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Ranade, R.D. : Rāmachandra Dattātreya Ranade (1886-1957) of Ferguson College, Poona, was a great scholar & philosopher. Afterwards he was Emeritus Professor of Philosophy & Vice-Chancellor of Allahabad University. He possessed, says Sri Aurobindo, “in a superlative degree the rare gift of easy & yet adequate exposition”.

4 result/s found for Ranade, R.D.

... an, S., Indian Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 1989. Delhi, 2 Vols. Radhakrishnan, S. Tr. & Ed., The Principal Upanishads, Oxford University Press, 1989, Delhi. Page 74 Ranade, R.D., Constructive Survey of Upanishadic Philosophy, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1986, Bombay. Renou, Louis, Bibliographic Vedique, 1931, Paris. Rig Veda Samhita, Chaukhamba Vidya Bhavan, 1991 ...


... , S, Indian Philosophy, (2 Vols.) George Alien Unwin, London. Rama Rao Pappu and R. Pulligandla,(eds.)., Indian Philosophy: Past & Future, Motilal Banarasi Dass, Delhi, 1982. Ranade, R.D., A Constructive Survey of Upanishadic Philosophy, Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, Bombay, 1968. Renoir, Louis, Religions of Ancient India, New York, 1968. Renou, Louis, Bibliographic Vedique ...

... Bhima Sen"), 276, 300-01 Ramana Maharshi, 16 Ramanuja, 9, 416,448, 498, 564 Ramayana, The, 5, 50, 69, 80ff, 140, 250, 341 Ramdas,9,118,280 Ranade, M. G., 16, 57, 60 Ranade, R.D.,511ff Rakshasas, The, 169 Rao, B. Shiva, 412 Rao, G. V. Subba, 534 Ratcliff, S. K., 223 Raymond, Lizelle, 339 Reddy, C. R.,55,521... Hardinge, Lord, 369 Hartmann, Nicolai, 441 Hastings, Warren, 194 Hegel, 418,441 Heidegger, Martin, 416, 442,750 Heraclitus, 404, 51 1ff; review of R. D. Ranade's paper, 512; an Apollonian mystic and seer, 512; Being and Becoming, 512; Heraclitean and Hindu thought, 512; relative standards and divine standard, 513; Fire as force and intelligence, 513; Heraclitus ...

... competent philosophic critic and thinker") against the ill-tempered attack by one J.B. Raju, and a review of another journal Sanskrit Research with Sri Aurobindo's comments on articles by Tilak and R.D. Ranade, which are now included in Volume 17 (The Hour of God) of Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library. In the same volume appear Sri Aurobindo's articles on the two poets of bhakti - Nammalvar and... another chord that contributes to the magnificent Aurobindonian symphony. Heraclitus appeared serially in the Arya during 1916-17; having begun as a Page 511 review of R.D. Ranade's paper on the philosophy of Heraclitus, it presently expanded into a fresh study of the Greek philosopher of the sixth century B.C., whose cryptic sayings have exercised such a strange fascination ...