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Sagar Sangit : Bengali poems by C.R. Das; translated by Sri Aurobindo as Songs of the Sea. “The first book of poems published by Das was Malancha, a book of lyrics. His poetic works include other books like Mālā, Sāgar Sangeet, Antaryāmi, & Kishore Kishori… the great Oriental Scholar John Alexander Chapman translated some of Das’s poems…. Mālā was published in 1904…. Its poems revealed Das’s growing concern with religious faith & belief in the unknown & unknowable. If Malancha introduced Das as a poet, Sāgar Sangeet made him famous. It was written in November 1910 when he was returning from England by sea…. In feeling & movement it is deep like the sea & a happy fusion of devotion & thought.” [Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, Govt. of India, 1960, 1969, 1977]

8 result/s found for Sagar Sangit

... Vidula (from the Mahabharata) and his original play Perseus the Deliverer appeared in those papers or in the Modern Review. Songs of the Sea, Sri Aurobindo's translation of C.. R. Das's Sagar-Sangit, was published only in 1923 and hence does not strictly belong to the Baroda period, but it is conveniently discussed in this chapter along   Page 68 with the other translations from... to us our lost heritage! Love of Nature, like love of Motherland, can also be elevated to breathless oration akin to religious devotion and consecration. Making a reference to C.R. Das's Sagar-Sangit and to his own verse translation in English, Songs of the Sea, Sri Aurobindo wrote in 1947: The sea to the Indian imagination is a symbol of life, - one speaks of the ocean of the samsāra... Amers was published in French, in which the poet celebrated the sea and himself in the sea, even as Whitman had celebrated himself and the universe in himself. If we sought a parallel, then, Sagar-Sangit should be paired, not with Byron's apostrophe to the ocean in Childe Harold, but rather with Perse's Amers.28 The basic symbolism in the latter is the mating of land and sea, female and male ...

... Singh, Sardar Ajit, 234, 235, 242,269,376 Sircar, Mahendranath, 13 Siva, Subramania, 299, 375 Smith, Jay Holmes, 753 Songs of the Sea, (Sagar-Sangit), Tiff; Sri Aurobindo on Sagar-Sangit, 77-78; and Childe Harold and Perse's Amers, 78; symbolism of the sea, 78 Songs to Myrtilla, 38ff, 68,71, 72 Sophocles, 21 Sorokin, Pitrim A., 751... poetry, 72-3, 505-6; translations from Chandidas, 72; from Vidyapati, 74; from Nidhu Babu, 74; from Horu Thakur, 76; from Jnanadas, 76; on Bande Mataram, 76; translation from Dwijendralal, 77; Sagar, Sangit, tr. of, 77ff, 411; on Vyasa & Valmiki, 79ff; tr. from the Ramāyāna, 8 1ff; from the Mahabharata, 84ff; on Nala and Savitri, 85-6; Vidula, 87; translation from Bhartrihari, 88; from Kalidasa, 90ff; ...

... concerning these "books" have not survived. [6] June - July 1913. [7] August 1913. The manuscripts ("MSS") referred to are Sri Aurobindo's translation of Chittaranjan Das's Bengali poem cycle Sagar Sangit , for which Das agreed to pay him Rs. 1000. [8] Circa 1913. [9] 1913 (between April and October 1913, Sri Aurobindo lived in a house on Mission Street, Pondicherry, for which the rent was ...


... interests first hovered round Sanskrit and Bengali poetry Renderings from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, from Chandidas, Vidyapati, Horu Thakur, Nidhu Babu and others, from Bhartrihari, from the Sagar-Sangit of C.R. Das, from the Vedas and the Upanishads, from Bankim Chandra and Dwijendralal Roy— all these make for both variety and volume. Sri Aurobindo was willing to turn his hand to these exercises ...


... had come passed before him. Moni had composed a Bengali poem which he read. Sri Aurobindo liked it and gave him a garland. During this year, apparently, Sri Aurobindo translated C. R. Das's Sagar Sangit into English verse. For this the latter sent Rs.1000. V. Ramaswamy (Va-Ra) went back to Tanjore during the year. In October 1913 Sri Aurobindo moved to 41 (afterwards 10), Rue Francois Martin ...


... Songs of the Sea as in this poem I was not busy with anything of the kind but was only rendering into English the self-expression of my friend and fellow-poet C. R. Das in his fine Bengali poem Sagar Sangit . I was not even self moved to translate this work, however beautiful I found it; I might even be accused of having written the translation as a pot-boiler, for Das knowing my impecunious and precarious ...


... Songs of the Sea as in this poem I was not busy with anything of the kind but was only rendering into English the self-expression of my friend and fellow-poet C. R. Das in his fine Bengali poem Sagar Sangit. I was not even self-moved to translate this work, however beautiful I found it; I might even be accused of having written the translation as a potboiler, for Das knowing my impecunious and ...

... house, but on special occasions - a marriage or baptism in a friend's house, the opening of the "Aryan Stores" - he made a brief outing. On a request from C.R. Das, Sri Aurobindo translated his Sagar-Sangit into English verse, as Songs of the Sea and received Rs. 1000 for the service, an amount that was welcome in his "impecunious" condition. His Baroda friend, Khasirao Jadhav, paid a visit in ...