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Sabines : ancient Italic tribe in hilly region east of the Tiber.
... remarkably muddled than his knowledge of Indian civilisation and literature. In his exhortation to Indian womanhood to stand fast to its ancient moorings he jumbles together Swayamvaras, the rape of the Sabines and Shacuntala in a miraculous fashion! At no Swayamvara that we are aware of, did the women come forward as peacemakers between the abducting hero and the disappointed suitors. Mr. Risley has been ...
... ash, My soul more love than you can make my soul forget. (K.D.S.) Page 170 A breath of it is on us when Hugo's Gastibelza ends that song of pathos and ardour about Dona Sabine: ... la nuit gagne Le Mont Falou - Le vent qui vient a travers la montagne Me rendra fou! ... over Mount Falou Night hangs her sway - The wind that comes across ...
... non Achaico verba, et vos, Selique Tarquitique Varroque scholasticorum natio madens pingui, ite hinc, inane cymbalon juventuris; tuque, O mearum cura, Sexte, curarum, vale, Sabine; jam valete, formosi. Nos ad beatos vela mittimus portu magni petentes docta dicta Sironis vitamque ab omni vindicabimus cura. Ite hinc, Camenae; vos quoque, ite jam sane, dulces ...
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