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Sanskrit Research : Anglo-Sanskrit quarterly journal started by the Sanskrit Academy of India, Bangalore, under the editorship of Pandit Lingeca Mahābhāgawat. It was devoted to research work in all fields of Indian antiquity.
... Early Cultural Writings "Sanskrit Research" The appearance of this Anglo-Sanskrit Quarterly "devoted to research work in all fields of Indian Antiquity" is a welcome sign of the recent development towards a wider culture, a more flexible and strenuous scholarship and a more original thinking which promises to lift the Indian mind out of the rut... abhorrent of a too facile conclusion and the subtlety of the psychologist in order to deserve the same success in these other sciences and to lift them beyond the shifting field of conjecture. Sanskrit Research gives us Sanskrit articles as well as English with the laudable object of bringing together with a view to mutual helpfulness the old and the new scholarship. Sanskrit Page 612 ought... the overweight of hair-splitting erudition. The Sanskrit articles in this number are learned and laborious, but they suffer heavily from this defect of style. If the contact established by the Sanskrit Research can teach the new scholarship the patient thoroughness of the old and the old the flexibility and penetrating critical sense of the new, it will have done to both a great and much-needed service ...
... gallant defence of Professor Radhakrishnan ("well known as a perfectly competent philosophic critic and thinker") against the ill-tempered attack by one J.B. Raju, and a review of another journal Sanskrit Research with Sri Aurobindo's comments on articles by Tilak and R.D. Ranade, which are now included in Volume 17 (The Hour of God) of Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library. In the same volume appear ...
... compilation Lights on Life-Problems ( Second Series ), published in 1951. About Astrology. Published in the Arya in November 1917 and in Views and Reviews since 1941. "Sanskrit Research". Published in the Arya in March 1916. "The Feast of Youth". Published in the Arya in November 1918. "Shama'a". Published in the Arya in September 1920. ...
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