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Ray, Charu Chandra : (b.1867), professor & sub-director of Dupleix College, Chandernagore. In the searches at Manicktolla Garden & other places in Bengal in 1908, documents were found connecting Charu Chandra to the conspiracy. He was arrested, extradited from French India, & made to stand trial in the Alipore Bomb Case. But before judgment could be passed on him, his friends in the French Govt. provided him an alibi & applied pressure through diplomatic channels with the result that the case against him was withdrawn. He returned to Chandernagore in January 1909, promising the Govt. to eschew all politics; hence he refused to receive Sri Aurobindo when the latter came to Chandernagore.
... this spiritualised patriotic orientation was Sri Aurobindo. 195 In 1904 Sri Aurobindo met Charu Chandra Dutt I.C.S. who was District Judge at Thana in Bombay Presidency, and converted him to the Bhavani Mandir ideal. It was at Charu Chandra's house that he first met Subodh Mullick, Charu Chandra's brother-in-law, who was to become one of his most loyal friends and a great political and financial... was very fond of Russian literature... "After learning Bengali fairly well, Aurobindo began to study Bengali classics, Swarnalata, Annadamangal by Bharat Chandra, Sadhavar Ekadashi by Deenabandhu etc .67 66. Charu Chandra Dutt, an I.C.S. and a friend and fellow-worker of Sri Aurobindo in the political field, relates an incident which illustrates Sri A urobindo's power of concentration... third! It took our breath away. I remarked to my friends: 'If such a man doesn't become a siddha (spiritually perfect), who would become - people like you and me?' " Puranokatha-Upasanhara by Charu Chandra Dutt. 67. Recently, about 42 Bengali books, which had belonged to Sri Aurobindo have been sent to Sri Aurobindo Ashram from Baroda. They include the Complete Works of Ishwar Gupta, Sekal ...
... his perilous fate? This was my puzzle. I was to find later on that his old friend Charu Dutt was troubled in the same way with this question and he asked Sri Aurobindo quite frankly, "You knew that one day you would jump into the whirlwind of political revolution. Why then did you marry?" He replied, "You see, Charu, at that time I was under a spell of despair. So I thought that if I have to pass my... language. Mrinalini and others would come to his rescue. He used to regret his inability to understand his mother-tongue fully. There was another humorous episode narrated by Sri Aurobindo's friend Charu Dutt which brings out a typical aspect of Sri Aurobindo's nature. He writes, "When in 1907 Sri Aurobindo was arrested and released, Bhupalbabu came down to Calcutta from Shillong with Mrinalini to meet... studies and there contracted a life-long friendship with one Sudhira Bose whose brother belonged to Sri Aurobindo's revolutionary party and later joined the Ramakrishna Mission as a sannyasi. Girish Chandra Bose, a very intimate friend of Mrinalini's father, almost like an elder brother, used to look after Mrinalini in Calcutta. He was the Principal of a famous college there. It was he who arranged the ...
... Nishikanta’s book? While Tagore has praised his chhanda[rhythm] and bhāshā [language], people call it halting and Sanskritised. Sri Aurobindo: Stupid review. [39] 9 August 1940 Nirodbaran: Charu Dutt doesn’t seem to consider Nishikanta’s poetry in Alakananda as first class. Sri Aurobindo: Is he a good judge of poetry? Nirodbaran: I don’t think so. Sri Aurobindo: Then his opinion... an expression in seven forms and was titled The Seven Suns; a dark-complexioned Titan was seen with a knife in his hand moving towards the Sun to assassinate it but the radiant rays of the Sun transformed the Titan into a ray of resplendent light. It denoted the eradication of darkness by the Light which in turn transformed life. Abanindranath was so pleased to see Nishikanto’s concept and his work... bathed by the effulgence of the green moon. After some time the green moon vanished as well and a sapphire moon was seen in a blue sky with its rays falling on all creation. Eventually the green moon vanished too and a golden moon was seen with golden rays radiating from it. When Nishikanto wrote to Sri Aurobindo asking him the significance of the vision, the Guru replied that the ‘star’ which emerged ...
... have fragmentary ideas about these things. It has become Page 114 difficult now to study philosophy – there are so many new ones, like the poets ! 26–8–1940 Charu Chandra Dutt wrote a review of the "Life Divine" in the Vishva Bharati. When it was read out to Sri Aurobindo he said : He may continue it, it may be for some people an introduction to "Life Divine"... great Truth is to take place there must be a very solid preparation to hold it. That is a more important work than holding up somebody as the Avatar. 22-2-1926 A letter from Subhas Chandra Bose to Dilip Kumar Roy appeared in the "Pravartak" of Chandernagore. Subhash remarked in it that "though he had great respect for Vivekananda he considers Sri Aurobindo – "gabhir" deeper than... no empty space anywhere, that is to say, there is no emptiness in space. There are two schools of physicists: Some believe that there is what they call "cosmic dust” in all space. Others say that the ray of light being material can pass through nothing – there is no necessity to imagine anything between. Sri Aurobindo : "Nothing" means what ? Does it mean non-existence, or nothing that we ...
... March 25, 1933 Up till now we know nothing of what happened at the music party except what you have told us in your letter. Nolini came to ask from Sahana whether she could sing or not before Charu Bose for which she seemed to be unwilling, but at the same time we heard that the matter was over—he had been sent away and she had been called back to the party. Anyhow Mother will see what he is like... cases, I believe I can say, I have given my blessings to your friends Buddhadev, Ashalata, your friends in Europe because they were your friends and ____________________ 1. Moni or Suresh Chandra Chakraborty (12 December 189? – 28 April 1951) was a revolutionary from Bengal. He came to Pondicherry in 1910 with a letter from Sri Aurobindo to arrange a residence for him. He then stayed with... the entire seclusion has been taken as a rule for Sri Aurobindo's sadhana and it may not be subjected to exception so long as the rule is in force. If he is really a bhakta that will give him a ray of distant hope and if he isn't, the impression made does not very much matter. Barin surely exaggerates the power of the publicist—after all he is only the editor of the Statesman —but even otherwise ...
... trance she would see the person coming and speaking to her or herself going there. Besides that wherever the Force is working, the Presence is there." September 28, 1936 You see Charu Dutt. 64 LC.S. wrote a review of Jawaharla's Autobiography in the Viswabharati Review last month. I used to be very friendly with his extremely sweet daughter—died of childbirth, poor girl—so I... He is a lovely prose writer in Bengali—a stylist par excellence—a friend of Tagore's. Note also his remarks with love and emotion on you. Did you know him well of yore ? Political ? Charu Dutt ? Yes, saw very little of him, for physically our way lay far apart, but that little was very intimate, one of the best of men whom I used to appreciate most and felt as if they had been my... believe in Guru's lead provided the Guru appeals one. You appeal to me—that is all. So why should he want to deflate faith as against reason which so often fails to get us anywhere ? [Subash Chandra Bose's letter, dated 23.12.35 was from Vienna. He wrote,] "Your letter of 19.8.35 reached me on the 20th September. It was very clear and I understand your mind now. Of course I think in a contrary ...
... things. That men should sometimes go mad there is perfectly understandable. Later Sir Edward Baker, the Governor of Bengal, visited us in the jail and told Charu Dutt, 'Have you seen Aurobindo Ghose's eyes? He has the eyes of a mad man!' Charu Dutt took great pains to convince him that I was not at all mad, but a Karmayogi." "And you stayed there for long?" asked Chaitanya. "Yes, for a month... rupees which he made on one condition - that I should be its first Principal. He was an active member of our Swadeshi Party and I always put up with him whenever I went to Calcutta. All of you know Charu Dutt, don't you? Well, he was a close relative of Subodh Mullick." "Yes, of course, we know him. We call him Dadu. He knows lots of fascinating stories about you," said Archan. Sri Aurobindo smiled... earth were they so keen to enter my room?" "It seems you had asked for an iced drink earlier, and since the ice was melting rather fast they wanted to give you the drink soon." "Oh! I'm told that Charu has many stories about me. He is the grandfather who carries a great big bag of stories with him! And like all good story-tellers he has a fantastic imagination, so don't believe all of them!" (Laughter) ...
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