Samba : a son of Sri Krishna by Jāmbavati, daughter of Jāmbuvant, King of Bears who fought beside Lord Rama against Rāvaṇa. Jāmbavati became the youngest & sweetest of Sri Krishna’s three wives. Samba participated in the Kurukshetra war.
... Otherwise "The Kuru heroes of his own side" i.e. Abhimanyu's which is awkward 3) वृद्धौ this supplies the reason of their preeminence 5) प्रदुम्नसाम्बौ च युधि प्रवीरौ. This establishes Pradyumna & Samba as historical sons of Krishna विराटपुत्रैस्च Virata has therefore several sons, three at least. 7) The simile is strictly in the style of Vyasa who cares little for newness or ingenuity, so long ...
... Haumavarga/Haumawarga, 283, 313-25, 365 Saka Paradaraya, 315, 321-2 Saka Tigrakhauda, 315, 321 Sakalya, 378 Sakas, 206, 315-25 Sakas, Haumavarga, see Saka Haumavarga samba-, 296 Samara, 277 Sambara, 283, 296, 302-5, 312, 327-9, 331-3, 335-7, 364 samulya, 246 Sankalia, H.D., 171 fn., 182, 223, 233, 237, 238, 239, 246 ...
... Trojan Assembly, she is heaven-sent and a continent in herself. We see her in Priam's Palace surrounded by her chieftains - Surabdas, Surenas, Pharatus, Somaranes, Valarus, Tauron, Sumalus, Arithon, Sambas and Artaboruxes. Her challenge to Achilles is delivered by the herald in Book V: Sea of renown and of valour that fillest the world with thy rumour,... Dread of the world and my target ...