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Savitr : in the Veda the Creator in conjunction with Surya (sometimes with other gods) but also independently. Sayāna considered Savitr the rising Sun & Surya the setting Sun.

16 result/s found for Savitr

... the daughter of savitr ̣ or the Sun-God who is the creator of this entire universe. This implies that we have to understand why the world is beset by the presence of Death. Why has savitr ̣ put on himself the operative veil in the pregnant circumstance of this Inconscience? Why has it to be removed by his own executive power? But then Death is also the offspring of savitr ̣himself and therefore... The Birth of Savitr The Symbol Let us meditate on the most auspicious form of Savitr,̣ the Light of the Supreme which shall illumine us with the Truth. This is Sri Aurobindo's Gayatri Mantra. The meditation is on the auspicious form of the Sun, the Sun of Divine Light. The Mantra affirms that the Light shall illumine us with ...


... The Birth of Savitr Invocation to Savitr tat savitur varam rūpam jyotih parasya dhīmahi | yannah satyena dīpayet || Let us meditate on the most auspicious (best) form of Savitri, the Light of the Supreme which shall illumine... illumine us with the Truth. The invocation in Sri Aurobindo's Gayatri Mantra in Sanskrit is to the Sun-God Savitr;̣ accordingly in its English rendering the word Savitri should be read in that context. We celebrate the Birth of Savitr ̣—the Sun-God in the present composition based on Sri Aurobindo's Sāvitr ̣ Page vii She is Savitri Incarnate in the beauty ...


... newborn greatnesses. Moon-lotuses bloomed for the crimson bright And Soma and Indra and Agni and Vayu Came in their auspicious forms to celebrate The birth of Savitr ̣in this creation. 5 June 2002 savitr ̣ : The Sun-God. Sri Aurobindo's Gayatri: tat savitur varam rūpam jyotih ̣ parasya dhīmahi yannah ̣satyena dīpayet. Let us meditate on the most... The Birth of Savitr Canto One At the river's bend hope took a northward turn— As if stumbling on a strange post of the night Stars found a sudden way through emptiness; Something glimmered to awaken a newer urge, The spirit of things timeless and alone. Gods were yet to be and the enormous hush Held in its still ...


... The Birth of Savitr The Birth of Savitr A Poetic Composition based on Sri Aurobindo's Savitri Author's Note If we are looking for the Word that brings to us the dynamic Divine, our rush is towards Sri Aurobindo's Savitri . It gives us the Truth and the things of the Truth andin it is our soul's completest fulfilment. Therefore ...


... the poet.  Sri Aurobindo was not wrong when he named the young Parsi from Bombay Amal Kiran. Who is Sethna's dream lady? It cannot be an Urvasie or a Priyamvada. It must be the daughter of Savitr (Savitr means the Creator). A woman, white-veiled, crowned with olive, came — Under the shade of her green mantle, all Her body clothed in colour of living flame. 10 ...


... The Birth of Savitr Foreword An Apologia Here is an attempt to present Sri Aurobindo's epic Savitri in brief stanza-like cantos each with just twelve lines. Savitri is a poem written in pentametric blank verse form, mostly with end-stopped lines, running almost to twenty-four thousand in number. Divided into twelve books, as was the tradition ...


... The Birth of Savitr The Legend The story of Savitri is an ancient story. It is both myth and pre-history. Its characters and contents are occult-spiritual. Given as a human tale, it has several connotations and is loaded with supernatural significance. In fact its symbolic nature is suggestive of the issue involved in this mortal creation, this mrityuloka ...


... The Birth of Savitr The Tale* The tale of Satyavan and Savitri is recited in the Mahabharata as a story of conjugal love conquering death. But this legend is, as shown by many features of the human tale, one of the symbolic myths of the Vedic cycle. Satyavan is the soul carrying the divine truth of being within itself but descended into the grip of death and ...


... The Birth of Savitr Select Bibliography Savitri : Sri Aurobindo (Part One consisting of the first three Books was published in September 1950, a few weeks before Sri Aurobindo's passing away in December of that year. Part Two and Part Three appeared in a single volume in May 1951. The Sri Aurobindo International University Centre brought out the first ...


... death-victorious, mrityu-vijayini. Her one concern is indeed to establish immortal birth in this mortality. The root sense of the name Savitri itself makes it clear to us so. The Sanskrit word savitr means the Sun-God, who is also the creator of the world. The descendent of savitṛ is therefore sāvitṛ, or as feminine savitri. The invocation to savitṛ in the Gayatri Mantra of Sri Aurobindo ...

... The Birth of Savitr Résumé of Savitri I: 1 The Symbol Dawn Savitri begins with the primordial Darkness when the gods are still asleep. Out of it has to come a fuller divine manifestation upon earth. But obstructing its path there is the mind of ominous Night and nothing can happen as long it is present. Many were the attempts made earlier but ...


... The Birth of Savitr Appendixes Contents of Savitri Book One The Book of Beginnings 01: Canto I The Symbol Dawn 02: Canto II The Issue 03: Canto III The Yoga of the King: The Yoga of the Soul's Release 04: Canto IV The Secret Knowledge 05: Canto V The Yoga of the King: The Yoga ...


... mental labour has been one of the boons granted by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Yes, great has been their grace in several ways. Yet how far am I from the spiritual states which were Aswapati's in Savitr! When will I be able to say about myself at all times any of the things said of him? - for instance:   Indifferent to the little outpost Mind, He dwelt in the wideness of the Eternal's ...


... or ambiguous to us. Now the legend of Savitri-Satyavan arrests our attention. The very names Savitri and Satyavan are immediately inspiring truths. In the Vedas the Truth-Sun is synony­mous with Savitr. As Purusha he is Satyavan, and Savitri is his Shakti. Every aspirant is aware of the fact that it is the Truth's own faith and power that can free the Truth from the grip of Matter, Ignorance and ...

... Volume 28 Savitri—A LEGEND AND A SYMBOL, PART ONE: The Book of Beginnings; The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds; The Book of the Divine Mother. Volume 29 Savitr i — A LEGEND AND A SYMBOL, PARTS Two AND THREE: Part Two: The Book of Birth and Quest; The Book of Love; The Book of Fate; The Book of Yoga; The Book of Death; Part Three: The Book of Eternal ...


... heaven," 1 in VII, 75, I: vyu ṣā ā vo divij ā ṛ itena, ā vi ṣ k ṛ i ṇ v ā n ā mahim ā nam ā g ā t, "Dawn born in heaven opens out things by the Truth, she comes manifesting the greatness." Savitr's "omniscient Goddess" kindling the silent worlds to fire is the Rigveda's "young and ancient goddess of many thoughts, shining out on us immortal,... uttering the words of Truth", she who fronting ...