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Rasul : Maulvi Abdur Rasul (1872-1917), a nationalist Muslim leader of Bengal under whose guidance the popular agitation against the Partition of Bengal spread like wild-fire all over Bengal & even far outside it.
... occasion. Neither Mr. Rasul nor Moti Babu nor Bipin Babu had received any notice from the proper quarters. Since then the meeting has been postponed and for the present all's well that ends well. But we should like to ask one or two questions. Is it possible that the conveners in Bombay did not know the addresses of the Nationalist members?—did not know for instance, that Mr. Rasul was a Barrister-at-law... of supreme interest. Nevertheless, the names of a few men of advanced opinions did find their way into the Bengal list. Men like Srijuts Motilal Ghose, Bipin Chandra Pal, Aswini Kumar Dutta and A. Rasul sitting side by side with Messrs. Tilak and Khaparde would form a leaven which, however small, might easily season the mass of the Committee and would at any rate prevent it from being a mere phonograph ...
... s crackdown, an intense fire of discontent blazed forth. Almost immediately the public of Bengal took up the gauntlet. A public meeting was held on 24 October 1905, under the chairmanship of Abdul Rasul, in which eminent speakers like B.C. Pal suggested the inauguration of an independent system of National education. Incidentally, another meeting was held at College Square on the same day, where... Chandra Mullick, Bepin Chandra Pal, Page 323 P. Mitter, Surendranath Banerji, Gaganendranath Tagore, Rabindranath Tagore, Chittaranjan Das, Aravindo Ghose, Satish Chandra Mukherji, A. Rasul, Aswini Kumar Dutt, Radha Kumud Mukherji, etc. And Dr. Nilratan Sarkar, that enemy of death. Add a galaxy of eminent personalities of the then Bengal. For his part, Sri Aurobindo who ...
... took part in the Barisal Provincial Conference held on 14 April 1906. He was in the front row of three in the procession, with Bepin Pal and Bejoy Chatterji. The president of the Conference, Abdul Rasul, passed with his English wife in a carriage. Other prominent leaders followed on foot in a procession. Nobody stopped them. But just as a band of young men came behind, the policemen lathi-charged the ...
... revolutionary aim in no time became many. At Calcutta Jatin set up his residence at 108C, Upper Circular Road. It became a training ground and the Society's study centre. P. Mitter, Surendranath Tagore, A. Rasul, S. G. Deuskar, Debabrata Bose and others met here every Sunday evening, and discussed revolutionary subjects. Bengal, of course, had secret societies running in its blood. Remember Rajnarain Bose ...
... forward,—because he is a Mahomedan. The idea that the election of a Mahomedan President will conciliate the anti-Congress Mahomedans, is a futility which has been repeatedly exposed by experience. Mr. Rasul's presidentship at Barisal has not conciliated the following of the Nawab of Dacca; such nominations can only gratify those Mahomedans who are already for the Congress. The question this year for the ...
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