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Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]

Ray, Dr. P.C. : Sir Prafulla Chandra Ray (1861-1944), first Palit Professor of Chemistry (1916-36) in Calcutta University. He inspired a generation of scholars & built up a modern chemical industry. In 1892 he founded the Bengal Chemical & Pharmaceutical Works. Simple, ascetic, & unassuming in personal life, he was rightly hailed by his countrymen as “Āchārya”.

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... who came into active contact with him, on the line of his bent and aptitude, 192. Sri Aurobindo formed a Central Council of five persons including P.C. Mitter and Nivedita, and placed the revolutionary organisation under its charge. P.C. Mitter acted as the leader of the revolution in Bengal. 193. Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on The Mother, pp. 85-86. Page 147 and... But Jatin and Barin could not hit it off long together, and they separated, to the great detriment of the revolutionary cause. Sri Aurobindo went to Bengal to patch up their differences, 188. P.C. Mitter, a well-known barrister, who organised the Anusilan Samiti in Bengal in collaboration with Sarala Devi at the instance of Baron Okakura, a Japanese art-connoisseur. He had "a spiritual life... and culture which, they thought, were in great danger. The Mutiny of 1857 was, in many respects a legitimate successor of the Sannyasi revolt, exploding in a wider and more violent outburst. — Based on Dr. Jadugopal Mukhopadhyaya's 'Viplavi Jivaner Smriti', written in Bengali. Page 70 sustenance from the national culture of the past, but endeavouring to adapt it to the spirit and needs ...