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... has been a consequence of the Vedic discovery of the Rita, the Right. According to the Vedic Rishis, there is, at the summit of consciousness, a power of action which arranges forces and activities of the universe by an automatic harmony of relationships, movements and results. The right law of this automatic harmony is the Rita. The Rita itself is founded in the truth of the Reality and of... individual or collective life. The Rita, therefore, cannot be prescribed or circumscribed by any legislation or any man-made law. Rita is, indeed, the right law of action, but it issues from the vast consciousness of the truth, and it is thus superior to any human standards of action or any laws of the individual and collective life. It is this idea of Rita which lay behind the governing ideas... Dharma, but in returning to the original Rita. But there is also a deeper question as to whether there was any special reason which necessitated the deviation or diminution of Rita at early stage of our history into Dharma, and later on into its fall. The question is if this special reason does not hold good even today. Or else it could be that the Vedic Rita itself was not sufficiently explored and ...
... The dog would play and run about with us. She understood us perfectly when we spoke to her. She was called Rita. The other dog was an alsatian and her name was Rani. At around 10 -10:30 in the morning I would call out: "Rita, time for your bath. Come on, I'll give you a wash." Rita would run to me from wherever she was and sit under the tubewell tap, her head raised. I gave her a nice scrub... it would be better to send him away. And so the dog was returned. I have told you about Rita, the Tibetan chow. An Italian spaniel also came with her to our house. He was a male and his name was Rin. If any of the children annoyed Rita then Rin would get furious. He would angrily bark in retaliation. Rita was like his sister and he was always her elder brother. Finally Rin was sent to one of... before entering the house. I opened that empty suitcase and asked Rita to get inside and lie there which she did at once. I shut the suitcase tight. When my relative tried to lift the suitcase to take it home he realised that it was quite heavy. Why was the empty suitcase so heavy? He had hardly opened the suitcase that Rita jumped out and scurried away. We all had a good laugh. One afternoon ...
... guardian of the rita is a common thought of the Vedic Rishis and it occurs in passages where rita cannot well mean the sacrifice; even the phrase gopâm ritasya occurs elsewhere with this clear significance. The gods generally are said to be born in the Rita, ritejah, ritajâtah ; they are increasing the rita, ritâvridh , protecting the rita, ritapâ, ritasya gopâ , touching the rita, ritaspriҫ ... , sending down streams of the rita , knowing the rita, ritam id chikiddhi , rita-conscious, ritachid . It is evident even at a first glance, and we shall be able to establish it conclusively enough, that rita must mean in these phrases some kind of truth and not the ritual of the sacrifice. Moreover this rik is preceded by three others in which there is repeated mention of the ideas of truth and... this verse ritualistically and take Agni as nothing but the physical fire we must interpret rita otherwise, "king of the sacrifices, the shining guardian of the rite", and if he increases in his own home, it must be in the house of sacrifice or on his own place on Page 545 the altar. Or if " rita " is the cosmic Law Agni is the god of fire who is the guardian of the Law—in what sense?—and ...
... medha, dhi, smriti; (iv) In the coming of the supramental Light, rita chit, by the arrival of the Dawn, Usha, and by the rising of the Sun, Savitri, and by the help of the shining Mother of the herds, go, dhenu, aditi, to transform all our existence. For so comes to us the possession of the Truth, satya, rita; by the Truth one reaches the admirable surge of the Bliss, madhu, soma;... world mixed as it is with much falsehood and error, anritasya bhureh, 4 and there is a world or home of Truth, sadanam ritasya, 5 of the Truth, the Right, the Vast, where all is truth-conscious, rita chit. 6 There are many worlds between, but this is the world of the highest Light — the world of the Sun of Truth, Swar, or the Great Heaven. The Vedic Yoga finds the path to this Great Heaven, ...
... forward progress has to be renewed. The thought with a little attention now always assumes automatically the vijnanamaya form, is always satya & increasingly Page 621 rita. If there is any serious defect of rita it is that which still persists in trikaldrishti & affects the jnana. The trikaldrishti & telepathy have now to go through their closing stages of organisation. The rest will be ...
... was asked to give a subject for them. I gave, "What is death?" One class took it up, and they sent me the pupils' notes—four of them. ( Mother holds out four sheets, which Satprem reads: ) Rita: "The actual fact of death evokes in me an experience in which one is thrust into space and soars up." Amusing! I found it very amusing. She is the only one, besides, the others are quite practical... material remedy. It gave me a whole series of experiences in the night and the Page 133 morning, certainly far exceeding the field covered by their four reflections.... With the little girl [Rita], there was the impression, the vision of all those to whom death is a gateway to a marvelous realization. It all came so spontaneously and naturally that I felt as if it was THERE. Now that you've ...
... service. The truth of the inner solidarity of the universe and the law of action that proceeds from this truth, which is termed rita in the Veda is a law that governs the journey of yoga. Hence, the law of sacrifice is law of the truth and the right, satya and rita, informing all the processes of thought, feeling and action. An action, when it is filled with truth and right, can rightly be called ...
... the siddhi. Intense Krishnadarshana is becoming more firmly general. Afternoon A firm use of accurate and active telepathy, not yet entirely full nor entirely ritam, of vijnanamaya rita perception and of incipient positive and certain Trikaldrishti is now added to the action of vijnana which is meant to be constant. The trikaldrishti is not merely telepathic, but often pure vision... perfection of the Krishnadarshana. In the former the entire perception by sanyama of the mental state of the object is now frequent, but the entire perception of the thought has to be added: the right (rita) Page 900 perception of the trikaldrishti in that which is near in place & time is gained and frequent, but the perception of that which is far in time & place is inadequate. There is also ...
... 14 This is the supramental Truth-Consciousness (Rita-Chit), the highest cosmic consciousness. It is that by which reality expresses itself, and in which expression, even the Idea- Expression, is the concrete body of the Truth itself. It may therefore be described as the Real-Idea. Attainment of the truth-consciousness, Rita-Chit, implies a process of finding and expanding vision of ...
... of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga and philosophy know that they aim at these three signal achievements: (I) ascent of the consciousness of man from mind to Supermind, which is the Truth-consciousness, the Rita-chit of the Veda; (2) descent of the Supermind into Matter and the conversion and transformation of the integral nature of man—physical, vital and mental—by the Light-Force of the Supermind, and (3)... spiritual genius. There is no precedent or parallel to it in the annals of spirituality, oriental or occidental, ancient or modem. It is true that in the Veda we meet with some references to the Rita-Chit or the supermind. It is described there as the Truth, the Right, the Vast; as the supreme step of Vishnu; and some Vedic Rishis endeavoured to rise into its solar glory. But there is no trace ...
... smattering of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga and philosophy know that they aim at these three signal achievements : (1) ascent of the consciousness of man from mind to Supermind, which is the Truth-consciousness, the Rita-chit, of the Veda, (2) descent of the Supermind into Matter and the conversion and transformation of the integral nature of man—physical, vital and mental,—by the Light- Force of the Supermind, and... spiritual genius. There is no precedent or parallel to it in the annals of spirituality, oriental or occidental, ancient or modern. It is true that in the Veda we meet with some references to the Rita-Chit or the supermind. It is described there as the Truth, the Right, the Vast; as the supreme step of Vishnu; and some Vedic Rishis endeavoured to rise into its solar glory. But there is no trace ...
... exquisite poetic tradition by Sri Aurobindo,—because he demonstrates how the material, the poetic and the spiritual can be fused together. The Poet-Jeweller thus becomes a true Alchemist. RITA NATH KESHARI Page 513 ...
... disappear with the cells?" Naturally! Naturally, after death the body dissolves. But it takes a long time.... Page 154 These children don't know because [in India] bodies are burned. Rita asks, "In the phrase 'scattering of the cells,' doesn't the word 'scattering' have a particular meaning? If so, which one?" I used the word in its quite positive meaning. I have even seen that ...
... obstruct you. They had said that life is a sacrifice, and that as you burn your imperfections in the fire of sacrifice, you move upwards, you progress from untruth to truth. They had spoken of Rita, the right law of action originating in the vast consciousness of truth, and from that concept had come the idea of dharma. Those Vedic notions are present in the Mahabharata, brought out from an ...
... I find them clearly mystic. I don't know how these people can give a realistic meaning to them. Instead of taking the verses in their obvious mystic significance, they create all sorts of meanings—rita is water, fighting between Dravidians and Aryans, etc. NIRODBARAN: I asked Nolini yesterday what people like Tagore mean by saying that only Nishikanto has an easy mastery over the language while ...
... fire, so the power of the Idea is not different from the substance of the Being which works itself out in the Idea and its development. Supermind is, therefore, described as the Truth-Consciousness, rita chit of the Veda. Sri Aurobindo speaks of the triple status of the Supermind, (i) the status of the comprehensive consciousness which founds the inalienable unity of things, (ii) the status of ...
... descent on the earth can be brought about and even Matter can manifest supramental consciousness. Sri Aurobindo has, while describing supermind, referred to the Vedic concept of truth-consciousness (rita-chit) and accepted the Vedic description of truth-consciousness as an apt description of the supermind. Both in the Vedas and the Upanishads, we have the evidence that the ancient Rishis had discovered ...
... what Plotinus calls the first divine emanation (nous). These archetypal realities are realities of the Spirit, Idea-forces, truth-energies, the root Page 19 consciousness-forms, rita chit, in Vedic terminology. They are seed truths, the original mother-truths in the Divine Consciousness. They comprise the fundamental essential many aspects and formulations of an infinite Infinity ...
... the seers in their supernormal state of consciousness. The Vedic seers were capable of truth- sight and truth-hearing. By means of profound methods of Yoga, they had discovered truth-consciousness, Rita - chit and in that state of consciousness, apprehension and comprehension of truth in its infinite aspects becomes automatic. Are you acquainted with the Veda?" I shook my head, and said inaudibly ...
... Reality in its Native activity. The great meters of Vedic poetry, Gayatri, Usnik, Anustup, Brihati, Pankti, Tristup, and Jagati, each having specific number of syllables, represent vast rhythms of rita, which contain the occult power of universal and particular forms of harmony that abound the world of names and forms. It is this understanding of rhythms and meters that seems to have guided meticulous ...
... हृदा हुयंत उक्थिनः 9 Soma drunk दिविष्टिषु while sharpening the Vajra 11 The Rodasi lighten in response to Indra 12 The eight footed word ऋतस्पृशं Creation of body & word Rodasi and Rita 77 2 ҫavasî as name of Aditi—Indra son of Çavas Aurnavabha Ahiҫuva 4 Three hundred lakes of Soma. 5 Gandharva. अबुध्नेषु रजःसु 6 Food taken out from the Mountains 7 Arrow of Indra ...
... the root नृ, to move on rapidly, to be strong, swift, active from which we have नृत् to dance, नृ & नर strong and a number of other derivatives, for although ri means to go, it does not appear that rita was used in the sense of motion or swiftness. In any case our choice (apart from unnecessary ingenuities) lies here between “auspicious” and “true”. If we take Mahi in the sense of earth, the first ...
... A Centenary Tribute Bejewelled Craftsmanship: Tracing an Aurobindonian Influence in the Poetry of K.D. Sethna Rita Nath Keshan K.D. SETHNA was a poet and scholar of recognised merit even before he decided to settle down permanently in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. The poet's indifference to his early work and his consequent prominence ...
... e of what is plainly a similar religion, both the Vedic cult and Zoroastrianism being based on the symbolism of Fire and Sun, the sacred drink Soma or Haoma, the importance of the Cow as a sign of Rita or Arta (Asa), the fight between Truth and Falsehood, the Gods and the Demons. Even the shift of sense in the Vedic word Asura came, as you know, in the later hymns. In the earlier ones, the ...
... perceive. One has to pass beyond the spiritualised consciousness to the Spirit and partake of Its creative integral vision. The natural poise of the Supreme Spirit is the Supramental Truth-Consciousness, Rita-Chit, where all contraries are reconciled and realised as complementaries so necessary for the fulfilment of the complex destinies of the many-sided manifestation. To raise oneself to the Supramental ...
... powers of Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga (powers of wideness, harmony, upward aspiration and enjoyment) are synthesized, one attains to constant dwelling in the supramental consciousness and will, in rita-chitta, and one is stabilized in immortality. Example of the Yoga of Angirasa Rishis 30 But in order to present a more adequate description of the Vedic system of yoga, it would ...
... splendours of the supramental Light." 66 As in the Veda and in the Upanishad, so also in the Gita there is, Sri Aurobindo points out, the idea of the higher levels of knowledge of the supermind (rita-chit, Aditi, Shakti, Para Prakriti). But the road by which the lower nature can be transformed into the higher nature was found by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to be blocked, and it can be said that ...
... synthesis which has enabled the unity of the human beings with the whole world, with the entire cosmos, and its visible and invisible powers, as also with the highest unity of truth-consciousness, rita chita, — and even the sources of that unity, the One which came to be described by many names by enlightened Rishis, — ekam sad viprā bahudhā vadanti. In the Veda, we find the secret of the unification ...
... the increasing soul of man and the eternal divine fullness of the cosmic godheads meet perfectly and fulfil themselves. This experience culminates in the ascent to the plane of Truth- consciousness (rita-chit) and its descent into lower planes of the mental, vital and physical consciousness in the human body up to a point where the physical consciousness becomes so vast that the truth-consciousness ...
... that virtue is knowledge' and there are still others who might find in the Buddhis concept of dharma a most comprehensive gospel of right page - 82 action. In some quarters, the concept of rita is being pressed. An impartial seeker, who is confronted with plurality of religions and who is consequently required to determine which one of this plurality of religions he should choose for his ...
... the increasing soul of man and the eternal divine fullness of the cosmic godheads meet perfectly and fulfil themselves. This experience culminates in the ascent to the plane of Truth-consciousness (rita-chit) and its descent into the lower planes of the mental, vital and physical consciousness in the human body up to a point where the physical consciousness becomes so vast that the truth-consciousness ...
... proceed on its upward and forward march and bring out in due course a far greater consciousness than what we call Mind, indeed a supreme Truth-Consciousness — or what the great Vedic mystics termed Rita-Chit and Sri Aurobindo calls Supermind — that by its full manifestation will liberate not partially, not imperfectly as at present, but radically and wholly the imprisoned Divine. This Supramental ...
... transcending the normal mind- 1 The Synthesis of Yoga, p. 427. Page 109 consciousness and consequently at present superconscient to it. A supreme Truth-Consciousness, Rita-Chit, which Sri Aurobindo terms as Supermind, tops the series and this is a Power not merely static and introspective but supremely dynamic and creative. It is this Supermind that must be consciously ...
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