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Sambara Shambara : a Dasyu who fought against King Divodāsa of Kashi. He was defeated & his many cities were destroyed by Indra.

11 result/s found for Sambara Shambara

... victory is the ancient, primal achievement set as a type of the luminous Ancestors for the mortality that was to come after them. It was the conquest of the powers of the circumscribing Night, Vritras, Sambaras and Valas, the Titans, Giants, Pythons, subconscient Powers who hold the light and the force in themselves, in their cities of darkness and illusion, but can neither use it Page 61 ...

... greatness of the Bull to whom the Purus cling and he slays for us the covering Vritras. The universal Godhead and Flame has slain the Destroyers and hastened the waters on the way and broken down Shambara. Page 136 वैश्वानरो महिम्ना विश्वकृष्टिर्भरद्वाजेषु यजतो विभावा । शातवनेये शतिनीभिरग्निः पुरुणीथे जरते सुनृतावान् ॥७॥ 7) This is the universal godhead who by his greatness labours ...

... with वाघतः see I.3 . 3 नामानि expresses the Truth of the divine Nature, his Powers in consciousness expressed by the name—numina—cf 38.4. & 7. 4 पुरुष्टुतस्य धामभिः शतेन—cf the 100 cities of Shambara 5 भरेषु & वाजेषु —cf 6. where वाज replaces भर—therefore भर is the bringing, वाज is the having. 7 पृतनाज्ये—परकीया सेना. S. तासामजने गमने—charge of the hosts. S. पृत्सु S. takes = पृतना ...

... 206-7, 346-9, 362 dasyu, 207 Haumavarga, 209, 318-19 maya, 384-5, 388 pant, 207, 291-3, 346-9 Rasā/Ranhā, 284, 286 Saka, 320 Sambara, 296 Varuṇa, 395-6, 400-401 Vritra, 396 ewe (in the Rigveda), 345 Excavation at Mitathal and other explorations..., by S. Bhan, 224 Fairservis, W., 180... Saka Paradaraya, 315, 321-2 Saka Tigrakhauda, 315, 321 Sakalya, 378 Sakas, 206, 315-25 Sakas, Haumavarga, see Saka Haumavarga samba-, 296 Samara, 277 Sambara, 283, 296, 302-5, 312, 327-9, 331-3, 335-7, 364 samulya, 246 Sankalia, H.D., 171 fn., 182, 223, 233, 237, 238, 239, 246 Sanskrit, 159-60, 177, 243, 257, 264, 266 ...

... of my mind. Page 423 3) वेश्यं । दिवोदासनाम्ने प्रवेशार्हमकरवं । सर्वताता । यज्ञे । अतिथिग्वं । अतिथीनामाभिगन्तारं । I shattered to pieces, rejoicing, the nine & ninety cities of Shambara; the hundredth I made a city of dwelling in man’s universal extension when Divodasa’s being I increased, Divodasa of farranging knowledge. 4) मरूतो । वेगेन मरूत्सदृशः पक्षिणः । प्र सु अस्तु । ...

... Roth, 41, 110, 115 Roux, Georges, 31fn., 89fn. Royal Tombs of Ur, 54 Roychowdhuri, Ajit, iii Rudra, 41, 43-5 Russian conference, i, iii Sambara, 110 Sandrocottus, 86, 103 Sanjan, 17 Sankalia, H.D., 2fn., 5, 9, 20, 22, 38, 47, 53, 56, 59, 62-4, 68, 98-100 Sanskrit, iv, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30 ...

... primal achievement set as a type by the luminous Ancestors for the mortality that was to come after them. It was the conquest of the powers of the circumscribing Night ( rātrī paritakmyā ), Vritras, Sambaras and Valas, the Titans, Giants, Pythons, subconscient Powers who hold the light and the force in themselves, in their cities of darkness and illusion, but can neither use it aright nor will give it ...

... Coverers, Tearers, Devourers, Confiners, Dualisers, Obstructers, as their names indicate, powers that work against the free and unified integrality of the being. These Vritras, Panis, Atris, Rakshasas, Sambara, Vala, Namuchi, are not Dravidian kings and gods, as the modern mind with its exaggerated historic sense would like them to be; they represent a more antique idea better suited to the religious and ...

... suggested sharply when even Dāsas or Dasyus mentioned by name and thus individualized as if they were brute physical facts are fought in a manner least expected. B.K. Ghosh informs us: "Dāsa princes like Sambara, Dhuni, Chumuri, Pipru and Varchin have been actually mentioned by the Rigvedic poets, but it is significant that, as a rule, Indra himself has been made to combat them on his own initiative and not ...

... sleep. O strong god-mind, thou hast broken the cities of Pipru and made Rijiswan to advance in thy slayings of the Destroyers. (6) And thou hast increased Kutsa in thy slayings of Sushna and put Shambara into the power of the King in whom the Ray is a guest, and trampled with thy foot Arbuda for all his hugeness. Yea, thou art born eternally for the slaying of the Destroyer. (7) In thee all strength... One in whose right hand is the thunderbolt. Call we Indra with his retinue of Maruts to be our comrade and friend. (2) He has slain in his exultant wrath the shoulderless Demon, he has smitten Shambara and Pipru who kept not the law.He has torn down Sushna and that evil Power had no strength against him. Call we Indra with his retinue of Maruts to be our comrade and friend. (3) Heaven and... rejoiced in thy wake and the galloping horses were glad and all the gods drank rapture behind thee; (8) Then thou smotest Sushna and Pipru and Kuyava and Vritra and the cities were shattered of Shambara. This let Mitra and Varuna and the Mother Infinite magnify in me and the great River and Earth and Heaven. SUKTA 104 (1) A house has been made, O Indra, for thy session; come to thy place like ...

... opposed to me. 35. My friend! If this is done, this land will be rid of all its thorns, Jarāsandha (my father-in-law) is as good as my father; while Dvivida is my beloved friend. 36. Besides, Sambara, Na-raka, Bāna and several others have entered into alliance with me. With their help I will destroy all the kings who are on the side of the Devas, and shall rule over this earth. 37. You now understand ...