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15 result/s found for Serpent Power

... professional clairvoyants; we will discuss later some details of general interest. A complete study on the question can be found in the remarkable work of Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon), The Serpent Power (Madras: Ganesh & Co., 1913) × 45 According to Indian tradition, this center, called "the... contains a Sanskrit letter: Lam, Vam, Ram, Yam, Ham, Om, in ascending order. These essential sounds represent the particular vibrations that command the forces of each plane. (See A. Avalon, The Serpent Power. ) × 200 One may read mantras in a book and repeat them endlessly to no avail. They will have ...

... Kundalini ascends through the spinal column. A chakra is also called lotus (padma). "But as the subtle body penetrates and is interfused with the gross body, there is a certain 1 The Serpent Power, by Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon), deals exhaustively with the Kundalini Yoga of Tantra. Here is a genuine friend of India, with his profound understanding of Indian culture. 2 B... void. It is the thousand-petalled lotus; it is the residence of Bhagavati, the Mother of all the three worlds. 7.SAHASRĀRA1: This full-bloomed lotus is "blue with gold 1 The Serpent Power- says that this lotus "has its head turned downward." Page 324 light around." This centre, said Sri Aurobindo, commands "the higher thinking mind and the illumined mind" and ...

... these chakras can only be opened by a long and patient yogic discipline under the supervision of a qualified guru. At the bottom of the spine there is the chakra containing the kundalini, the “serpent power”, the direct connection with the universal force of materialisation and therefore the cornerstone of our bodily incarnation. Higher up are three vital chakras, the lowest being the sex centre, then ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... through the plexuses and arranged in an ascending series from the lowest physical to the highest mind centre and spiritual centre called the thousand-petalled lotus where ascending Nature, the Serpent Power of the Tantrics, meets the Brahman and is liberated into the Divine Being. These centres are closed or half-closed within us and have to be opened before their full potentiality can be manifested ...

... touched her heart-centre. "A naming serpent rose released from sleep". Then Page 323 every centre of her being, from top to bottom, became "surcharged with Light aid Bliss" as the Serpent-power climbed mightily and stormily upwards. "Then at the crown it Joined the Eternal's space. Thus throughout the string of forts that guards the human being from world contacts the high Power ...

... Scriptures. To our modern way of thinking, they appear obscure and unintelligible. But, "The incoherencies of the Vedic texts," wrote Sri Aurobindo, "exist in appearance only, 1. The Serpent Power, by Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe). Page 75 because the real thread of the sense is to be found in an inner meaning." That thread found, "the expression of the hymns becomes ...

... and Jews, Hindus, Muslims . . . For Father that was the beginning —so far as I know — of several crucial experiences, including the awakening of the Page 9 Kundalini, the 'Serpent Power.' Under the shade of Sri Aurobindo and Mother, the base of his sadhana became stronger and broader. He had many beautiful experiences with the opening of the inner sight and inner hearing. ...

... “This is he [the flame] who has the word of the truth.â€� (I.59.7) × 56 Arthur Avalon, The Serpent Power, p. 96. × 57 Rig Veda, I.10.1. ...


... accustomed to mechanical movements.! By its dual practice of Âsana² and Prânâyâma,³ Hathayoga changes this inert lump of flesh into a dynamo of vibrant energies, and, awakening the coiled serpent power at the a base of its spinal column, carries the consciousness of man through the intermediate planes into the embrace o: the Brahman. Âsana teaches the body to conserve ii placid immobility the ...

... through the plexuses and arranged in an ascending series from the lowest physical to the highest mind centre and spiritual centre called the thousand-petalled lotus where ascending Nature, the Serpent Power of the Tantrics, meets the Brahman and is liberated into the Divine Being. These centres are closed or half closed within us and have to be opened before their full potentiality can be manifested ...


... through the plexuses and arranged in an ascending series from the lowest physical to the highest mind centre and spiritual centre called the thousand-petalled lotus where ascending Nature, the Serpent Power of the Tantrics, meets the Brahman and is liberated into the Divine Being. These centres are closed or half-closed within us and have to be opened before their full potentiality can be manifested ...


... Aurobindo to the effect that his Yoga does Tantra through Vedanta - a paradox at first sight. In Tantra the subtle centres - the chakras - are sought to be activated by the rising up of the coiled "Serpent Power", the Kundalini, at the base of the subtle-physical body's spine, to which the tail-end of our gross material body's spinal cord corresponds. The Shakti. the Mother-Force, in its course towards ...

... arranged in an ascending series from the lowest physical to the Page 284 highest mind centre and spiritual centre called the thou-sand-petalled lotus where ascending Nature, the Serpent Power of the Tantrics, meets the Brahman and is liberated into the Divine Being. These centres are closed or half closed within us and have to be opened before their full potentiality can be manifested ...


... of the phrase "frozen fire" has done its work of suggesting some tremendous tension in the heart that hungers for release, the pyramid is able to be seen as the triangle-yantra in which the serpent power of evolution is pent up, reminding us that Rudra/Shiva is the one who leads the upward evolution of the conscious being. Shiva in his "measureless trance of truth" has his counterpart ...


... through the plexuses and arranged in an ascending series from the lowest physical to the highest mind centre and spiritual centre called the thousand-petalled lotus where ascending Nature, the Serpent Power of the Tantrics, meets the Brahman and is liberated into the Divine Being. These centres are closed or half closed within us and have to be opened before their full potentiality can be manifested ...