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Richelieu : Armand-Jean du Plessis, cardinal et Duc de Richelieu (1585-1642), chief minister to King Louis XIII of France. Using both ecclesiastical & secular means, he built France’s hegemony & the secularization of politics in the Thirty Years’ War.
... finance, and general administration. The old French monarchy imposed its authority through judicial decisions and had frequently consulted local and central assemblies. The new monarchy, begun by Richelieu and perfected by Louis XIV, imposed its authority through executive decisions. Louis reduced the importance of the parlements, never summoned the Estates General, and, so far as such a thing was humanly... resumed the office of Groom of the Bedchamber on the death of his brother in 1667 and his company had become La Troupe du Roi in 1665 — playing now in the Palais-Royal, once the private theatre of Richelieu, the ban on Tartuffe finally lifted in 1669, enjoying the friendship of many of the great men of his day, Moliere knew success in full measure, but his personal life was unhappy. His two sons died ...
... force the highest work on the body. 1 Mahomet's idea that in his epileptic fits he went up into the seventh heaven & took the Koran from the lips of God, is extremely significant; 2 if Caesar & Richelieu had been Oriental prophets instead of practical & sceptical Latin statesmen they might well have recorded kindred impressions. In any case such an impression is purely sensational. It is always the ...
... Prema, Manas, Jnana, Nishkama & Bhagavata Naraka—offences of or against Kama, Prema, Satya, Ishwara, [?Devata], Jnana, Atma— 12 hells in each Notes - VIII Idomeneus. Coriolanus. Antony. Richelieu. C. [Caius] Gracchus St Louis. Charles V. Deiphobus. Brasidas.. T. [Tiberius] Gracchus. Clarence. Louis XII Lafayette. Pompey. T. [Titus] Manlius. Marcellus. Agis. Philip IV. Pausanias. Lysander ...
... the steam-roller of a strong centralised invincible spirit of France, one and indivisible and inexorable, that worked itself out through Jeanne d'Arc and Francis the First and Henry the Great and Richelieu and Napoleon. But all nations have the same story. And it is too late now in the day to start Page 90 explaining the nature and origin of nationhood; it was done long ago by Mazzini ...
... .& Cosmos, 315n Relativity, 141 Renaissance, 21, 52, 130, 145, 149, 152, 163, 206-8, 211, 329 Renan, Emest, 91, 94 -Qp'est-ce qu'une nation?, 94n Ribhus; 271 Richelieu, 90 Riemann, 325 Romains, Jules, 69, 360 -Vie Unanime, 360 Romanticism, 212 Romantic Revival, the, 207, 212 Rome, 16, 25, 72, 119, 206, 238-9, 245 ...
... the steam-roller of a strong centralised invincible spirit of France, one and indivisible and inexorable, that worked itself out through Jeanne d'Arc and Francis the First and Henry the Great and Richelieu and Napoleon. But all nations have the same story. And it is too late now in the day to start explaining the nature and origin of nationhood; it was done long ago by Mazzini and by Renan and once ...
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