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Sanjibani Sanjivani : organ of the Sādhāran Brahmo Samāj of Calcutta, edited by Sri Aurobindo’s uncle Krishna Kumar Mitra from his house at 6, College Square.
... was the Sanjivani office and residential house at all searched? That is the question which is just now agitating the educated community in town very much. The object, it now appears, was this: the police wanted to get hold of a copy of the Karmayogin of the 25th December last and all papers and documents connected with it. Now. the Karmayogin is not printed or published at the Sanjibani office... rather dramatic fashion. Its last issue is dated 2nd April 1910. The police did not stop with the raid to the Karmayogin office. The next day, 5 April that is, Calcutta Police searched the Sanjivani Office at 6 College Square, which was also the residence of K. K Mitra. It was too much. Even the Bengalee of Surendra Nath Banerji protested. Page 65 "We hold that there was not ...
... Book One Book One Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Bipin Chandra Pal 6.Aug-15.Oct.1906 Bande Mataram The Sanjibani on Mr. Tilak 10-September-1906 The Sanjibani pronounces in its last issue against Mr. Tilak, on the ground that he is unpopular. But unpopular with whom? With a certain section of the old Congress leaders. Is then unpopularity with ...
... 1908. So he was not at home to welcome his cousin when he was released from Alipore Jail. Upon his return he found his Auro-dada at home in N°6 College Square which was their house as well as the Sanjibani office. It was to remain Sri Aurobindo's anchor from then on until he left Calcutta and politics behind in February 1910. Saro was living there as well. For after Sri Aurobindo's arrest she had gone... hear from Nolini himself. "On coming out of jail, Sri Aurobindo found shelter in the house of his maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra; the Page 501 place was known as the Sanjibani Office. Bejoy Nag and myself had got our release along with him, but we could not yet make up our minds as to what we should do next; we were still wandering about like floating weeds or moss. But ...
... an institution for national and revolutionary Page 82 propaganda, but this finally came to nothing." The secret society was called Sanjibani Sabha (Life-giving Society) and code-named HAM-CHU-PA-MU-HAF (I) Formed in 1876, Sanjibani had several members of the Tagore family, including the Poet Rabindranath, then a boy of fifteen. Writes the Poet, "Jyotidada 1 formed a secret society ...
... recent stay there. The work which Sukumar had to do was difficult one. As soon as he received Motilal's letter, Sukumar called Nagendra Kumar Guha Roy, a nationalist worker of Noakhali, to the Sanjivani office. He gave Nagen two trunks and asked him to take them to the mess where he was living. Nagendra jocularly asked whether the trunks contained bombs. Sukumar told him not to bother about the... Square. The next day Sukumar gave two names to Nagen and asked him to buy two second class tickets for Colombo. This was done to put the police of the scent. Two names had been taken from the Sanjivani subscriber-list so that, even if the police inquired into them, they would be found to correspond to real persons. The tickets were for Colombo so that all inquiries would be directed, if at all ...
... Period 6.Feb-3.May.1908 Bande Mataram The Future of the Movement 19-February-1908 When a great people rises from the dust, what mantra is the sanjivani mantra or what power is the resurrecting force of its resurgence? In India there are two great mantras , the mantra of "Bande Mataram" which is the public and universal cry of awakened love of ...
... 1937 The Power of Prayer As for prayer, no hard and fast rule can be laid down. Some prayers are answered, all are not. An example? The eldest daughter of my Mesho, K. K. Mitra, editor of Sanjibani , not by any means a romantic, occult, supraphysical or even imaginative person, was abandoned by the doctors after using every resource, all medicines stopped as useless. The father said "There is ...
... It was Amarendranath Chatterji who had gone to Calcutta from Uttarpara to fetch Sri Aurobindo, on behalf of the organizers 1 of the 'Society for the Protection of Religion.' "I went to the Sanjibani office to fetch Sri Aurobindo," writes Amar. "I saw him there absolutely quiet, as if he were in 1. Piyarimohan Mukherji, the zamindar of Uttarpara and his eldest son, Rajendranath, generally ...
... trial in the Sessions Court at Alipore. And how did the prisoners fare in the Jail ? When Sri Aurobindo was released he was interviewed by newspaper reporters. Here is one report from the Sanjibani of the 13 th May: "At the lock-up, my morning meal consisted in dal khichuri (pulse and rice boiled together); in the afternoon I had muri (fried or puffed rice). There was no arrangement ...
... Sukumar being the go-between —for Sri Aurobindo was still in Baroda service. On 13 July, a few days after the Government's final decision to partition Bengal had been announced, K.K. Mitra had in his Sanjibani called for the boycott of British goods and of government employees. Sri Aurobindo himself had "always considered the shaking off of this economic yoke and the development of Indian trade and ...
... "As for prayer, no hard and fast rule can be laid down," Sri Aurobindo wrote to Dilip. "Some prayers are answered, all are not. An example? The eldest daughter of my Mesho, K. K. Mitra, editor of Sanjibani, not by any means a romantic, occult, supra-physical or even imaginative person, was abandoned by the doctors after using every resource, all medicines stopped as useless. The father said Page ...
... been adapted on a vaster scale for the whole country. He was a competent policy maker with a penetrating vision. 1 Their meeting had taken place in the office room that served as Sanjibani office. As Krishna Kumar Mitra used to work for his paper and receive people there, his wife Lilabati had hung up that motto on the wall. Page 73 But Sri Aurobindo always made ...
... Soon after that speech, Sri Aurobindo wrote on the same subject in the journal Bande Mataram. "When a great people rises from the dust," he said on 19 February 1908, "what mantra is the sanjivani mantra or what power is the resurrecting force of its resurgence? In India there are two great mantras, the mantra of 'Bande Mataram' which is the public and universal cry of awakened love of ...
... about these events and to his reminiscences he gave the title Farewell to the god. He writes: 'One day in the last week of March, Sukumar-da showed me two steel trunks in a room of his house (the Sanjivani office) and said that I should take them away and keep them at my mess. I lifted the trunks a little and realised that they were full. Jokingly I enquired whether they contained bombs and pistols... Ghat near the Eden Gardens of Calcutta still floats before my eyes. Sukumar-da had asked me to reserve a single cabin for two persons and I made the bookings accordingly. I then returned to the Sanjivani office and gave him the two tickets which he checked carefully. Handing them back to me he said, "Keep them with you for the time being — I will take them later."' Under Sukumar's instructions... in Rangpur district, names to be assumed by Sri Aurobindo and Bijoy for the journey. Actually, they were not fictitious names and addresses but were taken by Sukumar from the subscribers' list of Sanjivani, his father's nationalist journal. This was done to mislead the police in case of any later investigations. These arrangements took care of Sri Aurobindo's proposed journey from Calcutta to P ...
... for himself and the other for the young man who was to accompany him... "As soon as he got Motilal's letter, Sukumar called Nagendra Kumar Guha Roy, a nationalist worker of Noakhali, to the Sanjivani office and gave him two (steel) trunks and asked him to take them to the mess where he was living. Nagendra jocularly asked whether they contained bombs. Sukumar asked him not to bother about the ...
... Suryakanta Acharya of Mymen-singh, Hesh had gone to Europe to study art, which he did at several schools —in London, Paris, Venice, etc. His 'Letter from Europe' was a weekly feature in K. K. Mitra's Sanjibani. At Baroda, the Gaekwad offered him and his French wife hospitality at his Guest House which normally was reserved for important guests. Of an evening, recalls D. K. Roy, the artist —who looked like ...
... y, it does not seem to have been preserved. Sukumar's father K. K. Mitra (1852-1936) was a well-known professor; a journalist, he was also the editor of a weekly, Page 70 Sanjibani, in which he exposed the barbarian and ruthless activities of the Europeans owners of tea estates of Assam and of the indigo planters. His initial disgust at British justice —which let off scot-free ...
... and the Bande Mataram. Between them they practically revolutionized the political attitude of Bengal. Press prosecutions were also directed against other vernacular papers, including Sanjibani, Sonar Bangla, Barisal Hitabadi, etc. On 30 July 1907 the Bande Mataram premises at 2/1 Creek Row, were searched. The Office was situated at the back of 12 Wellington Square, the house of ...
... chance. I have told you earlier that on our release from j ail, so long as we were in Calcutta, Bejoy and I used to call on Sri Aurobindo regularly every afternoon at the residence of his uncle at Sanjivani office. After a long deliberation and discussion the two of us finally decided that we should now set out on a career of wandering ascetics. I did not tell Bejoy of my earlier experiment. But Up ...
... Shyampukur ON coming out of jail, Sri Aurobindo found shelter in the house of his maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra; the place was known as the Sanjivani Office. Bejoy Nag and myself had got our release along with him, but we could not yet make up our minds as to what we should do next; we were still wandering about like floating weeds or moss. But ...
... and treating ourselves to dishes prepared in Western style... At this time Sri Aurobindo lived in College Square, at the house of his uncle, Sri Krishnakumar Mitra, editor and proprietor of Sanjivani, a Bengali nationalist paper. I saw Sri Aurobindo in this house only once and that too for a few seconds. Once we were out of funds and I had been deputed to see him on that account. The impression ...
... v Shyampukur On coming out of jail, Sri Aurobindo found shelter in the house of his maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra; the place was known as the Sanjivani Office. Bejoy Nag and myself had got our release along with him, but we could not yet make up our minds as to what we should do next; we were still wandering about like floating weeds or moss ...
... Jorasanko Street residence, where he went in answer to the poet's invitation for dinner. A Japanese artist, Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose and some other prominent people were present. Tagore visited the Sanjivani office now and then where he occasionally met Sri Aurobindo. Manmohan began his service as Professor of English at Patna and then went over to Dacca where he remained during 1906. He used to come ...
... could obtain leave or during the College vacations. In Calcutta he often stayed with his maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra, an ardent patriot, who was later the editor of the Nationalist weekly Sanjivani. His daughter, Basanti Devi, has recorded her impressions of her cousin: 'Alin) Dada used to arrive with two or three trunks, and we always thought they must contain costly suits and other articles ...
... and the office in front and living rooms at the back. The Karmayogin came out on 19 June, and its Bengali counterpart, the Dharma, on 23 August. While staying on at his uncle's place (the Sanjivani office), Sri Aurobindo came to Shyampukur every afternoon and remained there till late at night. Besides Bejoy Nag and Nolini, who were permanent residents there, others too regularly joined them... distance. My mother comes, puts on his sandals and goes up to the terrace to take her constitutional walk. After some time * Krishna Kumar Mitra was Sri Aurobindo's uncle in whose house (the Sanjivani office) he was staying at the time. ** Krishna Kumar Mitra's daughter; Krishna Kumar had married Sri Aurobindo's mother's sister. Page 343 people come to see [Sri Aurobindo] ...
... first few difficult and dreary days, Sri Aurobindo was permitted to obtain his clothes and books from home. He accordingly requested his maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra, the editor of the Sanjivani', to send him these - notably the Gita and the Upanishads. It was during that terrible interregnum, when he was cooped up in total loneliness and normal human supports were taken away, that... instead a Pilgrim of Eternity. After a whole year in prison, Sri Aurobindo came out on 6 May 1909, and went straight to C.R. Das's residence and later to his maternal uncle's house - the Sanjivani Office - at 6, College Square. One who saw him then has since recorded that Sri Aurobindo sat "outwardly unconcerned and unperturbed. He had, as it were, drawn his mind into the depth of his being ...
... y: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1972), before text. ² Basanti Chakravarty, "Amader Aurodada", Galpa Bharati , Vol. VI, No. 7 (Paush 1357), p. 783. Page 116 him. Amar went to the Sanjivani office to fetch Sri Aurobindo. He found him absolutely quiet, as if in meditation, so he did not speak long with him. They went by train to Uttarpara. Many of the audience also went by the same train ...
... 391,525, 527,540,574 Roy, Rammohan, 13ff, 16,17,19,25,336 Russell, Bertrand, 566,574-75 Russell, G. W., 37 Sakhare Baba, 274 Samuel, Viscount, 422fh Sanjivani, 229, 317, 331, 336 Sanyal, P., 734, 737,739, 750 Sapru, Sir Tej Bahadur, 529 Sarada Devi, 67 Sarkar, Rajani, 306rn Sarkar, Satish, 365 Sartor Resartus ...
... Calcutta during February-March1905 and inflamed the youth to boycott British goods. This was followed by successive calls for boycott of British goods through Krishna Kumar Mitra's weekly paper, Sanjivani on 13 July 1905 and an article in Amrita Bazar Patrika on 17 July 1905 by an unknown correspondent 'G' (probably Sri Aurobindo or his brother Barindra Kumar Ghosh). To cap it all, it was adopted ...
... latter was in Baroda, and it is quite possible that he shared many of Sri Aurobindo's political views. Page 230 through his weekly organ, the Sanjivani (July 13, 1905) found a ready response in the country. The Sanjivani's call for Boycott was soon followed by a similar call given out by the Amrita Bazar Patrika which published on July 17, 1905, a letter over the initial 'G',... Aurobindo met Okakura, the famous artist and art-connoisseur of Japan and the great scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose of international repute. Tagore used to see Sri Aurobindo from time to time at the Sanjivani Office. Sri Aurobindo wrote a series of articles on passive resistance in the Bande Mataram from 9th to 23rd April, 1907. A few lines from these articles99 will suffice to prove how clear... means of beguiling one's time. Afterwards, Mr. Emerson came and gave me permission to obtain my clothes and books from home.... I requested my respected maternal uncle, the famous editor of the Sanjivani, to send my clothes and some books including the Gita and the Upanishad. I received the two books (the Gita and the Upanishad) in three or four days. Meanwhile I had ample opportunity to realise ...
... had visited Calcutta and exhorted college students to organise a boycott of British goods; on 13 July, Sri Aurobindo's maternal uncle, Krishna Kumar Mitra, had made a plea for boycott in his Sanjivani; and on 17 July, a correspondent "G" had strongly advocated boycott in the columns of the Amrita Bazar Patrika. Was "G" really Aurobindo Ghose? Was it Barindra Kumar Ghose? 14 Anyhow, all ...
... wrote back; "no hard and fast rule can be Page 158 laid down. Some prayers are answered, all are not. The eldest daughter of my maternal uncle, Sri Krishna Kumar Mitra (the editor of Sanjivani — not by any means a romantic, occult, supraphysical or even an imaginative person) was abandoned by the doctors after using every resource, all medicines stopped as useless. The father said: 'There ...
... placed at the service of that immortal Power within you The leader is within yourselves. * * * February 19, 1908 When a great people rises from the dust, what mantra is the sanjivani mantra* or what power is the resurrecting force of its resurgence? In India there are two great mantras, the mantra of "Bande Mataram" which is the public and universal cry of awakened love of ...
... in Serpentine Lane. 3. 23, Scott's Lane. 4. 48, Grey Street (1st floor). 5. Alipore jail. 6. 6, College Square (Krishna K-umar Mitra's house and office of the Sanjivani). 7. 4, Shyam Pukur Lane (Karmayogin office). Page 350 Biography of Sri Aurobindo by Kulkarni – A Criticism P. B. Kulkami, Yogi Aurobindo Ghose , with ...
... miscalled psychic phenomena. As for prayer, no hard and fast rule can be laid down. Some prayers are answered, all are not. An example ? The eldest daughter of my maternal uncle, K.K. Mitra, Editor of Sanjivani, not by any means a romantic, occult, supraphysical or even imaginative person, was abandoned by the doctors after using every resource, all medicines stopped, as useless. The father said, "There ...
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