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18 result/s found for Russo-Japanese War

... d the courage and the readiness to rebel of the Bengalis, for they were not exactly renowned for these qualities. Another factor that turned the Bengal situation into a powder keg was the Russo-Japanese War. In February 1904 the Japanese had attacked the Russian fleet at Port Arthur, in Manchuria; in May of the same year they defeated the Russians at the river Yalu, and in May 1905 at Mukden. The ...

... War: Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell, Rode the six hundred. The Japanese soldiers too in one of their encounters with Page 23 the Russians in the Russo-Japanese War did not wait to build a bridge over the ramparts of a ditch; they made a solid bridge with the pile of their dead as they jumped in' one after the other and let the army march over their bodies ...


... century. One of the great symptoms of the decline is the prevalence of wars. It can be said in fact that there has been no real peace or even truce upon earth since the century opened with the Russo-Japanese War. Wars have continued since then uninterruptedly: some part or other of the world has always been involved. Indeed one can say it has been a single war carried on on many fronts, opening out ...

... debt of honour to pay then .the robber would leave all the money and go away. Imagine such a house-breaker in England or America! The Japanese also have a high sense of chivalry. In the Russo-Japanese war when the Russians were defeated the Mikado almost shed tears thinking of the Czar of Russia! That was his sense of Chivalry. When a congregation of fifty thousand persons was caught in a ...

... debt of honour to pay, then the robber would leave the whole sum behind and go away. Imagine such a housebreaker in England or America! The Japanese have a high sense of chivalry too. In the Russo Japanese War, when the Russians were defeated the Mikado almost shed tears thinking of the Czar. That was a true sense of chivalry. When a congregation of fifty or sixty thousand were caught in a fire ...


... advice, to grow tall the Japanese are taking raw meat, wearing shoes and adopting other European customs. In former days, eating grains and with bare feet, they used to fight splendidly, as in the Russo-Japanese war. They may have improved their stature by eating meat but they have lost in other ways. NIRODBARAN: If the Italian colonies in Africa could be seized, which does not seem difficult considering ...


... was remarkable. They would never lose their temper in front of anybody, though perhaps they might stab afterwards. They could work so silently and secretly that no one knew anything before the Russo-Japanese War broke out. All of a sudden it broke out. The Japanese are Kshatriyas, and their aesthetic sense is of course well known. But European influence has spoiled all that, and see now how brutal they ...


... It is significant of the tendencies of the twentieth century that all its great and typical events should have occurred no longer as in the last few centuries in Europe, but in Asia. The Russo-Japanese war, the Chinese Revolution, the constitutional changes in Turkey & Persia and last but most momentous the revival however indeterminate as yet of the soul of India, are the really significant events ...


... to Bombay. For, impossible as it may sound, I knew when I was a boy an English child in Bombay who had been named "Togo" because he had been born in 1904, the year at whose near-end during the Russo-Japanese War Admiral Togo had started the masterly manoeuvers by which he had destroyed the whole Russian fleet off the coast of Manchuria. And I myself was also born in the same year in Bombay. Perhaps the ...

... except by numbers thrice those of the defence and war therefore would bring no military decision but only an infructuous upheaval and disturbance of the organised life of the nations. When the Russo-Japanese war almost immediately proved that attack and victory were still possible and the battle-fury of man superior to the fury of his death-dealing engines, another book was published, called by a title ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... himself that he would become strong and that he would spare no effort in achieving this aim. At the age of 20, he could already lift enormous weights and feared only a few opponents. When the Russo-Japanese war broke out in Manchuria, Ueshiba was 21. He volunteered for service and was enrolled as a regular soldier. These years gave him the opportunity to strengthen his body with the toughest of tests ...

... remarkable. They would never lose their temper in front of anybody, though perhaps they might stab afterwards. They could work so silently and secretly that no one knew anything before the Russo-Japanese War broke out. All on a sudden it broke out. The Japanese are kshatriyas, samurais, and their aesthetic sense is of course well known. But European influence has spoiled all that, and see now ...


... Ramakrishna, 116, 128, 141, 160, 243, 247,383 Raphael, 210 Ravana, 58 Ravel, 427 Red Sea, 324 Ribhus, the, 208 Rome, 199,421 Rudra, 160, 163, 208 Russell, Bertrand, 56 Russo-Japanese War, 213 SAHARA,324 St. Augustine, 73 St. Francis of Assisi, 243 St. (}enevieve, 199 St. Matthew, 186 St. Paul, 73 St. Vincent de Paul, 411 Sankhya,45,85 Satan, 46 ...

... century. One of the great symptoms of the decline is the prevalence of wars. It can be said in fact that there has been no real peace or even truce upon earth since the century opened with the Russo-Japanese War. Wars have continued since then uninterruptedly: some part or other of the world has always been involved. Indeed one can say it has been a single war carried on on many fronts, breaking out ...

... Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of Hell, Rode the six hundred. The Japanese soldiers too in one of their encounters with the Russians in the Russo-Japanese War did not wait to build a bridge over the ramparts of a ditch; they made a solid bridge with the pile of their dead as they jumped in one after the other and let the army march over their bodies ...

... many languages and in touch with Russian nihilists." Was he? "Many stories of his doings were whispered from mouth to mouth among the students almost with awe. Page 226 "The Russo-Japanese War, declared in 1904, shook some of us in the College to our very depth. Port Arthur fell to the Japanese in January 1905. Admiral Togo destroyed the Russian Fleet in May. Asia had successfully ...

... s the Gaekwad on his tour of Kashmir as his Private Secretary. December 17 - First successful flight of a plane by the Wright brothers in the USA. 1904, February - Beginning of the Russo-Japanese war. The Japanese sink the Russian fleet at Port Arthur (now Lüshun). August 3 — British forces under Younghusband, sent by Lord Curzon, reach Lhasa in Tibet. December - Sri Aurobindo ...

... knew anything before the Russo-Japan war broke out, how they had prepared themselves. All on a sudden they broke out into war. They are Kshatriyas and their aesthetic sense is of course well known. But the European influence has spoiled all that. They are now very materialistic. Now how brutal they have become, which is thoroughly un-Japanese. Look at the Japanese soldier slapping the European... what I wanted to do in Bengal. Turks are a silent race. Disciple : What do you think of the China-Japan war? Sri Aurobindo : I don't think much of either party. They are like six and half-a-dozen. Both too much materialistic. But if I had to choose; I would side with Japan. Japan at one time had an ideal.  Their powers of self-sacrifice, patriotism, self-abnegation and silence are ... European officers, though they deserve it. The Japanese commander challenging Chiang-Kai-Sheik to come out in the open field. The Japanese men attacking their political leaders – all this is unconceivable. This sort of swaggering is not at all Japanese. In old times, the Japanese, even while fighting, had perfect sympathy with those with whom they fought. Disciple : But without brutalities (killing ...