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Sen, Hemchandra : (born c. 1883), elder brother of Birendrachandra Sen; a co-accused in the Alipore Bomb Trial, he was acquitted by Beachcroft.

11 result/s found for Sen, Hemchandra

... there by Rajnarain had taken root. Midnapore was a stronghold of the Nationalists. Sri Aurobindo had gone there several times from 1902 onwards.There he had initiated Hemchandra Das Kanungo into revolutionary cult. When Hemchandra went to Paris in 1906 to learn bomb-making, Satyendranath Bose took his place. He was Rajnarain Bose's nephew and Barin's uncle. He taught History at the Midnapore Government... August 1908. So was Satyen (born 1882) on 27 November 1908, after he had helped Kanailal Dutt (born 1888) in the assassination of the approver Naren Goswami. Kauai was hanged on 10 November 1908. Hemchandra (1871-1950) was one of the deportees to Andaman. When he was in Paris, through the instrumentality of Madame Cama, he came into contact with the French Socialists and was apprenticed into their secret... held India under subjection.... On the November evening referred to above, there were gathered Bipin Chandra Pal, Chittaranjan Das, Surendranath Halder, Page 391 and Sarat Chandra Sen — all familiar faces; the only exception was a retiring figure sitting quietly in a chair, whose name I later came to know as Aurobindo Ghose. The discussion that ensued referred to the resolutions of ...

... and colleges, but from Bankim's novels and Robindranath Tagore's poems; so true is it that language is the life of a nation. Many are carrying on the great work in prose and poetry: Hemchandra, Nobin, Kamini Sen, Robindranath and Robindranath's sister, that flower of feminine culture in Bengal, Swarna Kumari Devi, and many more whose names it would take long to repeat; but another Bankim, another... civic affairs in the smile of the City Corporation. He is the man of the present, but he is not the man of the future. On his generation, a generation servilely English and swayed by Keshab Chandra Sen and Kristo Das Pal, Bankim had little effect. Even now you will hear Anglicised Bengalis tell you with a sort of triumph that the only people who read Bengali books are the Bengali ladies. The sneer... longer true that they are its only readers. Already we see the embryo of a new generation Page 116 soon to be with us, whose imagination Bankim has caught and who care not for Keshab Chandra Sen and Kristo Das Pal, a generation national to a fault, loving Bengal and her new glories, and if not Hindus themselves, yet zealous for the honour of the ancient religion and hating all that makes war ...

... originality has gone backward like a receding wave. After Bankim came the Epigoni, Hemchandra Banerji, Nobin Sen, Robindranath Tagore, men of surprising talent, nay, of unmistakable genius, but too obviously influenced by Shelley and the English poets. And last of all came the generation formed in the schools of Keshab Chandra Sen and Kristo Das Pal, with its religious shallowness, its literary sterility and ...

... thought: why not have an alternative system with a true sonant syllabic basis—and, finally, I saw the birth (I mean as a recognised serious metre) of the svara-vṛtta . Afterwards I came across Hemchandra's experiments in bringing in a quantitative element and fell in love with the idea and hoped somebody would try it on a larger scale. But up till now this attempt to influence the future did not ... Creation Poetry and Its Creation Poetic Technique Letters on Poetry and Art Metrical Experiments in Bengali New Metres in Bengali Of course, Prabodh Sen is right. I suppose what Buddhadev means is that none of the very great poets invented a metre—they were all too lazy and preferred stealing other people's rhythms and polishing them up to perfection... mind is now clear about it; I have not yet read Anilbaran's contentions, so Page 148 there I am still in the dark. But here are certain points that I want to make clear. (1) Prabodh Sen's rule of the yaugika-vṛtta does not agree with what I was taught about the akṣara-vṛtta . When I first heard of Bengali metre in England, my informant was quite at sea. He confidently described Michael's ...

... little suspicion seemed not unnatural. A witness from Midnapore - whom the accused persons from Midnapore however described as a secret service agent — said that he had seen Hemchandra Sen of Sylhet, lecturing at Tamluk. Now Hemchandra had never seen Tamluk with his mortal eyes, yet his shadow-self had rushed from Sylhet to Midnapore and, with his powerful and seditionary nationalist speech he had delighted... in Bombay in the month of April, yet a few police chaps had seen him precisely during that period in Scott's Lane and Harrison Road, one could not but feel a little uneasy. And when Birendrachandra Sen, of Sylhet, while he was physically present at Baniachung, at his father's place, became visible in his subtle body to the occult vision of the C.I.D. at the Garden and Scott's Lane - of which Scott's ...

... There he met Hemchandra Das, the revolutionary leader. On his return to Calcutta Jatin arranged a meeting between Sri Aurobindo and Barrister P. Mitter who had started an organisation of young men for revolutionary work under the guise of youth clubs for physical exercises etc. Mitter readily joined hands with Sri Aurobindo who administered the revolutionary oath to him and Hemchandra: holding a sword... the first of these pioneers and he was followed by many other great men such as Dwarkanath Tagore, his son Debendranath, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Dayanand Saraswati, Sri Ramakrishna, Keshav Chandra Sen, Bankim Chandra Chatterji, Swami Vivekananda, Balgangadhar Tilak , Rabindranath Tagore, and others. The list is by no means exhaustive and I have given the names of only those who were Sri Aurobindo's ...

... devotion and sacrifice for Her have been unparalleled. Although just eighteen years of age, he became a trusted colleague of such notable revolutionaries as Barindra Kumar Ghosh, Ullaskar Dutt, Hemchandra Das, Profulla Chaki, Khudiram Bose, Kanailal Dutt and Satyendranath Bose. Thus was forged the link that shaped Sudhir’s destiny. Profile of Sudhir K. Sarkar on the eve of transportation... competition * I accompanied Sudhir-da to Delhi sometime in February 1950. With the Mother’s approval and blessings, he was going to have a prostate operation performed by my uncle, Dr. S. K. Sen in my uncle’s nursing home. The operation was completed in twenty minutes or so. Sudhir-da recovered very fast due to his excellent physical condition that too at the age of sixty-one. In fact, six days... the Sadhaks and retired to Her room to concentrate. She stayed there for about an hour. Later in the evening she informed Gama, Sudhir-da’s son, that the operation was successful. — Dr. Satyavrata Sen Keeping his Word In August 1955, I came to the Ashram with my wife for the Darshan. It was my first visit. Every day at 9.00 p.m., Sudhir-da would show up in front of the cement bench near the ...

... orator’s request, Ullaskar was made the judge and Sri Aurobindo agreed to take upon himself the role of counsel for the defendant. The court began. The counsels for the accused were Upen Bandopadhyaya, Hemchandra Das and others. The rest of us became witnesses for one side or the other. Yoga in the Jail Every morning after taking his bath Sri Aurobindo selected a corner in the hall as his living space... cheap pistols could be bought from Chandannagore. The armoury of the bomb factory was kept in a small underground room beneath the garden. No one was staying in the garden at that time except Sachin Sen and Bijoy Nag. Our leaders had gone to the Vindhya Hills to arrange for the opening of Bhavani Mandir — (a temple to Mother Bhavani) — and were busy there. A police inspector frequently visited the garden ...

... in their caged isolation used to engage in serious discussions, and on one occasion Sri Aurobindo traced the history of the revolutionary spirit, how Mironow the Russian revolutionary had told Hemchandra Kanungo in Paris: "We learnt revolutionary methods from the Chinese, who claim they got them from India. How is it, then, that you now come to us for light?" When the trial at last began,... Upadhyaya, - who was even otherwise known for his drastic sentences against the patriots, and who had especially earned undying infamy by ordering the flogging in Court of a boy of fifteen, Sushil Sen, till he fell down unconscious bleeding all over. This last atrocity had so horrified the country and evoked such a storm of protest that Kingsford had to be transferred from Calcutta to Muzzaferpore... to confess any secrets; he pushed the revolver muzzle into his mouth, pressed the trigger with his fingers, and heroically ended his life. Among those arrested at the Manicktolla Gardens was Sushil Sen, whom Kingsford had earlier ordered to be flogged in the open court. The prosecution against Sri Aurobindo in 1907 had led to a procession and a protest: this had provoked some police action: this ...

... thought, why not have an alternative system with a true sonant syllabic basis—and, finally, I saw the birth (I mean as a recognised serious metre) of the svara-vrtta. Afterwards I came across Hemchandra's experiments in bringing in a quantitative element—and fell in love with the idea and hoped somebody would try it on a larger scale. But up till now this attempt to influence the future did not ... 1932? (On Sri Aurobindo's translation of Dilip's poem, "Priestess of the Unseen Light" reproduced on the facing page.) This is the best I could make of it; I think it ought to do. K. Sen's translation is far from bad, but it is not perfect either and uses too many oft-heard locutions without bringing in the touch of magic that would save them. Besides, his metre in spite of his trying... suppose that must necessarily be the aim of a new metre or metrical principle; it is what I am trying to do with quantitative efforts in English. 1932 ? I shall go through Prabodh Sen's letter, but it may take me some time. What is the exact scope of the discussion with Anilbaran, 2 is it that he does not recognise the reality of the ____________________ 1. Probably of Sri ...

... ways and their aims were similar to ours, I sent Jatin Banerjee to meet Mitra. Later when I went to Calcutta, Jatin introduced Mitra to me and the latter too took the revolutionary oath. I also met Hemchandra Das who worked for a secret society, that had been formed in Midnapur. Das was wealthy and it was on his extensive property that the young men perfected their rifle-shooting skills. The idea of ... tell you that she had visited Baroda earlier and we had met? Now to come back to the story of our Swadeshi Movement. I visited Midnapur with Jatin and Barin to found there a revolutionary centre. Hemchandra Das joined it as a member, taking the vow. His father was very wealthy. He was one of those who later went abroad to learn how to make bombs. "The main duty of these leaders was to strengthen... words. I have already told you about the sixteen-year-old lad, Chitta Guhathakurta, whose skull was shattered by the blows of the police and yet his lips cried out 'Bande Mataram'. Another boy, Sushil Sen, sang the self-same song while he was being mercilessly whipped; with every lash he shouted aloud 'Bande Mataram'. Satyen, Kanai, Khudiram - all mounted the gallows chanting this very hymn. Your Tejenda's ...