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Sadananda : Sadānanda Yogindra Saraswati, author of Vedanta-sāra. He belonged to the ‘Saraswat’ order, one of the ten orders of Sannyasins of Shankara’s school.
... meaning of the Sanskrit more clear. It was first published in The Upanishads in 1971. Sadananda's Essence of Vedanta. Circa 1902. The Vedantasara or "Essence of Vedanta" was written by Sadananda in the fifteenth century. Sri Aurobindo translated only the first sixteen of the work's 227 aphorisms. The incomplete translation was first published in The Upanishads in 1971. PART ...
... nda of the Chit in the object full of the gunas (Vijnana) Shuddhananda—Ananda of the Beauty of everything (Ananda) Chidananda—Ananda of pure consciousness without the gunas (Chit-tapas) Sadananda—Ananda of pure existence apart from all objects and experiences (Sat) Siddhi of the five Chatusthayas, Brahma, Karma, Sharira, Vijnana and Samata. Page 1481 ...
... a is reemerging. Vishayas of smell & taste are again becoming active with the first force. 22 June 1915 An uprush of a material layer full of the asiddhi. Chidananda emerges with Sadananda behind it giving the Page 876 ananda of the material oneness (substance) & of the all-life in its vital activity (prana). The vijnana obscured during the last two days reemerges ...
... ahaituka ananda). All this joy is of the nature of bhoga from which the ananda is beginning to emerge. Joy of the spirit in the Ekam which expresses itself (the basis of shuddhananda, chidananda & sadananda together making kaivalyananda) is as yet obscure & involved in the lower anandas. Since yesterday, the ahaituka kamananda & today the sahaituka tivrananda are manifesting. Yesterday also the discomfort ...
... from Manuscripts Translations and Commentaries from Manuscripts Incomplete Translations of Two Vedantic Texts (Circa 1900-1902) Kena and Other Upanishads Sadananda's Essence of Vedanta [ ] - blank left by the author to be filled in later but left unfilled, which the editors were not able to fill INVOCATION To the Absolute अखण्डं स ...
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