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Rishabha Vaishwamitra : son of Vishwāmitra, mentioned in Aitareya Brāhmaṇa.
... Mandala Three Hymns to the Mystic Fire Rishabha Vaishwamitra SUKTA 13 प्र वो देवायाग्नये बर्हिष्ठमर्चास्मै । गमद् देवेभिरा स नो वजिष्ठो बर्हिरा सदत् ॥१॥ 1) Sing out some mightiest hymn to this divine Fire; may he come to us with the gods and, strong to sacrifice, sit upon the sacred grass. Page 185 ऋतावा यस्य रोदसी दक्षं सचन्त ऊतयः ...
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