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Renan, Ernest : (1823-92), French historian & critic; best-known for his Life of Jesus.
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 The Way to Unity COMMON love, common labour and, above all, as the great French thinker, Ernest Renan,* pointed out, common suffering – that is the cement which welds together the disparate elements of a nation-a nation is not formed otherwise. A nation means peoples differing in race and religion, caste and... langue. Je disais tout à l'heure: "avoir souffert ensemble"; oui, la souffrance en commun unit plus que la joie. En fait de souvenirs nationaux, les deuils valent mieux que leg triomphes.. . " Ernest Renan: "Qu'est-ce qu'une nation?" Translation: "In the past a heritage of glory and regrets to share, in the future the same programme to realise; to have suffered, enjoyed, hoped together, that... language. I said just now: "to have suffered together"; yes, common suffering unites more than common joy. In respect of the memories of a nation griefs are worth more than triumphs. . . . " Ernest Renan: "What is a nation?" Page 94 will best understand, appreciate and even love each other, become comrades and companions, not rivals and opponents. To have union ...
... Towards A New Society THE WAY TO UNITY Common love, common labour and, above all, as the great French thinker, Ernest Renan,* pointed out, common suffering—that is the cement which welds together the disparate elements of a nation—a nation is not formed otherwise. A nation means peoples differing in race and religion, caste and creed and even language, fused... langue. Je disais tout à l'heure ; "avoir souffert ensemble"; oui, la souffrance en commun unit plus que la joie. En fait de souvenirs nationaux, les deuils valent mieux que les triomphes..." Ernest Renan : "Qu'est-ce qu'une nation?" Translation : "In the past a heritage of glory and regrets to share, in the future the same programme to realise; to have suffered, enjoyed, hoped together, that... and language. I said just now: "to have suffered together"; yes, common suffering unites more than common joy. In respect of the memories of a nation griefs are worth more than triumphs..." Ernest Renan : "What is a nation ?" Page 50 groups and collectivities. Hindus and Muslims, the two major sections that are at loggerheads today in India, must be given a field, indeed more ...
... the conclusions of European scholarship to the second. The best European thought has itself no illusions on this score. One of the greatest of European scholars & foremost of European thinkers, Ernest Renan, after commencing his researches in Comparative Philology with the most golden & extravagant hopes, was compelled at the close of a life of earnest & serious labour, to sum up the chief preoccupation... European scientists; the very word, Philologe, is a byword of scorn to serious scientific writers in Germany, the temple of philology. One of the greatest of modern philologists & modern thinkers, Ernest Renan, was finally obliged after a lifetime of hope & earnest labour to class the chief preoccupation of his life as one of the “petty conjectural sciences”—in other words no science at all, but a system... disparagement,—“petty conjectural sciences”. In other words, no sciences at all; for a science built upon conjectures is as much an impossibility & a contradiction in terms as a house built upon water. Renan’s own writings bear eloquent testimony to the truth of his final verdict; those which sum up his scholastic research, read now like a mass of learned Page 161 crudity, even the best of them ...
... an indispensable condition for the evolution of the societies. … We recognize that we are indebted to war for the formation of the great societies and the development of their organizations.” Ernest Renan, the great historian and expert in near-Eastern cultures, especially known for his Vie de Jésus (1863, life of Jesus), was also a social Darwinian, to which testify the following words of his ...
... pulling species out of their pit? “A Page 51 frightening panboeotia, a league of every stupidity, is spreading over the world a leaden lid which keeps us stifling underneath,” exclaimed Ernest Renan already at the close of the last century. 4 But the way out was not there yet. The “way” invariably appears when the need cries out. And I felt like the thinking and bruised witness – “puny self ...
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