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Risley, Sir Herbert : Herbert Hope (1851-1911): admitted to ICS & posted in Bengal 1873: Secretary, Govt. of Bengal 1891: Member Legislative Council 1892-3: acting Financial Secretary, Govt. of India 1898; Census Commissioner 1899-1902: compiled the Report of 1901; Home Secretary, Govt. of India 1902-09: suggested partitioning Bengal December 1903 as “Bengal united is a power. Bengal divided will pull several different ways. This is perfectly true & is one of the great merits of the scheme” but gained greater notoriety for his education circular of 1907: authored Primitive Marriage in Bengal; Widow & Infant Marriage; Tribes & Castes of Bengal; Anthropometric India, wrote the Preface to the Sikhism Gazetteer 1892. [Buckland; etc.]

5 result/s found for Risley, Sir Herbert

... the policeman Andrew, (or the policeman Denzil, as the case may be). Mind you, behave yourself. He has orders to run you in if you don't." This is a fair translation into vernacular English of Sir Herbert Risley's latest literary effort. We hardly think it will have much effect on the tone of the Press, unless our publicists are cursed with a much greater timidity than we give them credit for. A crop ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... freedom a holy yajna, 231; political Vedantism, 232, 238ff; on Loyalists, Moderates, Nationalists, 232; on the bureaucracy, 232; on Anglo-Indians' pharisaical cant, 233; on the boy heroes, 234; on the Risley Circular, 236, 248, 249; on Lajpat Rai's deportation, 237; on Minto-Morley Reforms, 240ff, 261, 340ff, 364; on Morley's biparita buddhi, 241; prosecution as editor, 244ff; Madras Standard on, 244;... 164, 166ff; an Upanishadic dialogue, 166; zigzagging the way to Truth, 166; One Truth and degrees of reality, 168; "Seek Him upon the earth", 168-69; echo from Mandukya, 169, 173 Risley, H. H., 203-04, 207, 236, 248 Rod,779 Rodogune, 120, 134ff, 146, 646; sources, Appian and Cornville, 134-35; transmutation of material, 135; progress of acton, 135-39; significant... Mother's consciousness, 748; on Mahasaraswati, 748-50; proliferation of influence, 752ff; E.F.F. Hill on, 752; Robert Bristow on, 752; advice to Government on the Indian French possessions, 754; Jean Herbert on, 760-1; Memorial Convention, 762ff; Shyamaprasad's tribute, 763; Mother on what he represents in world's history, 781; his "action", 781, 784; on the spiritual revolution, 784; admonition, 785; ...

... politics, education, commerce, industry and administration - remained the principal constituent of the British Empire in India. Here was Curzon's chance to do something spectacular! In 1903, H.H. Risley of the Government of India - obviously on Curzon's initiative - put forward to the Government of Bengal a proposal to detach several districts from East and North Bengal, and with their addition to... evening, he would pace up and down the verandah of his house with brisk steps.... He was fond of music, but did not know how to sing or play on any musical instrument. 4 When the notorious Risley Letter first forced upon the attention of the public Curzon's unscrupulous move to divine the Bengali nation, Sri Aurobindo welcomed it because this calculated affront at least would knock the people... partition was most reprehensible to the people immediately concerned and the voice of protest was raised vehemently against the scheme - that the matter was even raised in Parliament by a member, Herbert Roberts - he lay low for a while, then suddenly, having in the meantime secured the consent of the Secretary of State, he had the Partition Act passed by   Page 204 the Legislative Council ...

... doomed by the justice of heaven..;. But we too who look on while our sisters and mothers are outraged, - against us too the doom will go forth unless we act before it is too late. 34 The Risley Circular of 6 May provoked appropriate comment two days later: This ukase out-russians Russia.... Not even the omnipotent Tsar has dared to issue an ukase so arbitrary, oppressive and in... And for this reason we welcome the circular.... The issue of 29 May returned to the subject and called for an "Educational Strike", for not otherwise could the infamous challenge of the Risley Circular be adequately met: .. .the whole nation is on trial, - professors, teachers and students are all confronted with the choice of signing themselves serfs and, in the case of the former... his poetry from Rudyard Kipling, his history from records of oppression: Shakespeare and Milton did not illumine his imagination when he peered into the future of India. Mill, Carlyle or Herbert Spencer did not shed any light on his reasoning when he applied himself to the study of the problems in India. Hume, Froude, Kingsley or Freeman did not help him at all in taking a correct reading ...

... which yet claims to deduce its results from fixed and certain physical tests and data. We find the philological discovery of the Aryan invasion supported by the conclusions of ethnologists like Sir Herbert Risley, who make an ethnological map of India coloured in with all shades of mixed raciality, Dravidian,Scytho-Dravidian, Mongolo-Dravidian, Scytho-Aryan. More modern schools of ethnology assert positively ...