps because he was a friend of Rajagopalachari, one of the prominent Congress leaders. He was to start for Delhi that very night. He came for Sri Aurobindo’s blessings, lay prostrate before him, got up and stood looking at the Master with folded ...
... increasing frequency till the Partition—and after.) Page 165 (A disciple:) Did you read [Pandit Madan Mohan] Malaviya's speech about the Multan riots and also what C. Rajagopalachari has said? (Sri Aurobindo:) I am sorry they are making a fetish of this Hindu-Muslim unity. It is no use ignoring facts; some day the Hindus may have to fight the Muslims and they must ...
... to the arrest of Congressmen. It seems there has been no change in the Government policy as a result of the Gandhi-Viceroy meeting. Repetition only. SRI AUROBINDO: Looks like that. Otherwise Rajagopalachari wouldn't have said what he did in his speech. It must be due to these officials at Simla. They are all fossilised people. Once they have a fixed idea, they won't give it up. SATYENDRA: The I ...
... know how much it will influence its decisions. People are talking about a National Government now. SRI AUROBINDO: But for Nehru's influence, Gandhi would have come to a compromise. PURANI: Rajagopalachari also seems to be in favour of some settlement. SRI AUROBINDO: He is a practical man. PURANI: I don't know how Churchill's offer to France of one nationality will work. Two nations temperamentally ...
... pass..." Sri Aurobindo: "Drunken shadows"!! If even shadows become bibulous and stagger, what will become of the Congress [The Indian National Congress] and its prohibition laws? Besides Rajagopalachari [the then Chief Minister of the 'dry' state Madras] is sure to pass a law soon forbidding the publication of any book with the words "wine" and "drunken" in it. 48 (16) NB: "Break that chain ...
... different linguistic channels, have a common urge and aspiration. Fittingly, the Book University's first venture is the Mahabharata, summarised by one of the greatest living Indians, C. Rajagopalachari; the second work is on a section of it, the Gita by H. V. Divatia, an eminent jurist and a student of philosophy. Centuries ago, it was proclaimed of the Mahabharata: " What is not in it ...
... separate examination. But here one or two points are particularly relevant. The British political connection has ceased, but English has still a place in India. India's elder statesman, Mr C. Rajagopalachari, has acknowledged that English is the gift of the Goddess Saraswati to India. And Mr Sisirkumar Mitra writes: Now a word about English. This remarkable language, already in ...
... Prince of Edur 47,51,52 Prothero, G.M. 7 Purani, A.B. 20,27,316,370, 371 Quiller-couch, Sir Arthur 377 Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli 25 Rai, Lala Lajpat 10 Rajagopalachari, C (Rajaji) 17,25 Rajnarain 40 Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Sri 4 Ramayana 45, 56, 160, 330, 336, 341, 375, 418-420,445,447,458,461 Read, Herbert 267,306,383 ...
... Aurobindo has "tried to bring out all that fully". 50 Almost every great philosopher and thinker in India has commented on the Gita, and in our own century Tilak, Gandhi, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Rajagopalachari and Vinoba Bhave— Page 25 among others—have made the Gita a text (or pretext) to present their own philosophies. Sri Aurobindo has likewise given an ...
... Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo OCTOBER 1943 From notes 4th October 1943 1. C. Rajagopalachari in the Puja issue of the 'Amrit Bazar' has pleaded for the reconstruction and revival of the Cripp's proposal !! Sri Aurobindo found it 'late' but C. R. had got back his clarity of mind. As to the actual revival when Wavell comes the difficulties are ...
... were, then, the pro-British groups that, out of habit or self-interest, but only half-heartedly and half-headedly, gave support to the Allied war effort. Presently, leaders like Rajaji (Rajagopalachari) and M.N. Roy looked favourably at their cause. It was only Sri Aurobindo and the Mother who saw clearly the issues at stake and gave open support to the Allies. The early days and ...
... the proposal, it didn't find favour at New Delhi, and this resulted in a mild confrontation and an unsavoury stalemate. Years passed, and there was no perceivable thaw. In 1952, however, when C. Rajagopalachari became Chief Minister of Madras, he felt that a solution should be found, and he asked Surendra Mohan Ghose to request the Mother to bring about the desired thaw and promote a final peaceful settlement ...
... 596 Prithwi Singh Nahar 408, 691 Prithwindra Mukherjee 29 Promode Kumar Chatterji 681 Punjalal 235, 497, 691 Purani, A..B. see Ambalal Purani Purushottam Patel 325 Raja Yoga 15 Rajagopalachari (Rajaji) 404, 427, 457, 571 Rajangam 224, 235-6, 239, 255, 325, 329 Rajani Palit 233, 268 Ramana Maharishi, Sri 257 Ramanuja, Sri 180 Rarnanujachari, M.V. 483 Page 916 ...
... his emissary, Duraiswamy Iyer, to Rajaji' with a message to the Congress leaders "that they should accept without hesitation or conditions the Cripps offer," recalled B. Shiva 1 C. Rajagopalachari. Page 74 Rao in 1959. "After that rejection there was no turning back for the British for full support to the Muslim League and all its demands." Do you know that M. K. Gandhi ...
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