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Riksha : a Rishi of the Rig-Veda (8.68.15); his son is mentioned elsewhere as Arksa.

1 result/s found for Riksha

... वृत्रहन्तमं ज्येष्ठमग्निमानवम् । यस्य श्रुतर्वा बृहन्नार्क्षो अनीक एधते ॥४॥ 4) We have come to the Fire, strongest to slay the Coverers, eldest and ever new in whose force of flame Shrutarvana, son of Riksha, grows to vastness. अमृतं जातवेदसं तिरस्तमांसि दर्शतम् । घृताहवनमीड्यम् ॥५॥ 5) The immortal, the knower of all things born who is seen 2 across the darkness, one to be prayed to, one... piercing of the Coverers. Page 374 अहं हुवान आर्क्षे श्रुतर्वणि मदच्युति । शर्धांसीव स्तुकाविनां मृक्षा शीर्षा चतुर्णाम् ॥१३॥ 13) As if calling armed forces in Shrutarvan, son of Riksha, from whom drips the rapturous inspiration, I comb the shaggy-maned head of the four. मां चत्वार आशवः शविष्ठस्य द्रवित्नवः । सुरथासो अभि प्रयो वक्षन् वयो न तुग्रयम् ॥१४॥ 14) Me the swift ...
