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Ramakrishna Mission : religious body founded by Swami Vivekananda in 1897 to spread the teaching of Sri Ramakrishna & to improve the social condition of Indians. Its headquarters is at Belur Math, Calcutta.

79 result/s found for Ramakrishna Mission

... Memorial Museum & Library) 529 A ghat in Calcutta in the 1900s (from an old postcard) 548 Sister Nivedita (courtesy Ramakrishna Mission) 569 Sri Ramakrishna (courtesy Ramakrishna Mission) 574 Ma Sarada Devi (courtesy Ramakrishna Mission) 576 Mother before leaving Japan to return to India (from Abhay Singh's collection) 582 The stairs Mirra climbed to meet ...

... from the Tigris to the Severn", in Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 17 (3). Cleator, P.E., Lost Languages (Mentor, New York, 1959). The Cultural Heritage of India (Calcutta, Ramakrishna Mission, 1937; 1958). Dales, G.R., in South Asian Archaeology, ed. H. Norman (London, 1973). "The Decline of the Harappāns", in Scientific American (May 1966). " The Mythical... and Literature", in The Vedic Age, ed. R.C. Majumdar and A.D. Pusalker (Allen & Unwin, London, 1952). " The Origin of the Indo-Aryans", in The Cultural Heritage of India, Vol. I (Ramakrishna Mission, Calcutta, 1958). Giles, P., "The Aryans", in The Cambridge History of India (1922). Gimbutas, Marija, "Accounting for a Great Change", in Times Literary Supplement (June... Pusalker (Allen & Unwin, London, 1952). "Editors' Prefaces", "Interrelation of Culture between India and the Outside World before Asoka", in The Cultural Heritage of India Vol. I (Calcutta, Ramakrishna Mission, 1958). jt. ed., The Age of Imperial Unity, ed. R.C. Majumdar and A.D. Pusalker (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1954). The Vedic Age, ed. R.C. Majumdar and A.D. Pusalker (Allen ...


... India as known to Pānini (Lucknow, 1953) "Bhuvana Kośa Janapadas of Bharatvarsha", Purāna ( Varanasi), V, No.1 "Yāska and Pānini" The Cultural Heritage of India (Sri Ramakrishna Mission, Calcutta, 1958), Vol.I Aitareya Brāhmana, IV, V, VII, VIII Aiyangar, K. V. Rangaswami, "The Samavartana of Snana (The end of Studentship)", Prof. K. V. Rangaswami Aiyangar C... II The Indo-Greeks (Oxford, 1957) Narang, Jaya Chandra, "The Regional Structure of India in Relation to Language and History", The Cultural Heritage of India (Sri Ramakrishna Mission, Calcutta, 1958), Vol. I Page 614 New American Encyclopedia (New York, 1945) "Precession of the Equinoxes" and "Solstices" Olmstead, T., History of the... Janvier- Juin, Paris, 1965 Sen, S. N., India through Chinese Eyes (University of Mādras, 1956) Sengupta, P. C, "Hindu Astronomy", The Cultural Heritage of India (Sri Ramakrishna Mission, Calcutta, 1937), III Ancient Indian Chronology (Calcutta, 1947) Serie Orientale Roma, XVI, 1958 Sethna, K. D., The Problem of Aryan Origins (S & S Publishers, Calcutta ...


... September 1935 I hear that there is a file of unpublished letters by Vivekananda, in one of which he says: "The time has now come to follow Aurobindo Ghose." Because of this it seems the Ramakrishna Mission keeps always an interested eye on what is going on in Pondy. Do you know anything of that reference by Vivekananda and in what connection it was made? Where on earth is this extraordinary... a know anything about me? Trikaldrishti? 5 July 1937 God knows where that extraordinary file of Vivekananda's letters is. I got news of it from X who heard about it from a man of the Ramakrishna Mission who came here. What I want to know is when did Vivekananda write that or what led him to take notice of me. I no longer remember when he left his body, but my impression is that it was when ...


... Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, Pondicherry, 1972, Vol. 27, p. 435. Page 62 of 1913, to Motilal Roy in the course of a comment on the Ramakrishna Mission: "What you say about the Ramakrishna Mission is, I dare say, true to a certain extent. Do not oppose that movement or enter into any conflict with it.. Remember also that we derive from Ramakrishna. For myself ...


... there was an almirah and on it was placed a framed photo of Sri Ramakrishna in a dancing pose. After some time I came across the same photo in a special number of a journal brought out by the Ramakrishna Mission. I was happy on seeing it and thought of getting one for myself. But I had no money, not even a single pie. You know that in those days youngsters were not allowed to keep money with them. My... ready to give whatever was asked, but somehow I could not bring myself to ask for money for this purpose. If I had asked, he would surely have given me the necessary money. Then I wrote to the Ramakrishna Mission saying that I was a student, I had no money but would like to have a print of the photograph of Sri Ramakrishna in a dancing pose that was included in their special number. I wrote that I was ...


... almirah and on it was placed a photo of Sri Ramakrishna in a dancing pose. It was framed. After some time I came across the same photo in a special number of a journal brought out by the Ramakrishna mission. I was happy on seeing it and thought of getting one for myself. But I had no money, not even a single pie. You know that in those days youngsters were not allowed to keep money with them. My... My father was ready to give whatever was asked, but somehow I could not ask for money for this purpose. If I had asked, he would surely have given me the necessary money. Then I wrote to the Ramakrishna Mission saying that I was a student, I had no money, but I would like to have a print of Sri Ramakrishna in the dancing pose, that was included in their special number. I wrote that I was very eager ...


... AUROBINDO: Practically. Of course he deals with some points here and there and says that I am a remarkable man, etc. I wonder whether these people have understood the book. The other reviewer of the Ramakrishna Mission also gives the impression that they follow the old conventional ways. But Ramakrishna did not proclaim any system of thinking. They follow Vivekananda, perhaps. PURANI: Vivekananda does not... writings on Yoga are forceful. He made an attempt at writing philosophy and said that all philosophies are on the way to the Truth but only Shankara's reaches the final goal. PURANI: The Ramakrishna Mission doesn't have any outstanding thinker. SRI AUROBINDO: Its people are good at the exposition of old ideas. Abhedananda had some power. PURANI: Probably the whole speech of Chamberlain will ...


... revolution. But looking at her eyes one could say that she could easily enter into the states of meditation and trance." "Why was she obliged to leave the Ramakrishna Mission?" , "Because of her work in the Swadeshi Movement. The Ramakrishna Mission was after all a cloister, a home for Page 118 ascetics. Religion was its chief preoccupation and it believed also in social service in the outer ...

... have spoken of spiritual matters, yet "once or twice she showed the spiritual side of her but she was then speaking to someone else who had come to see her while I was there." But the Ramakrishna Mission got afraid of her revolutionary activities and asked her to keep them separate from the Page 552 Mission's work. She refused. In January 1903 the Mission's authorities, headed... Yet was Sri Ramakrishna an Avatar for them. Thus the Instrument which Swami Vivekananda had forged so meticulously over the years — from 1895 to 1902—was rejected by the monks of the Ramakrishna Mission which too was Vivekananda's handiwork. They disowned Nivedita. Ma Sarada Devi, on the contrary, never ceased to pour her maternal love on the 'child' —her pet name for Nivedita was 'Khuki ...

... Aurobindo in the Alipore Bomb Case, who after his acquittal at the trial , turned a Sannyasin1 and joined 1. Taking the name of Swami Prajnananda. Page 122 the Ramakrishna Mission. Miss Sudhira too joined the same Mission and worked as a teacher of the Sister Nivedita School, of which, after Sister Christine left for America shortly before the war, she became the head... Sri Ramakrishna. Page 125 that the Holy Mother regarded Sri Aurobindo as her son. "Mrinalini desired at one time to receive diksha from one of the Sannyasins of the Ramakrishna Mission. Her father wrote to Sri Aurobindo for the necessary permission but the latter in reply advised her not to receive initiation from any one and he assured her that he would send her all the spiritual... the Sister Nivedita School. Soon after her death Sudhira sold off the ornaments and the whole of the proceeds, some two thousand rupees was, with Sri Aurobindo's permission, made over to the Ramakrishna Mission and constituted into an endowment named Page 126 after Mrinalini, out of the interest of which a girl student is maintained at the Sister Nivedita School." Contrary to ...

... are three kinds of composition which are exempted from the moral obligation of truthfulness, an epitaph, a loyalist address and an official statement. The description given of the work of the Ramakrishna Mission is admirable and touching, but such deeds we take as a matter of course and the least we can expect from those whose Page 620 lives have been shaped by Ramakrishna and Vivekananda;... ineffective any actual or possible centre of strength around which it is remotely possible for the national self-consciousness to crystallize. Hence the alarm and suspicion which a movement like the Ramakrishna Mission, utterly divorced from politics as it is, awakes in the rulers. "Here are men , here are people who can feel work and dare for their suffering countrymen. If this manhood should prove catching ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... knowledge of the results you speak of over there; for my drishti is not yet sufficiently free from obstruction for me to know all that I need to know at this stage. What you say about the Ramakrishna Mission is, I dare say, true to a certain extent. Do not oppose that movement or enter into any conflict with it; whatever has to be done, I shall do spiritually, for God in these matters especially... old ideas, and turn their faces resolutely to the future. But they cannot do this, if they merely copy European politics or go on eternally reproducing Buddhistic asceticism. I am afraid the Ramakrishna Mission with all its good intentions is only going to give us Shankaracharya & Buddhistic humanitarianism. But that is not the goal to which the world is moving. Meanwhile remember that these are very ...


... seems to have many levels of significance. On the most 1. Ibid., p. 702. 2."Regional Structure of India in Relation to Language and History", The Cultural Heritage of India (Ramakrishna Mission, Calcutta, 1958), Vol. I, p. 47. 3 Pargiter, op. cit., p. Page 85 apparent, the idea which is prominent is rightly said by Patil 1 to be "that the king must provide... Purānic results and the rift threatens 1.Pusalker, Studies in the Epics and Purānas of India, p. 64. 2. "The Early History of Vaisnavism", The Cultural Heritage of India (Sri Ramakrishna Mission, Calcutta 1956), Vol. IV, p. 142. Page 95 to invalidate our conclusions, by means of Purānic comparisons, in favour of Chandragupta I. One may put up the defence that ...


... Iśāvāsyopanisad (with Śānkara-bhāsya) (text with Hindi translation), Gita Press, 1969, Gorakhpur, Reprint. Jain, Hiralal, Literature of Jainism, in cultural history of India, Ramakrishna Mission institute of culture, 1978, Calcutta, Vol. V. Katopanisad (text with English translation), Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1973, Madras, XI Edition. Kenopanishad (with Śānkara-bhāsya) (text... Press, Bombay. Śankarā, Drg-drsya-viveka, Sri Ramakrishna Ashram, Mysore, 1970. Śankarā, Mahendra Nath, The Bhagwad Gitā: Its Early Commentaries, in Cultural History of India, Ramakrishna Mission institute of culture, 1962, Calcutta, Vol. II. Sharma, B.N.K., History of the Dvaita School, Motilal Banarasi Dass, Delhi, 1981. Page 109 Thibaut, G., The Vedānta Sūtras ...

... Calcutta Brahmo Girls' School for studies and there contracted a life-long friendship with one Sudhira Bose whose brother belonged to Sri Aurobindo's revolutionary party and later joined the Ramakrishna Mission as a sannyasi. Girish Chandra Bose, a very intimate friend of Mrinalini's father, almost like an elder brother, used to look after Mrinalini in Calcutta. He was the Principal of a famous college... Ramakrishna Ashram, escorted by Sudhira." Sri Aurobindo was in that epoch the undisputed leader in the mind of the people. Mrinalini recounts: "So when we visited the girls' school of the Ramakrishna Mission all the girls came out to see me. You don't know what an embarrassing situation I had to face. The girls began to offer me pranams. I heard whispers that Aurobindo's wife had come to bless them ...

Nirodbaran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Mrinalini Devi

... other better, then perhaps we might decide something." "But I have no intention of going back," I said. "On that I am determined." Debabrata Basu and Sachin Sen had already joined the Ramakrishna Mission before I came. Both of them had been with me in Alipore Jail among the accused in the Bomb case. Page 384 Let me here in parenthesis note a few things about Debabrata Basu... in the inner worlds. He had a sister, Sudhira, who was also well-known to us, for in spite of her being a woman she too had shared in her brother's work as a revolutionary. On his joining the Ramakrishna Mission, Debabrata Basu was given the name of Prajnananda. He has written a book in Bengali, Bharater Sadhana (The Spiritual Heritage of India ), which is well-known to select circles. I had ...

... those who have been accepted into his own path of Yoga to whom he gives spiritual guidance. Suggest to him that as he is a devotee of Sri Ramakrishna, he would find his natural guides in the Ramakrishna Mission. 4 February 1931 You can write to him that Sri Aurobindo does not intervene by giving instructions in the Yoga of anybody except his own disciples. His own way of Yoga being of a separate ...


... motive. [Earth from Dakshineshwar was found in Sri Aurobindo's room when the police searched his house in May 1908.] The earth was brought to me by a young man connected with the Ramakrishna Mission and I kept it; it was there in my room when the police came to arrest me. The case commenced before the Alipore Magistrate's Court on the 19th May, 1908 and continued intermittently for ...


... foundation of life in which all works have to be done not for the self but for the Divine. 31 December 1934 Humanitarian work of this kind is outside the scope of the Asram; it is not as in Ramakrishna mission. We avoid public work and activities and confine ourselves to the sole spiritual work of the Asram itself. To do otherwise would be to disperse energy on the ordinary levels instead of concentrating ...


... fame. The real editors or writers of Yugantar (for there was no declared editor) were Barin, Upen Banerji (also a subeditor of the Bande Mataram) and Debabrata Bose who subsequently joined the Ramakrishna Mission (being acquitted in the Alipur case) and was [ ] 2 prominent among the Sannyasis at Almora and as a writer in the Mission's journals. Upen and Debabrata were masters of Bengali prose and it ...


... propaganda, 196 psychoanalyst is, 197-198,218 psychology, 198 Puranas , 69 , 96, loolln), IOS, 110 R Rajagopalachari, Chakravarti, 166, 237-238(fn) Rama, 238 Ramakrishna, 76 , 102 Ramakrishna Mission, 112 Ramayana, 98(fn) Ramdas. 46 Ramprasad, 146 Rao, S. R. , 101(fn) rationalism , 55 , 85, 140 reason, 1,85,201 -202 reform sure formers, 89-90 religion, 49 , 101 , 129 -130, 169 ...


... old ideas, and turn their faces resolutely to the future. But they cannot do this, if they merely copy European politics or go on eternally reproducing Buddhistic asceticism. I am afraid the Ramakrishna Mission with all its good intentions is only going to give us Shankaracharya and Buddhistic humanitarianism. But that is not the goal to which the world is moving. January, 1915 Charity and ...


... sick. That was the flowering out of the Hindu religion. That was what Swami Vivekananda preached. That was what Aswini Kumar Dutta strove to bring into organised existence. That was what the Ramakrishna Mission, the Little Brothers of the Poor at Barisal tried to effect. This was the third way in which the new association established itself, the third seed of union, the third stream of tendency seeking ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... his life, was played out mostly inside the compound of that temple. The Belur Math was inspired by Swami Vivekananda, his foremost disciple, who also founded the order named after him, the Ramakrishna Mission. The Mission was a wholly new and modern phenomenon, but one which was inspired by the deepest springs of tradition and which had its roots in the soil of spiritual India. Swami Vivekananda's ...


... all the way with him in decrying religious ardour, having already at thirteen come under the influence of two direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa: Swami Brahmananda, the founder of Ramakrishna Mission, and "Sri M" the famous chronicler of the great Messiah. I cannot here possibly enlarge any more on my father's great though some-what enigmatic personality — since he composed some of the greatest ...


... after his triumphal appearance at the first World Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893. She travelled with him to Calcutta in 1898. Swami Vivekananda initiated her into the newly formed Ramakrishna Mission and renamed her Nivedita. From then on she worked with the burning intensity of her love for India and with all her might for the resurgence of the country. She never hid her convictions from ...

... gods was known to the Rigveda, are points on which no certain conclusions can be 11. Ibid., pp. 268-69. 12."Proto-Indian Culture", The Cultural Heritage of India (The Ramakrishna Mission, Old Edition, Calcutta 1937), III, pp. 57-8. Page 41 reached." 13 Thus, at the worst, there is indecision, but the Rigveda's door can never be closed on any account against ...


... Rigveda was composed in the Upper Ganges-Jumna doab and plain.     26. "Cultural Interrelation between India and the Outside World before Asoka", The Cultural Heritage of India (The Ramakrishna Mission, Calcutta, 1958), I, p. 144. Page 471 The Rigveda holds the Sarasvati especially sacred, and als< knows the Sarayu, the river of Oudh. 27   In justification of the ...


... Educational Research, Auroville. Professor B.P. Khandelwal, Director, NIEPA, New Delhi. Shri M.L. Khanna, General Secretary, DAV College Managing Committee, New Delhi. Shri Sunil Kumar, Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi. Shri M.M. Luther, Author and Expert in Management and Values, Gurgaon. Professor A.N. Maheshwari, Chairman, NCTE, New Delhi. Shri A.K. Merchant, Vice-Chairman, National ...

... Einstein, World Publishing, New York, 1971. Cornforth, M., Dialectical Materialism, International Publishers, New York, 1971. Cultural Heritage of India, The, Volumes I & II, Ramakrishna Mission Institute ofGulture, Calcutta, 1962. Dalal, A.S., A Greater Psychology, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press, Pondicherry, 2001. Dandekar, R.N., Vedic Bibliography (4 Vols.), Bhandarkar Oriental ...

... school work. She now decided to lend support to other causes as well, for the national movement in favour of political independence was rapidly growing. For this purpose she resigned from the Ramakrishna mission and plunged into the nationalist struggle. If an unjust law was passed by an Indian Council or Assembly, she was the first to speak against it. She was not afraid of the British Government ...


... here seem to want to keep it. Or they say it is too strong for them, they can't help it! Dr. Sicar once told me, after that stove incident, that this Asram lacks "fraternity", while the Ramakrishna Mission is ideal in that way. I am afraid not. When I was in Calcutta it was already a battlefield and even in the post-civil-war period one hears distressing things about it. It is the same with ...

... conditions in jail. I used to try and sing with him in unison and-even managed to learn a few of his songs. This was my first acquisition in jail. After his release from jail, Sachin joined the Ramakrishna Mission at Belur Math and died at a rather early age. Of about the same age was Sushil, the famous Sushil Sen whom the Presidency Magistrate Kingsford had sentenced to be whipped. Let me relate ...

... . Page 331 Banerji too was there; he won the Ishan Scholarship in his B.A. examination and was ultimately given the name of Swami Raghavananda or Sitapati Maharaj at the Ramakrishna Mission. These more or less .made up the list of the "good" boys. Among the "bad" ones was Indranath Nandi, a son of Colonel Nandi of the Indian Medical Service. Let me recount some of his exploits. ...

... twenty two have gone out and even of these three who will stay or difficult to say. It is the same everywhere. They go to school grow up and then leave. I knew quite a few top-rung work of the Ramakrishna Mission. They too faced the same problem. In order to retain the boys they went on upgrading the educational system, by increasing the number of courses a by using new systems of teaching. But all ...

... imitation of Eton. SRI AUROBINDO: But Eton has no dome. PURANI: It is a combination of modern with ancient architecure. SRI AUROBINDO: At any rate it is the ugliest dome possible. Ramakrishna Mission was a little afraid of Nivedita's political activities and asked her to keep them separate from its work. PURANI: What about her yogic achievements? SRI AUROBINDO: I don't know. Whenever ...


... Ashram that trained people for here and now, and not only for the hereafter. In their different ways Gurudev Tagore at Shantiniketan, Gandhiji at Sabarmati and Shevagram, and in many of the Ramakrishna Mission centres, the challenges of everyday life were not ignored, although the Divine Presence was always assumed and Divine Protection was always hoped for. Page 571 The Ashram principle ...

... blossoms painted by the Mother The main Ashram building in 1950 (as seen from the Ashram Post office terrace) Dada told us one day: A couple of sannyasis from the Ramakrishna Mission used to come to our Berhampur-house in my childhood. They would stay for a few days. One of them was Tapanand Maharaj. He had had all kinds of experiences in his life. In the earlier part of ...

... passing away, Vivekananda built up the Mission on the model of monasteries with this difference that a strong leaven of humanitarianism was introduced into it. Spiritually the members of the Ramakrishna Mission might as well have been members of a Shankarite monastery. All the commentaries and translations published by the Mission faithfully follow Shankar, though Ramakrishna had declared more than ...

... letters received from "G". I don't remember what it was about. He asked me whether he should do anything or keep quiet. I asked him to keep silent and not give any reply. Disciple : Ramakrishna Mission seems to be more occupied with social and humanitarian work; I don't know if there is much spirituality in it. My cousin Swami Adwaitananda went there and was quite dissatisfied and came back ...

... at a lump of clay kept in a cardboard box. Perhaps it was a new kind of explosive! Actually the earth had been brought to Sri Aurobindo from Dakshineshwar by a young man connected with the Ramakrishna Mission, and Sri Aurobindo had preserved it. Other rooms were also searched, and all kinds of things were seized. A bicycle, an iron safe - they were bodily removed. At long last, the search came ...

... and divisive politics of casteism. Sri Ramakrishna was truly catholic. On this foundation of a catholic spirituality, Swami Vivekananda built an edifice of social and religious service. The Ramakrishna Mission and the Sarada Mission embody in themselves the spirit of their progenitors. Most important they are the living manifestations of Swami Vivekananda's burning patriotism born through personal ...


... in combination with Mesopotamian     7. Pusalker, A.D., "Interrelation of Culture between India and the Outside World before Asoka", The Cultural Heritage of India , Calcutta: The Ramakrishna Mission, 1958. Page 158 sources, who the authors were of the Harappa Culture?" (KPI: 64)   And these were known as Mlechchhas both to the Indians and in the Mesopotamian sources ...


... echoes the view of Keith, Mookerji elsewhere explains: "A part of the 25."Cultural Interrelation between India and the Outside World before Asoka", The Cultural Heritage of India (The Ramakrishna Mission, Calcutta, 1958), I, p. 144. 26.Op. dr., I, pp. 182-3. Page 15 Rigveda, the hymns to Ushas, recalls the splendours of dawn in the Punjāb, but a larger part refers to the ...


... and screaming. He checked with his guru in New Delhi and found that one syllable in the mantra was mispronounced. From this mistake had come a violent reaction in him. Afterwards he went to Ramakrishna Mission and ultimately to Mother and Sri Aurobindo. When he next came to see me he said, “What is the best thing for me?” I told him to repeat Sri Aurobindo’s name and then all would be okay. This is ...


... begins: 8.30 p.m. N read an article in Asia, an American paper, to Sri Aurobindo on himself and Yoga. It was written by Swami Nikhilananda. N: It is surprising that a Ramakrishna Mission Yogi should write on you. Sri Aurobindo: It is Nishtha who arranged for its publication. He was a friend of hers before she came here. It is peculiar how they give an American turn ...


... who share this opinion. I am sure everybody will acclaim with one voice that there can be no other Ashram more modern than this one. Place it side by side with Raman Maharshi's Ashram or Sri Ramakrishna Mission — our modernity will be too patent a fact. Take the Mother playing tennis, for example. Annie Besant's Messiah, Krishnamurti, too, started playing tennis. Or take Sri Aurobindo's correspondence ...


... know. This is the true account of what happened according to Sri Aurobindo's own statement. The new story now told that Devabrata Bose and Sri Aurobindo both asked to be admitted into the Ramakrishna Mission and Devabrata was accepted but Swami Brahmananda refused to accept Sri Aurobindo is another myth. Sri Aurobindo never even dreamed of taking Sannyas or of entering into any established order ...


... sympathisers. Therefore Sri Aurobindo's publications cannot be given free, they are sold and the proceeds counted among the available resources just as is the case with the publications of the Ramakrishna Mission. 19 September 1936 Page 73 × Sri Aurobindo was asked to write an article about what the world would ...


... these things to the visitors who come here from abroad. X is a man with a trained Page 306 intellect; he must be left to see for himself and judge. He has a great respect for the Ramakrishna Mission as the creation of Vivekananda and the continuer of the work of Ramakrishna and for Europeans like him these metaphysical differences of opinion—for so he would regard them—are of no importance ...


... funding for Research in the area of Value Education Organisations working in the area of value education have been basically preoccupied with Pre-service Teachers Training (for example Ramakrishna Mission Institute of moral and Spiritual Education, Mysore and Sri Aurobindo Ashram), development and extension aspect of values. Little efforts have been made on research, innovations and experimentation ...

... Vivekananda starts to spread his message in India. 1893 (September, 11) World's Parliament of Religions in USA 1897 Return to India. Foundation of Ramakrishna mission. 1899 Second trip abroad. 1902 (July, 4) Vivekananda leaves his body. Suggestions for further reading Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda ...


... their grievance? PURANI: They say we are not doing anything for the country or for humanity. SRI AUROBINDO: Since when has the Ashram been expected to do such things? NIRODBARAN: The Ramakrishna Mission and Gandhi's Ashram are doing social or political work. SRI AUROBINDO: Gandhi's Ashram is not an Ashram for spirituality. It is a group of people gathered to be trained in some work or other ...


... can say is that there are more people in America interested in these things than in Europe. In Europe also their numbers are increasing now. NIRODBARAN: But America is much taken up by the Ramakrishna Mission. One Bengali too has been a success. Somebody else from near Bombay made at one time a great name in Europe by his prophecies, but afterwards plenty of people started calling him a swindler. ...


... the experiences stopped and the Guru said, "The Devil has caught hold of you." SRI AUROBINDO: "I"? I don't remember. (After a while) Yes, I remember now. It was about a Sannyasi in the Ramakrishna Mission. DR. MANILAL: Lele also said something like that to you. And you said you would then surrender to the Devil. SRI AUROBINDO: That was a different matter. I didn't say that to him. I said ...


... Aurobindo said this laughing.) SATYENDRA: The Life Divine has come out at the right time then. NIRODBARAN: Your books have a good sale. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, not only my books; the Ramakrishna Mission books also are selling well now. NIRODBARAN: But according to this astrologer the supramental race is still far away. SATYENDRA (smiling) : I told you so. PURANI: He doesn't speak of ...


... 1938 8:30p.m. Nrodbaran read an article in Asia, an American paper, to Sri Aurobindo on himself and his Yoga. It was written by Swami Nikhilananda. NIRODBARAN: It is surprising that a Ramakrishna Mission Yogi should write on you. SRI AUROBINDO: It is, Nishtha (Miss Margaret Wilson) who arranged for its publication. He was a friend of hers before she came here. It is peculiar how they give ...


... Dilip Kumar giving him the permission to record his song He’s caught, the Elusive on the gramophone and expressed his happiness on the fact that the sale proceeds of the records would go to Ramakrishna Mission. The last sunset 20 May 1973. Nishikanto was lying on his bed and looking at the sun setting in the west. When Aparna asked him how he was feeling, he replied: “The exterior consciousness ...

... Abhay? A: Very fine. There is great joy here. I have to go away soon today, for many are waiting for me. Q: Who were you in your last birth? A: Swami Brahmananda [the first President of the Ramakrishna Mission] whom Ramakrishna used to call 'Rakhal'. Q: What is your mother doing now? A: Mother wants to go out for a walk with me; therefore, she is calling me. Bye! Papa, see you another time." Etc. ...

... hills. For even in 1938 Dr. Mahendra Sircar, a distinguished philosopher on a visit to the Ashram, commented after a "stove incident" that Sri Aurobindo's Ashram lacked "fraternity", while the Ramakrishna Mission was ideal in that way. When Nirod-baran reported this complaint to his Guru, Sri Aurobindo replied: "I am afraid not. When I was in Calcutta it was already a battle-field and even in the ...

... Significance of Indian Yoga Bibliography Altekar, A.S., Education in Ancient India, Indian book Shop, 1934, Banares. Cultural Heritage of India, The Ramakrishna Mission, Institute of Culture, 1982, Calcutta, Vol. 6. Dandekar, R.N., Vedic Bibliography, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1986, Poona, 4 Vols. Das Gupta, S.N., A History of Indian ...


... opinion. So from this proof, I am sure everybody will acclaim with one voice that there can be no other Ashram more modern than this one. Place it side by side with Raman Maharshi's Ashram or Sri Ramakrishna Mission—our modernity will be too patent a fact. Take the Mother playing tennis, for example. And yet, when Annie Besant's Messiah, Krishnamurti, started playing Page 110 tennis, we laughed ...


... day Ramchandra Majumdar, Biren Ghosh and Saurin Bose (a brother-in-law of Sri Aurobindo) who came with us to Pondicherry and stayed here for some years. A frequent visitor was Ganen Maharaj of Ramakrishna Mission who acted as the link with Sister Nivedita. There were a few others who came once in a while. Sri Aurobindo had his own novel method of education. It did not proceed by the clock, nor according ...

... modest way, our youthful minds' thoughts and feelings. When people needed help or when they were in difficulty, we tried to assist as much as possible. For occasions like Gangs puja, the Ramakrishna Mission celebrations in Berhampur various meetings and gatherings, charity-shows, exhibitions we were requested for voluntary work and our boys performed their tasks to the best of their ability. ...

... called a 'public charitable trust'. 'But, Dada, my question is: do we, as we are a charitable trust, engage ourselves in any charitable work? Like the Bharat Sevashram Sangh, the Ramakrishna Mission, etc. Bringing relief to people, to the sick, the poor, constructing schools, colleges, hospitals, etc'. Yes, you are right about that. We don't do any charitable work of that kind ...

... Seeing the Dharmasala near the station she exclaimed, 'How beautiful!' While looking at the college building she cried, 'How horrible!' Khashirao said later, 'She must be a little mad'.... The Ramakrishna Mission was a little afraid of Nivedita's political acitivities and asked her to keep them separate from its work." Asked about Nivedita's Yogic achievements Sri Aurobindo said, "I don't know ...

... Principal B. M. Sen. 1 Sitapati Baneiji too was there; he won the Ishan Scholarship in his B.A. examination and was ultimately given the name Swami Raghavananda or Sitapati Maharaj at the Ramakrishna Mission. These more or less made up the list of the "good" boys. Among the "bad" ones was Indranath 1 I cannot now exactly recall if Bhupati Mohan had been at the Presidency College right from ...


... Ramchandra Majum-dar, Biren Ghosh and Saurin Bose (a brother-in-law of Sri Aurobindo) who came with us to Pondicherry and stayed here many long years. A frequent visitor was Ganen Tagore of Ramakrishna Mission who acted as the link with Sister Nivedita. There were a few others who came once in a while. Sri Aurobindo had his own novel method of education. It did not proceed by the clock, nor according ...


... brought to the notice of the modern world. Ramakrishna and Vivekananda inspired nearly two generations of Indians when they were in bondage with self-confidence and pride in their culture. The Ramakrishna Mission; organised by Vivekananda carries out the work. It is unfortunate that in recent years the spiritual work of Ramakrishna is put into the shade and the emphasis of Page 38 ...

... know that she had found so great a spiritual refuge, but I had no hand in bringing it about." 47 46. A fellow-worker of Sri Aurobindo in the political field. He later joined the Ramakrishna Mission. 47. Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on The Mother. Page 44 III "I know what is righteous, but I feel no urge towards it; I know what is unrighteous, but I do not ...

... of this year. She had identified herself with the political ideology of Vivekananda. She had an ardent aspiration for India's freedom. She had ultimately to sever her connection with the Ramakrishna Mission on account of her political activity. The relation between Sister Nivedita and Sri Aurobindo is not well known and many conjectures and rumours have appeared Page 53 in ...


... Ramakrishna's hut which was brought by Sri Aurobindo, was with him when he was arrested. Here is what Sri Aurobindo says about it: "The earth was brought to me by a young man connected with the Ramakrishna Mission and I kept it; it was there in my room when the police came to arrest me." ¹ Many members of the secret society were simultaneously arrested: Barin, Ulaskar Dutt, Indra Bhushan, Upendra Nath ...


...   Ramana Maharshi does not believe in the descent (of the Supermind). Sri Aurobindo :   It–the descent is the experience of many Sadhaks even outside our Yoga. An old Sanyasi of the Ramakrishna Mission saw a flood of light descending and when he asked he was told it was all the work of the devil and the whole experience stopped afterwards. In Maharshi's case he has received the thing in ...

... Samgha and Motilal Roy. 26 April. A letter from Bepin Chandra Pal to Sri Aurobindo about poetry. 27 April. Remarks on a letter of Lele to Natwarlal Bharatia. 28 April. Talk about the Ramakrishna Mission in America and about spirituality and the external world; suggestions about sadhana. 30 April. A letter from the Arunchala Mission of Bengal. 2 May. Talk on the Prabartak Samgha. 8 May ...


... is not a tenable proposition. If Sri Aurobindo was so influenced and owed his spirituality entirely to Ramakrishna and Vivekananda, the most natural thing for him would have been to join the Ramakrishna Mission. Besides, one cannot always make much even of spiritual help and influence which, after all, is bound to take place in life based on interchange and mutual exchange of influences. The only living ...


... who love me.” It is clear enough, isn’t it? Were Peter and Paul the disciples of Christ, or of the Vatican? Was Vivekananda the disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Page 301 or of the Ramakrishna Mission ? Was Marx a disciple of the Kremlin? Blast them! They killed Mother, and now they want to whitewash it. Well, we are on trial in order to denounce them publicly. This is the only trial, there ...

... evangelism of Ranade and Telang, the 'new' forged syntheses with the yet living, the perennially enduring past of India. Brahmo Samaj (with its later variations), Arya Samaj, Prarthana Samaj, Ramakrishna Mission, Theosophical Society are among these syntheses, each with its own secret of power and its own circle of influence. The greatest of these was undoubtedly the stupendous spiritual phenomenon ...

... men, join in their talks or teach them languages, like French. Nolini began straight away with Moliere's L'Avare. Nolini and Moni and Bejoy were the permanent residents. Ganen Maharaj, of Ramakrishna Mission, was a frequent visitor. Biren Ghosh, Saurin Bose and Ramchandra Majumdar turned up almost daily. Amar Chatterji, Hem Sen and several others came once in a while. Almost every evening Sri Aurobindo ...