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Sarama : the Vedic Hound (Intuition) who pursues & recovers the cows (Spiritual Light) stolen by the Pānis (anti-Divine powers).

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... movement of the Truth knowledge with the finding of the goal and the entry of the gods and the seers into the supreme planes above. Next we have the part of Sarama in this work. "When Sarama found the broken place of the hill, he (or perhaps she, Sarama) made continuous the great and supreme goal. She, the fair-footed, led him to the front of the imperishable ones (the unslayable cows of the Dawn); first... the Vedic poetry and by so doing sets out vividly the nature of the imagery in the midst of which Sarama figures. The other references to Sarama in the Rig Veda do not add anything essential to the conception. We have a brief allusion in IV.16.8, "When thou didst tear the waters out of the hill, Sarama became manifest before thee; so do thou as our leader tear out much wealth for us, breaking the pens... must we still say that these were the rivers of the Punjab dammed up by drought or by the Dravidians and Sarama a mythological figure for an Aryan embassy or else only the physical Dawn? One hymn in the tenth Mandala is devoted entirely to this "embassy" of Sarama, it is the colloquy of Sarama and the Panis; but it adds nothing essential to what we already know about her and its chief importance ...


... maho arnah; but Sarama is a traveller and seeker on its path who does not herself possess Page 37 but rather finds that which is lost. Sarama is not Ila; Ila is a plenary word of revelation; Sarama seeks and finds by direct suggestiveness of truth and consciousness. Sarama does not possess the truth as Saraswati and Ila; even when what is sought and found, Sarama does not take possession... higher faculty of knowledge that we find in the Veda is Sarama. Sarama is the leader in the search for the radiant herd and discovers both the path and secret hold in the mountain; she is a forerunner of the dawn of Truth in the human mind. And the faculty which discovers truth darkness of the unknown in our being is what we call intuition. Sarama is distinguishable from Saraswati and Ila. Saraswati gives... 5 brings out two essential characteristics of Sarama. When this guide (Sarama) became visible, she went, knowing, towards the seat that is as if the home of the Dasyus. The knowledge comes to her beforehand, before vision springs up instinctively at the least indication and with that knowledge, she guides the rest of the faculty and divine power. Sarama is the power descended from the superconscient ...

... their cave and be the keeper of their cows, to which Sarama answers that Indra is the overcomer of all and cannot be himself overcome and op pressed, and again they offer brotherhood to Sarama if she will dwell with them and not return to the far world whence she has come by the force of the gods against all obstacles, prabādhitā sahasā daivyena . Sarama replies, "I know not brotherhood and sisterhood... Diti in the nether darkness; they are the Lords of Light and the Lords of Night fronting each other across the triple world of earth, heaven and mid-air, body, mind and the connecting breath of life. Sarama in X.108 descends from the supreme realm, parākāt ; she has to cross the waters of the Rasā, she meets the night which gives place to her for fear of her overleaping it, atiṣkado bhiyasā ; she arrives... the Ignorance; but they are unable to attain to the limit of earth or heaven; only Indra and the Gods can so exceed the formula of mind, life and body after filling all three with their greatness. Sarama (X.108.6) seems to hint at this ambition of the Panis; "May your words be unable to attain, may your embodiments be evil and inauspicious; may you not violate the path to travel upon it; may Brihaspati ...


... stumbling and groping through wide defiles and rugged valleys, they follow the guidance of Sarama. Sarama, the fair-footed, who speeds in front of all towards the voice of the vanished herds of Light. The hosts of heaven find themselves in a black ravine with bare crags rising sheer all round them. Sarama Page 51 has led the gods to the place where the hill, so firmly formed and... were gone too! Usha, the daughter of Heaven, the Mother of radiance, heaven-gold her hue, the sweet-spoken Usha, is beloved of all. The whole clan of gods rallied round her in her moment of distress. Sarama, the Intuition, the Hound of Heaven was there. So was Agni, the Seer-Will. Indra, dark as the rain-clouds, came armed with his thunderbolt; the Maruts, his forty-nine brothers, closed ranks with him... of falsehood beyond the bound of things, is the stronghold of the Panis, the lair of Vala, the Titan. Who among the god kind is capable of guiding the others to the secret places of the confiners? Sarama. For she is the Intuition who "leads in the search for the radiant herds." On the way she meets the Night which gives place to her for fear of her overleaping it. The Night is Usha's elder sister, ...

... The journey involves battles; and the power of intuition of the Rishis plays an important role. Sarama represents the power of intuition. Sarama encounters the panis, who are the enemies of light-seekers (cow-seekers) and who have stolen and concealed the light in the cave of the hill. Sarama threatens the panis with the coming of the Rishi Ayasya and the Navagwa Amgirasas. 32 Indra plays a decisive... cosmic being of illumined mind comes down arid marches with the travellers on the path as their comrade ( sakhibhih). This journey or march is aided by Sarama, who in the esoteric interpretation, represents the psychological power of intuition. It is Sarama who discovers the path of the " Truth, rtasya panthāh, the great path, mahas panthāh, which leads to the realms of the Truth. The journey is sacrificial ...

... Right and the Truth is the own home is itself a Flame of that Right and Truth, that the Light which is won by the Truth and by the force of true thought is not merely a physical light, the cows which Sarama finds on the path of the Truth not merely physical herds, the Horses not merely the wealth of the Dravidians conquered by invading Aryan tribes, nor even merely images of the physical Dawn, its light... ārcan yena daśa māso navagvāḥ; ṛtaṁ yatī saramā gā avindad, viśvāni satyā aṅgirāś cakāra . "Here cried (or, moved) the stone impelled by the hand, whereby the Navagwas chanted for ten months the hymn; Sarama travelling to the Truth found the cows; all things the Angiras made true." And in verse 11 we have the assertion repeated; Dhiyaṁ vo apsu dadhiṣe svarṣāṁ, yayātaran daśa māso navagvāḥ; ayā dhiyā syāma... luminous herds asmākebhiḥ nṛbhiḥ , "by our men". Strengthened by them he conquers in the journey and reaches the goal, nakṣad-dābhaṁ taturim . This journey or march proceeds along the path discovered by Sarama, the hound of heaven, the path of the Truth, ṛtasya panthāḥ , the great path, mahas pathaḥ , which leads to the realms of the Truth. It is also the sacrificial journey; for its stages correspond ...


... wideness", the vast wealth of the shining herds. To recover this lost wealth the sacrifice has to be performed; the Angirases or else Brihaspati and the Angirases have to chant the true word, the mantra ; Sarama the heavenly hound has to find out the cows in the cave of the Panis; Indra strong with the Soma wine and the Angirases, the seers, his companions, have to follow the track, enter the cave or violently... he is constantly the seeker of the cows, gaveṣaṇa , and the restorer of the stolen wealth. Sometimes we have simply the fact of the stolen cows and the recovery by Indra without any reference to Sarama or the Angirases or the Panis. But it is not always Indra who recovers the herds. We have for instance a hymn to Agni, the second of the fifth Mandala, a hymn of the Atris, in which the singer applies... the wideness of the cows and the waters for them flowed forth from heaven"; I.72.8, "By right thought the seven Mighty Ones of heaven (the seven rivers) knew the truth and knew the doors of bliss; Sarama found the strong wideness of the cows and by that the human creature enjoys"; I.100.18, of Indra and the Maruts, "He with his shining companions won the field, won the Sun, won the waters"; V.14.4 ...


... myth because the name of the Greek Helena, sister of the two Greek Aswins, Castor & Pollux, is philologically identical with the Vedic Sarama and that of her abductor Paris is not so very different from the Vedic Pani. It may be noted that in the Vedic story Sarama is not the sister of the Aswins and is not abducted by the Panis and that there is no other resemblance between the Vedic legend & the... Dog Star rages in heaven. It is evident that these combinations are merely an ingenious play of fancy & prove absolutely nothing. Hercules may be the Sun but it is not proved. Helen & Paris may be Sarama & one of the Panis, but itis not proved. Yudhishthira & his brothers may be an astronomical myth, but it is not proved. For the rest, the unsubstantiality & rash presumption of the Sun myth theory ...


... them in a phrase which is applied to the rivers in other hymns, he says, "The seven mighty ones of heaven, placing aright the thought, knowing the Truth, discerned in knowledge the doors of felicity; Sarama found the fastness, the wideness of the luminous cows; thereby the human creature enjoys the bliss," svādhyo diva ā sapta yahvī, rāyo duro vi ṛtajñā ajānan; vidad gavyaṁ saramā dṛḍham ūrvaṁ, yenā... ordinary heaven and earth which can be no other than the ordinary mental and physical being; that the path of the great heaven, the path of the Truth created by the Angirases and followed by the hound Sarama is the path to the Immortality, amṛtatvāya gātum ; that the vision ( ketu ) of the Dawn, the Day won by the Angirases, is the vision proper to the Truth-consciousness; that the luminous cows of the... the felicity, rāyo duraḥ , the divine doors which swing wide open to those who increase the Truth ( ṛtāvṛdhaḥ ) and which are discovered for us by Saraswati and her sisters, by the seven Rivers, by Sarama; to them and to the wide pasture ( kṣetra ) in the unobstructed and equal infinities of the vast Truth Brihaspati and Indra lead upward the shining Herds. With these conceptions clearly fixed in ...


... arrangement of symbolic names attached to certain psychological experiences which had begun to regularise themselves; and among them there came the figures of three female energies, Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, representing severally three out of the four faculties of the intuitive reason, — revelation, inspiration and intuition... ...It did not take long to see that the Vedic indications of a racial... Indra comes down to our world as the hero with shinning horses and slays darkness and division with his lightning, poured down in the life-giving heavenly waters, finds in the trace of the hound, Sarama, symbolising intuition, the lost or hidden illuminations. He makes that Sun of Truth mount high in the heaven of our mentality. Surya is the sun, the master of the Supreme Truth, truth of... infinite mother of the gods, comes first, and there are five powers of truth-consciousness: mahi or bharati vast word; Ila, the power of revelation; Saraswati, the power of inspiration; Sarama, the power of intuition, the hound of heaven, who descends into the cavern of the subcosncient and finds from there hidden illuminations; and dakshina, the power to discern rightly, to dispose the ...


... references to Sarama and the Sarameya, her two dogs; some pursuit is implied and the 'quarry' is hunted down at last. But what is the esoteric meaning? The object of the pursuit is to reach the wideness of the cows; and the cow is really the symbol of the divine reality. Thus the symbolism of Sarama and her dogs really conveys the idea of the true nature of a spiritual quest:   Whether Sarama figures ...


... not what else! It is something of this kind that has over taken the ancient clarities of the Veda; the sense is dead and only the obscurity of a forgotten poetic form remains. Therefore when we read "Sarama by the path of the Truth discovers the herds", the mind is stopped and baffled by an unfamiliar language. It has to be translated to us, like the phrase about Saraswati to the European, into a plainer... plainer and less figured thought, "Intuition by the way of the Truth arrives at the hidden illuminations." Lacking the clue, we wander into ingenuities about the Dawn and the Sun or even imagine in Sarama, the hound of heaven, a mythological personification of some prehistoric embassy to Dravidian nations for the recovery of plundered cattle! And the whole of the Veda is conceived in such images. The ...


... Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, representing severally three out of the four faculties of the intuitive reason,—revelation, inspiration and intuition. Two of these names were not well known to me as names of Vedic goddesses, but were connected rather with the current Hindu religion or with old Puranic legend, Saraswati, goddess of learning and Ila, mother of the Lunar dynasty. But Sarama was familiar enough ...


... riders in the wonderful chariot, twins also, saviours of Bhujyu from the ocean, ferriers over the great waters, brothers of the Dawn, and Helen very possibly the Dawn their sister or even identical with Sarama, the hound of heaven, who is, like Dakshina, a power, almost a figure of the Dawn. But in either case there has been a farther development by which these gods or demigods have become in vested with... vepiṣṭho aṅgirasāṁ vipraḥ of VI.11.3), becoming a friend ( sakhīyan , the Angirases are friends or comrades in the great battle) he went ( agacchad , upon the path, cf. gātubhiḥ , discovered by Sarama); the hill sped forth its pregnant contents ( garbham ) for the doer of the good work; strong in manhood with the young ( maryo yuvabhiḥ , the youth also giving the idea of unaging, undecaying force) ...


... around thee by the eye of the Sun is thine, thou art the sole lord of the cows, O Indra," gavām asi gopatir eka indra , and to show of what kind of cows Indra is the lord, we have in III.31, a hymn of Sarama and the Cows, "The victorious (Dawns) clove to him and they knew a great light out of the darkness; knowing the Dawns went upward to him, Indra became the sole lord of the Cows," patir gavām abhavad... indraḥ , and the hymn goes on to tell how it was by the mind and by the discovery of the whole path of the Truth that the seven sages, the Angirases drove up the Cows out of their strong prison and how Sarama, knowing, came to the cavern in the hill and to the voice of the imperishable herds. We have the same connection with the Dawns and the finding of the wide solar light of Swar in VII.90.4, "The Dawns ...


... Indra comes down to help with his thunderbolt in which enter the powers of all the gods. Indra is the hero and fighter, and the battle is waged against certain powers, the Dasyus and the Panis. Sarama, the heavenly hound runs forward and finds out the Cows in the cave of the Panis. Indra strong with the Some-wine and the Angirasas, the Rishis, who are his companions, follow the track, enter the... present. He is constantly the seeker of the Cows, 'gaveshana', and the restorer of the stolen wealth. There are several variations of this legend in the Veda. Sometimes there is no reference to Sarama or the Angirasas or the Panis. Sometimes Agni is referred to as the God who breaks up the dark cave and restores the lost radiances. Sometimes both Agni and Indra have been described as having joined ...


... (2) "He found them. Radiant-ones of the arriving dawn went abroad, he uncovered those that were in the pen." Rig Veda, V. 45.1-2. (3) "When thou didst tear the waters out of the hill, Sarama became manifest before thee; so do thou as our leader tear out much wealth for us, breaking the pens, hymned by the Angirasa". Rig Veda, IV. 16-8. Page 18 (13) "The... the seat of the Truth". Rig Veda, VII. 36-1. (18) "Pursuing all knowledge like a questing hound." Sāvitrī, Book I, Canto 3. Page 20 (18) "When Sarama found the broken places of the hill, She made continuous the great and supreme goal She, the fair-footed, led him to the front of the imperishable ones" Rig Veda, III. 31-6. ( l9) ...

... energies, Ila, Saraswati Sarama, representing severally three out of four faculties of the intuitive reason, revelation, inspiration and intuition. Two of these names were not well known to me as names of Vedic Goddesses, but were connected rather with the current Hindu religion or with old Puranic legend, Saraswati, goddess of learning and Ila, mother of the Lunar dynasty. But Sarama was familiar enough ...

... drsti (truth-vision), and Mahi (or Bharati) the largeness of the truth-consciousness. Sarama the 'Hound of Heaven' and her dogs, the Sarameya, have their symbolic overtones too. These dogs... range as the messengers of the Lord of the Law among men....   Page 457 Whether Sarama figures as the fair-footed goddess speeding on the path or 'the heavenly hound, mother of these ...

... ng thought of Ayasya; why the rescue of the sun out of the cave, the separation or choosing of the light out of the darkness is said to be done by an all-discerning knowledge; who are Dakshina and Sarama and what is meant by Indra holding the hoofed wealth in his right hand. And in arriving at Page 195 these conclusions we have not to wrest the sense of words, to interpret the same fixed... it would follow that these are the human and not the divine Angirases. In any case the sense of the Angiras legend is fixed in all its details, except the exact identity of the Panis and the hound Sarama, and we can turn to the consideration of the passages in the opening hymns of the fourth Mandala in which the human fathers are explicitly mentioned and their achievement described. These hymns of ...


... Therefore when we read "Sarama by the path of the Truth discovers the herds", the mind is stopped and baffled by an unfamiliar language. It has to be translated to us ... into a plainer and less figured thought, "Intuition by the way of the Truth arrives at the hidden illuminations."* Lacking the clue, we wander into ingenuities about the Dawn and the Sun or even imagine in Sarama, the hound of heaven ...


... the bringer of illumination. I shall suggest that Dakshina like the more famous Ila, Saraswati and Sarama, is one of four goddesses representing the four faculties of the Ritam or Truthconsciousness,—Ila representing truth-vision or revelation, Saraswati truth-audition, inspiration, the divine word, Sarama intuition, Dakshina the separative intuitional discrimination. Daksha then will mean this discrimination ...


... Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, representing severally three out of the four faculties of the intuitive reason, — revelation, inspiration and intuition. Two of these names were not well known to me as Vedic goddesses, but were connected rather with the current Hindu religion or with old Puranic legend, Saraswati, goddess of learning and Ila,Page - 93 mother of the Lunar dynasty. But Sarama was familiar enough ...

... vast Word that brings us all things out of the divine source; Ila, the strong primal word of the Truth who gives us its active vision; Saraswati, its streaming current and the word of its inspiration; Sarama, the Intuition, hound of heaven who descends into the cavern of the subconscient and finds there the concealed illuminations; Page 381 Dakshina, whose function is to discern rightly, dispose ...


... consciousness into the darkness or half-lit night of our being. She comes as Dakshina, the pure intuitive discernment on which Agni the God-force in us feeds when he aspires towards the Truth or as Sarama, the discovering intuition, who penetrates into the cave of the subconscient where the niggard lords of sense-action have hidden the radiant herds of the Sun and gives information to Indra. Then comes ...


... of Sri Aurobindo's language and vision luminous powers who, unseen companions, accompany us at every step of journey: "Varuna active within is a remover of limits, Saraswati a bringer of revelation, Sarama the power of intuitive mind to search out Truth. In the mind's silence they interpret for us the images that rise and change before our eyes, as if by some magical process, conjures them line by line ...

... power of Sri Aurobindo's language and vision. They, unseen companions, accompany us at every step of Aswapati's journey: Varuna active within is a remover of limits, Saraswati a bringer of revelation, Sarama the power of intuitive mind to search out Truth. In the mind's silence they interpret for us the images that rise and change before our eyes as Sri Aurobindo, as if by some magical process, conjures ...

... 103 Sanjan, 17 Sankalia, H.D., 2fn., 5, 9, 20, 22, 38, 47, 53, 56, 59, 62-4, 68, 98-100 Sanskrit, iv, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30 Sapta-Sindhu, 17, 55 Sarama, 39 Sarasvati, 12, 15, 16, 38, 39, 62, 64 Sarayu, 15 Sargon, 1, 83 Sarkar, S.S., 21-3, 68, 97 Sastri, K.N., 57 Sastri, S. Srikanta, 16 ...


... great water. Let us examine a little more closely this connection before we proceed to the consideration of the Vedic cows and their relation to the god Indra and Saraswati's close cousin the goddess Sarama. For it is necessary to define these relations before we can progress with the scrutiny of Madhuchchhandas' other hymns addressed without exception to the great Vedic deity. King of Heaven, who, according ...


... the Panis who steal from us the Rays of the illumined consciousness, those brilliant herds of the sun, and pen them up in the cavern of the subconscient, in the dense hill of matter, corrupting even Sarama, the hound of heaven, the luminous intuition, when she comes on their track to the cave of the Panis. But the conception of this hymn belongs to a stage in our inner progress when the Panis have ...


... दुरो व्युतज्ञा अजानन् । विदद् गव्यं सरमा दृळ्हमूर्वं येना नु कं मानुषी भोजते विट् ॥८॥ 8) The seven mighty Rivers from Heaven, deep-thinking, knowers of the Truth, knew the doors of the treasure; Sarama discovered the mass of the Ray-Cow, the strong place, the wideness, and now by that the human creature enjoys bliss. आ ये विश्वा स्वपत्यानि तस्थुः कृण्वानासो अमृतत्वाय गातुम् । मह्वा महाद्भिः ...


... forth his strength, by which our ancient fathers the Angirases knew the foothold tracks and singing the word of light found the herd of the rays. (3) In the sacrifice of Indra and the Angirases Sarama discovered a foundation for the Son, Brihaspati broke the rock of the mountain and discovered the herd of the rays and the shining cattle lowed and the Strong Ones cried out with them. (4) He of ...


... with the whole cohort of usurpers: the dualizers, the confiners, the tearers, the COVERERS. But the 'divine worker,' Agni , is helped by the gods, and in his quest he is led by the 'intuitive ray,' Sarama , the heavenly hound with the subtle sense of smell who sets Agni on the track of the 'stolen herds' (strange, 'shining' herds). Now and again there comes the sudden glimmer of a fugitive dawn.. ...


... comrades, seers and singers of the sacred chant, and fighters in the battle. Strengthened by them he conquers during the journey and reaches the goal. The journey proceeds along the path discovered by Sarama, the hound of heaven, the intuitive power that sees that path directly, the path of the Truth, ritasya panthah, the great path, mahas panthah, which leads to the realms of the Truth. The drinking ...

... concentrated on the highest source of knowledge that supramental faculties come to be developed such as those of revelations, symbolized by Ila, inspiration or Saraswati, Page 58 intuition or Sarama, and discrimination between truth and falsehood, between knowledge and ignorance and between good and evil — the faculty symbolized by Dakshina. The Vedic yoga of knowledge is seen to be the process ...

... comes down to help with the thunderbolt in which enter the powers of all the gods. Indra is the hero and fighter, and the battle is waged against certain powers, the Dasyus and the Panis and Vala. Sarama, the heavenly hound runs forward and finds out the cows in the cave of the Panis. Indra strong with the soma-wine and the Angirasas, the Rishis, who are his companions, follow the track. The battle ...


... Russell, Bertrand, 114 Russia, 253, 294, 298 Ruysbroeck, 114 SADHYAS,28-9 Sainte Beuve, 62 Samain, Albert, 65n -Au Flanes du Vase, 65n -"Pannyre aux talons d'or", 65 Sarama, 13 Saraswati, 84 Satan, 120, 125, 136-9 Saul, 9 Seferis, George, 192-3, 196-7 -Poems, 192n -From Log Book I, 192n -"The Return of the Exile", 192n -From Log Book II ...

... in an even more mysterious way. First of all, we must note that the poet is a woman. She calls herself kukkuri. But why of all names a "bitch"? Well, she is in good company. One remembers the Vedic Sarama or Sarameya. The West too has its Hound of Heaven. Only the term here has been put in its vernacular form. Anyhow it is a yogini who embodies or represents the divine Being, nairatma devi, as the Buddhist ...

... "they move widely and delight in power and possess the vast strength." The Vedic Rishis pray to them f or Power and Bliss and f or the vision of the Sun.¹ There is also the Hound of Heaven, Sarama, who comes down and discovers the luminous cows stolen and hidden by the Panis in their dark caves; she is the path-finder for Indra, the deliverer. My suggestion is that the dog is a symbol of ...

... it is water, apas, that is the god in this region of the vital functions. The Vedas speak of the purifying streams of the Sindhus and the Srotas; they speak of the underground stream of rasa which Sarama, the Hound of Heaven, crossed to' come over to our earth. Water, in fact, does the work appropriate to this region. It is the vital region in man and consists of functions attached to the vital activities ...

... supramental discrimination that begin to operate when Reason is surpassed and faculties of true knowledge and comprehensive knowledge begin to operate. Crossing through the symbolism of Sarasvati, Ila, Sarama and Daksha, Sri Aurobindo has shown how Vedic Rishis had mastered the operations of supra-rational faculties so that when we read of them now at a time when we are obliged to transcend the limitations ...


... supramental discrimination that begin to operate when Reason is surpassed and faculties of true knowledge and comprehensive knowledge begin to operate. Crossing through the symbolism of Sarasvati, Ila, Sarama and Daksha, Sri Aurobindo has shown how Vedic Rishis had mastered the operations of suprarational faculties so that when we read of them now at a time when we are obliged to transcend the limitations ...

... Sri Aurobindo. Page 84 s ubtle realisation. And this subtle realisation has its different levels, classifications and variations which the Vedic seers have termed Ila, Saraswati, Sarama and Dakshina. These four names have been plausibly interpreted as sruti (Reve­lation), smrti (Inspiration), bodhi (Intuition) and viveka (Dis­crimination). We are not going to probe further into the ...

... told Motilal. "They are as significant as the lipi and want to communicate something, which I endeavour to discover." Among the divine Forms he saw at Chandernagore were those of Ila, Saraswati and Sarama, Vedic goddesses of revelation, inspiration and intuition. But by solitary meditation, I don't mean to say that Sri Aurobindo was completely out of touch with the world. Not at all. He was in ...

... Heaven, Usha, descend to thy pastimes below and thy haunts that are given. She-wolf avid of cruelty, lioness eager for battle, Tigress that prowlst in the night and leapest out dire on the cattle, Sarama, dog of the heavens, thou image of grosser enjoying, Hungry slave of the worlds, incessantly pawing and toying, Snake of delight and of poison, gambolling beast of the meadows, Come to thy pastures ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Veda Chapter XXI The Sons of Darkness We have seen, not once but repeatedly, that it is impossible to read into the story of the Angirases, Indra and Sarama, the cave of the Panis and the conquest of the Dawn, the Sun and the Cows an account of a political and military struggle between Aryan invaders and Dravidian cave dwellers. It is a struggle between ...


... Dasyus who conceal and withhold them from man. Saraswati, who is the stream of the Word or inspiration of the Truth, is also a Dasyu-slayer and winner of the shining herds; and they are discovered by Sarama, forerunner of Indra, who is a solar or dawn goddess and seems to symbolise the intuitive power of the Truth. Usha, the Dawn, Page 243 is at once herself a worker in the great victory and ...


... the Aswins came to be especially the protectors of ships & sailors, and it is in this capacity that we find Castor & Polydeuces (Purudansas) acting, their Western counterparts, the brothers of Helen (Sarama), the swift riders of the Roman legend. “O Page 49 givers, O lords of free movement,” runs the closing verse of this invocation, “come to the outpourings of my nectar, be ye fierce in action;—I ...


... identification of Greek and Sanskrit names and the ingenious discovery that Heracles' pyre is Page 28 an image of the setting sun or that Paris and Helen are Greek corruptions of the Vedic Sarama and the Panis make an interesting diversion for an imaginative mind, but can by themselves lead to no serious result, even if they should prove to be correct. Nor is their correctness beyond serious ...


... is constantly associated in Veda with the Dawn and the Sun; it also recurs in the legend of the recovery of the lost cows from the cave of the Panis by Indra and Brihaspati with the aid of the hound Sarama and the Angirasa Rishis. The conception of the Dawn and the legend of the Angirasas are at the very heart of the Vedic cult and may almost be considered as the key to the secret of the significance ...


... Varuna, Mitra, Bhaga & Aryamá the greatnesses, felicities, enjoyments & strengths of perfected being, to the Aswins the youth of the soul & its raptures & swiftnesses, to Daksha & Saraswati, Ila, Sarama & Mahi the activities of the Truth & Right, to the Rudras, Maruts & Adityas, the play of Page 704 physical, vital, mental & ideative activities. Agni has stood up in the dawning illumination ...


... double movement; the first, to replace the undefended intuitional ideality by an intuitional ideality defended by viveka; for it is found that when viveka is combined with the intuition (Daksha with Sarama), then there is less chance of the intellect misinterpreting or interfering with the truth. The second movement is to develop behind the higher or intuitional ideality an assistant revelatory (highest) ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... व्यृतज्ञा अजानन् । विदद् गव्यं सरमा दृळ्हमूर्वं येना नु कं मानुषी भोजते विट् ॥८॥ The seven right-thinking mighty Rivers of Heaven that know the Truth knew the doors of the felicitous treasure: Sarama discovered the strong fortified place, the largeness, the herded mass of the rays, and now the human creature enjoys by that wideness of the light. आ ये विश्वा स्वपत्यानि तस्थुः कृण्वानासो अमृतत्वाय ...


... vast Word that brings us all things out of the divine source; Ila, the strong primal word of the Truth who gives us its active vision; Saraswati, its streaming current and the word of its inspiration; Sarama, the Intuition, hound of heaven who descends into the cavern of the subconscient and finds there the concealed illuminations; Dakshina, whose function is to discern rightly, dispose the action and ...


... creation's quivering edge." One of the most significant of Vedic myths was that of the cows stolen by the robbers ( pani ) who kept them hidden in dark rocky caves. The cows were found by Sarama, the divine hound and liberated by Indra. Sri Aurobindo has analysed the myth and brought out the rich spiritual significance in The Secret of the Veda . 123 The passage below makes a striking ...

... 1. 6. Op. cit., p. 15, col. 1. 7. Mohenjo-daro and the Indus Civilization (London, 1967), I , pp. 110 ff. Page 38 streaming current and the word of its inspiration; Sarama, the intuition, hound of heaven who descends into the cavern of the subconscient and finds there the concealed illuminations; Dakshina, whose function is to discern rightly, dispose the action and ...


... 271, 272-6, 277-8, 294, 320, 340, 375-80 Santoni, 228, 236 Page 431 Sapalli Tepe, 227 Sarai-Nahar-Rai/Shari-Nahar-Rai, 221 Sarama, 285, 362-3 Sarasvati (goddess), 289-90 Sarasvati (river), 238, 255, 267-9, 291 Sarazm, 228 Sarianidi, 210, 308, 311 Sarmatians, 321, 323-4 Satem ...


... are flashes from higher cosmic operations. To use the Vedic imagery, there are workings and descents of the powers of revelation, inspiration, intuition, discrimination, the powers of Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, Daksha. And by constant repetition, we come to know the Universal and Transcendental. As a consequence, the mind will know the Brahman, it will think nothing but the Brahman, the Life will move to ...

... psychology or ancient psychology or anywhere. But these experiences were rising in his consciousness; as he says himself, he had particularly the experiences of what the Veda calls Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, Daksha. These are four female energies described in the Veda and, without knowing this; Sri Aurobindo had already had the experience of these energies. What were these powers, which were rising in ...

... comrades, seers and singers of the sacred chant, and fighters in the battle. Strengthened by them he conquers during the journey and reaches the goal. The journey proceeds along the path discovered by Sarama, the hound of heaven, the intuitive power that sees that path directly, the path of the Truth, ritasya panthah, the great path, mahas panthah, which leads to the realms of the Truth. The drinking ...


... flashes from the higher functionings; to use the Vedic imagery, there are workings and descents of the powers of revelation, inspirations, intuitions, discriminations, the powers of Ila, Saraswati, Sarama, Daksha. And by constant repetition, we come to know the Universal and the Transcendental, the Third and the Fourth of the Mandukya Upanishad. As a consequence, the mind will know nothing but the Brahman ...


... messengers, "they move widely and delight in power and possess the vast strength." The Vedic Rishis pray to them for Power and Bliss and for the vision of the Sun.1 There is also the Hound of Heaven, Sarama, who comes down and discovers the luminous cows stolen and hidden by the Panis in their dark caves; she is the path-finder for Indra, the deliverer. My suggestion is that the dog is a symbol of ...

... is water, apas, that is the god in this region of the vital functions. The Vedas speak of the purifying streams of the Sindhus and the Srotas; they speak of the underground stream of rasa which Sarama, the Hound of Heaven, crossed to come over to our earth. Water, in fact, does the work appropriate to this region. It is the vital region in man and consists of functions attached to the vital activities ...

... Reminiscences, 11 Richard, King, 59 Roy, Dilip, 189 Rudras, the, 144-5   SAGAR, 56 St. Helena , 22 Saraha, 273, 278, 281-2 Sarama, 271 Saraswati, 138 Satyavan, 26-30 Savitri, 27-31, 112 Shabara,288 Shakespeare, 38n., 58, 59n. –Hamlet, 22 –Macbeth, 38n. ...

... 297 Poseidon, 383 Prahlad, 183 Pururavas, 390-1 RADHA, 134-5, 183, 297 Rakshasa, 250 Ramakrishna, 85n, 379 Russia, 196 SAHARA, 141, 313 Sankhya, 182, 186, 279 Sarama, 330 Saraswati, 189 Sati, 184 Satyavan, 242-6 Savitri, 242-6, 252-3, 307 Shakespeare, 228, 386, 391 – Hamlet, 386n – Julius Caesar, 386n – King Lear, 391n Shankara ...