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Reliques : Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, anthology of ballads, sonnets, historical songs, & metrical romances published in 1765 by Thomas Percy. In each later edition new matter was added. It promoted revival of interest in the older English poetry.

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... Literature Early Cultural Writings Appendix: Test Questions The Mediaevalists 1) Describe the nature & influence on English poetry of Percy's Reliques. 2) Sketch the career of Chatterton. 3) Describe the character of Chatterton's forgeries and estimate their effects on the value of his poetry. 4) Discuss the conflicting estimates of Ch... 8) Who were the distinctly mediaevalist writers of the period? What was their importance in the history of the period? [ Draft-answers to the first three questions ] 1) 1765 Percy's Reliques 2) Chatterton born 1752. Colston's Hospital. 1764 first Rowley forgery Elinoure & Juga. 1767 apprenticed to Lambert. 1768-9 contributions to London magazines. 1768 attempt to get Dodsley to publish ...


... is as though the "Mother of Mankind" had transcended all these conventions. Another great poet of the seventeenth century, John Donne, uses gold in an innovative manner in his poem The Relique . He claims that his love is immortal and even in the grave he and his beloved will escape the cold clutches of death. He explains that when their grave will be dug up by chance there will be a ...