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Richmond : Henry, Earl of Richmond, later Henry VII, in Shakespeare’s Richard III.

4 result/s found for Richmond

... it as a special case. The case not surprisingly attracted attention all over India and even beyond achieving the status of a 'cause celebre'. C. F. Napier, public prosecutor assisted by T. Richmond and A. Sundara Sastrigal appeared for the Crown, while a glittering array of eminent Madras lawyers defended the accused. Neelakanta was defended by British Barrister, J. C. Adam. Another Barrister... Bench of five judges comprising Sir Ralph Benson, John Wallace, Miller, Abdul Rahim and P. R. Sundara Iyer heard them. C. J. Napier, now as the Advocate-General appeared for the Crown assisted by T. Richmond while the accused were defended by T. Prakasam and others. The appeals were argued on legal grounds, which were the only issues allowed to be raised in such an appeal. They focused ...

... poetic voice as in Richard III             shadows tonight Have struck more terror to the soul of Richard Than can the substance of ten thousand soldiers Armed in proof and led by shallow Richmond. or in Julius Caesar The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interrèd with their bones. or in the much later & richer vein of Antony & Cleopatra I am dying, Egypt ...


... her, and wearing for everybody that took part; but her share was the hardest, for she had no holidays, but must be always on hand and stay the Page 33 Joan of Arc by William Blake Richmond (1842-1921) Page 34 long hours through, whereas this, that, and the other inquisitor could absent himself and rest up from his fatigues when he got worn out. And yet she showed no wear ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Joan of Arc

... Daughter-disciple of Swami Vivekananda. That is how she came to India on 28 January 1898. Miss Margaret Noble was born in North Ireland on 28 October 1867. Her parents were Reverend Samuel Richmond Noble and Mary Isabelle Hamilton. Samuel's father, John Noble, was by profession a Protestant priest. But he was a rebel at heart. He rebelled against the subjugation of his motherland by the British ...