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Samson Agonistes : Milton’s tragedy, modelled on classic Greek tragedy.
... their quarrel and reconciliation. But it is generally supposed that Milton's relations with Mary were not particularly happy at any period: she is often looked upon as the model for Dalila in Samson Agonistes. This is an error. Milton's nephews have reported that Mary lived in good accord with her husband until her death. And there is the sonnet on "my late espoused Saint", in which Milton speaks ...
... not Marvell and some other friends intervened, he would have been sent to the gallows out of hand and we should have had just a little of Paradise Lost and nothing of Paradise Regained or Samson Agonistes. All in all, his public life took up nearly twenty years involving him in endless controversies and keeping him away from his long-dreamt-of plan of composing an English epic. He put aside his ...
... Paradise Lost are upborne by the greatness of the soul that finds expression in its harmonies of speech and sound and by the greatness of its sight. But in the later books and still more in the Samson Agonistes and the Paradise Regained this flame sinks; the thought becomes intellectually externalised, the sight is obvious and on the surface. Milton writing poetry Page 95 could never fail ...
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