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8 result/s found for Serpent, biting its tail

... Because at the very bottom of the Inconscient is the Supreme. It is the same idea as the highest height touching the deepest depth. The universe is like a circle—it is represented by the serpent biting its tail, its head touching its tail. It means that the supreme height touches the most material matter, without any intermediary. I have already said this several times. But that was the experience ...


... it? They have only to do the work in the invisible planes; then the projections will be good. That indeed is a serious question!... You know the image sometimes given to the universe: a serpent biting its tail? And it is taken as the symbol of the infinite, of the universe. Well, it is a fact. In the creation there is a progressive, a greater and greater materialisation. But we could take another ...


... being, from any one of the states of being in the universe to the supreme Origin. It is easier to come down into a human body and find the divine Presence there, it is quicker. Imagine the serpent biting its tail, it makes a circle, doesn't it? So, if something wants to be united with the Divine, it is easier to enter the tail than to go the whole round of the body! As the head bites the tail, well ...


... of the chemist Kekule's research. While seated on the top of a bus he visualised in an instant the structure of a molecule of benzene. What he saw in a flash was the ancient symbol of the serpent biting its own tail and immediately he evolved the chemical formula of the "benzene ring". Inspiration that is not sustained but flashes across the mind in a revelatory moment may be named "intuition". ...

... soccer field. By 6 p.m., everyone was there. On the spacious upstairs veranda, behind Sri Aurobindo’s chair, hung a black silk tapestry embroidered with three golden dragons—Chinese dragons—biting each other’s tail. Sri Aurobindo never liked staging, but there may be times when there is a stage on the earth, after all. I believe that Mother was the one who brought back that tapestry from her Chinese... their legs in the mud and their head in the heavens etc., etc., an infinity of combinations, while many are simply nowhere. 63 Nov. 1935 The tail of the Supermind is descending, descen­ding. ... It is only the tail at present, but where the tail can pass, the rest will follow.... My formula is working out rapidly.... It is my private and particular descent.... The attempt to bring a great general... It takes place everywhere and all the time, unassumingly. There is nothing more unassuming. But the deeper it reaches, the more it hurts, the more it all begins swarming everywhere like a knot of serpents or the teem­ing of larvae caught in a ray of light. It is the world that swarms. It is the whole world swarming all over and starting little revolutions right and left, without knowing why. It is ...

... investigation ढुढिः Ganesha. ढौक् go, approach .. (cs. to present, offer) B. ढुक् to push in, enter. ढौकनं offering, present, bribe. Pressure. I Bending ढ:      a dog’s tail II Biting ढ:      a dog; serpent. III Covering ढक्का      disappearance. B. ढाक् to cover. ढालं      shield ढालिन् a shielded warrior Emotion ढक्का      A coveting. Doubtful ढामरा      goose. ... (σαπρóς)      old, rotten, decayed obscene σαθρóω     corrupt, destroy, putrefy σάθƞ     Linga σαίνω     to move, shake, waver shake off, thrust away wag the tail, fawn, flatter, coax σαίνoυρoς     adj. fawning, wagging tail σαίρω     clean, sweep, brush gape, open mouth, laugh, grin, snarl gnash the teeth σάxoς,-εoς     shield, buckler, target σαxεσϕóρoς     shield-bearer ... जक्षिः      eating, consuming जग्ध      eaten जग्धं, जग्धिः जंभ्      to snap at .. crush, destroy. जम्      to eat. जमनं जंबूकः (-की)      a jackal.. low man जंभः      jaws, tooth .. biting, eating .. chin. जंभक जाहकः:      leech जालाका      leech      जलिका, जलालुका, जलूका, जलुका, जलोका, जलोकिका जिव्रिः      a bird विम्      to eat. जेमनं जकुटः      a dog जुकुटः V ...

... restraint and launched a caustic attack on the Moderates and their stand. Few things that Sri Aurobindo did during his meteoric career of political journalism surpassed, or even quite equalled, this biting and scalding piece of denunciation, so full of vitriol, so unerring in its strokes, so lashing in its fury: For a brief moment God placed the destiny of India in their hands and gave them a free... enter the Gardens from anywhere at any time and move about the place, for it was all open compound without any fencing or walls". There were two pools, more weeds and mud than water, and plenty of serpents, frogs and fish. The "gardens" were really "primitive jungle, a tangle of shrubs and creepers, with all sorts of insects and reptiles roaming within. And the one-storeyed house where we were supposed... Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Although the Congress had split at Surat, the Moderate Convention - like the torn tail of a lizard -       Page 294 made frantic attempts to wag agitatedly and pretend to the gorgeous proportions of the whole body. On the morrow of the split, on 28 December 1907 the ...

... depths of the cave; the battle against the subconscious forces (ogres, dwarves, or serpents); the legend of Page 221 Apollo and the Python, Indra and the Serpent Vritta, Thor and the giants, Sigurd and Fafner; the solar myth of the Mayas, the Descent of Orpheus, the Transmutation. It is the serpent biting it own tail. And above all, it is the secret of the Vedic rishis, who were probably the first... (Kundalini) travels, after awakening in the lower center, and rises from center to center "like a serpent" to blossom at the top of the head in the Superconscient. (This seems to be also the significance of the uraeus, the Egyptian naja that adorned the Pharaoh's headdress; the Mexican quetzalcoatl, or plumed serpent; and perhaps the naga snakes overhanging Buddha's head.) The detailed features of these centers... merely to awaken from the error of the earth? We speak of "the fall," of Adam and Eve, of some absurd original sin which ruined what God had made perfect in the beginning – yet everything is God! The serpent of paradise, if every there were one, was God, and so were Satan and his Pomp and his Works. There is nothing but Him! Would He then be so clumsy as to fall unknowingly, so helpless as to suffer u ...