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Ramamurti : a modern Bhimsen, whose feats of physical prowess & endurance made him a celebrity. He is standing in the middle behind Sri Aurobindo & Tilak in the famous photograph of the Nationalist leaders in Surat. Sri Aurobindo gave a lecture on Rāmamurti at Poona on 12 January 1908.

7 result/s found for Ramamurti

... strength: We have seen Ramamurti, the modem Bhimasen, lie motionless, resistant, with a superhuman force of will-power acting through the muscles while two carts loaded with men are driven over his body. India must undergo an ordeal of passive endurance far more terrible without relaxing a single fibre of her   Page 300 frame. We have seen Ramamurti break over his chest a strong... round his whole body and break it by the sheer force of will working through the body. India must work a similar deliverance for herself by the same inner force. It is not by strength of body that Ramamurti accomplishes his feats, for he is not stronger than many athletes who could never do what he does daily, but by faith and will. India has in herself a faith of superhuman virtue to accomplish miracles ...

... that vehemence? In herself. We have seen Ramamurti, the modern Bhimasen, lie motionless, resistant, with a superhuman force of will power acting through the muscles while two carts loaded with men are driven over his body. India must undergo an ordeal of passive endurance far more terrible without relaxing a single fibre of her frame. We have seen Ramamurti break over his chest a strong iron chain... and break it by the sheer force of will working through the body. India must work a similar deliverance for herself by the same inner force. It is not Page 1016 by strength of body that Ramamurti accomplishes his feats, for he is not stronger than many athletes who could never do what he does daily, but by faith and will. India has in herself a faith of superhuman virtue to accomplish miracles ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... time later, Sri Aurobindo wrote in the Bande Mataram: "We have seen Ramamurti break over his chest a strong iron chain tightened round his whole body and break it by the sheer force of will working through the body. India must work a similar deliverance for herself by the same inner force. It is not by strength of body that Ramamurti accomplishes his feats, for he is no stronger than Page 442 ... ' During his visit at Poona, supposedly a private one, "citizens thronged to see him whenever he appeared," reports the Bande Mataram. On 12 January Sri Aurobindo was invited by Professor Ramamurti, the 'Indian Hercules,' to witness his extraordinary feats of strength. Sri Aurobindo thanked the Professor for his performance, invited him to Bengal, and requested the audience to develop their ...

... Sri Aurobindo went to Poona with Lele, and met Tilak's Guru, Annasaheb Patwardhan, and also met some of the Maharashtrian revolutionaries. He gave two lectures at Poona, on the 12th January on Ramamurti whose feats of physical prowess and endurance had made him a celebrity, and on the 13th on the National Movement in Bengal. The subjects were "given" to him, and he spoke straight on, as it were ...

... mental type than Newton, Shakespeare, Caesar or Napoleon, a higher moral type than Buddha, Christ or St Francis, a higher physical type than the Greek athlete or to give modern examples, a Sandow or a Ramamurti. She may seek to bring about a better combination of mental & moral, or of moral, mental & physical energies; but is she likely to produce anything much above the level of Confucius or Socrates? It ...


... also magnificent poetry. There are also some very humorous passages. In one a disciple asks his Guru whether the king is on the elephant or the elephant on the king. PURANI: The king must be a Ramamurti if the elephant were to be on him. SRI AUROBINDO: The Guru jumps upon the shoulders of the disciple and asks, Am I on you or you on me? (Laughter) SATYENDRA: The description of Jadabharata ...


... on, 269; at Surat Congress, 269ff; order to break the Congress, 271; on "Death or Life", 272; with Yogi Lele at Baroda, 274ff; Nirvanic experience, 275,322,362, 371,388-9, 572; at Poona, 276; on Ramamurti's feats, 276, 300-01; speech at National Union, 277ff; Nationalism a Religion, 277; on Revolutions, 279, 301; at Nasik, Dhulia, Amraoti, Nagpur, 280; on ahimsa, 283ff, 533; two-pronged plan of campaign... 529, 534,727 Rajagopalachari, C., 231, 531, 533,706,707 Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, 16,19, 25, 48, 60, 188, 192, 193, 195, 197, 211, 278, 557-58 Ramalinga Swami, 60 Ramamurti's ("the modern Bhima Sen"), 276, 300-01 Ramana Maharshi, 16 Ramanuja, 9, 416,448, 498, 564 Ramayana, The, 5, 50, 69, 80ff, 140, 250, 341 Ramdas,9,118,280 Ranade ...