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Shanks, Edward : an English poet of the early 20th century.
... kind of poetry are remarkable, but his mental conception often veils itself in a shimmering light—it has then shining vistas but no strong contours. 1 September 1932 Edward Shanks I am sending you a sonnet by Edward Shanks, considered to be "one of our best younger poets": O dearest, if the touch of common things Can taint our love or wither, let it die. The freest-hearted lark that... That over stranger feeling shakes and rings. The best of love, the highest ecstasy Lies in the intimate touch of you and me. I do not know whether you intended me to comment on the sonnet of Shanks—Phoebus, what a name!! I am not in love with it, though it is smoothly and musically rhythmed. The sentiment is rather namby-pamby, some of the lines weak, others too emphatic, e.g. the twelfth. It ...
... of Scientific Experience , The Penguin Press, 2006 Schumacher, E.F.: A Guide for the Perplexed , Abacus, 1977 Segerstråle, Ullica: Defenders of the Truth , Oxford University Press, 2000 Shanks, Niall: God, the Devil, and Darwin , Oxford University Press, 2004 Shapiro, Robert: Origins , Bantam Books, 1987 Shermer, Michael: In Darwin’s Shadow , Oxford University Press, 2002 Simmons... the Machine , Arkana, 1989 Kuhn, Thomas S.: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions , The University of Chicago Press, 1996 Lafon, Claude: Idées reçues en biologie , Éllipses, 2004 Larson, Edward J.: Evolution , The Modern Library, 2004 Laurent, Goulven: La naissance du transformisme , Vuibert/Adapt, 2001 Lennox, John: Hat die Wissenschaft Gott begraben? R. Brockhaus Verlag, 2003... Essential Ken Wilber , Shambala, 1998 — The Eye of Spirit , Shambala, 1998 Wilber, Ken (ed.): Quantum Questions , New Science Library, 1984 Wilson, A.N.: God’s Funeral , Abacus, 1999 Wilson, Edward O.: Naturalist , Penguin Books, 1996 Witham, Larry: By Design – Science of God , Unistar, 2003 — The Measure of God , HarperSanFrancisco, 2006 Woit, Peter: Not Even Wrong , Vintage Books ...
... an appeal. It was first through Buddhism that Europe came to and began to know India. Blavatsky founded Theosophy on Buddhism. Next they understand Shanker in Europe and for many years the Europeans thought there was nothing in India except Shanker’s Adwaita. But if X has taken to Buddhism his sex abhoration is not justifiable. Buddhism is the most exacting path. It is most unindulgent, severe... attempts at collective life seem to have been made and when one sees them all, one is driven to despair like the bald man – who was trying all kinds of remedies to cure baldness – who on looking at king Edward VII’s photo with his shining bald head, said, “I give it up” – ( Laughter ) Have you any idea how the supermind will proceed? Sri Aurobindo : No idea. If you have an idea the result will ...
... × Niall Shanks: God, the Devil, and Darwin , pp. 158-9. × Foster, Clark and York: op. cit., p.39. × Niall Shanks: op. cit., p. 246. ... every area of mental operation.” 49 Inevitably, Intelligent Design has been and is severely criticized. “Intelligent Design theory is pernicious nonsense which needs to be neutralized.” (Nial Shanks) “Intelligent design is a hopeless theory. … It makes no successful predictions, it fails to unify diverse classes of phenomena, and it has garnered no support for the alleged character and abilities... × id., p. 196. × Niall Shanks: God, the Devil, and Darwin , p. 155. × Richard Dawkins: The Blind Watchmaker , p. 19. ...
... Camus, Albert 267,272 Canon Overton 305 Carpenter, Edward 438 Cassirer, Ernest 267 Chadwick,J.A.32 Chandidas 45 Chatterjec, Bankim Chandra 9 Chaucer, Geoffrey 9 Chetty, Shanker 14 Chitrangada 363,458 Clark, A.B. 9 Clemens, Prudentius 336 ...
... poverties or awkwardnesses or to wipe out false vital colour and give instead the gravity of the higher poetic source. 2 June 1931 This sonnet was more or less suggested by one written by Edward Shanks [ see pages 431-32 ]. I should like to ascertain whether the seed fell on really fruitful soil or not. The form, I must admit, is not perfect, because while the sestet is Italian the octet does ...
... impossible of realisation. What I say is not that it is impossible but that such an escape could not have been the object for which the world was created. ii. He says that I derived my technique from Shanker. That is not true. I have not read much of philosophy. It is like those who say that I am influenced by Hegel. Some even say that I am influenced by Neitzsche because I quoted his sentence : "You... If he had waited he would have found that his experience had two elements, the mental and the psychic, to which the vision of fire was due. I do not think that Christ had the same experience or even Edward Carpenter. When I first got the cosmic consciousness – I call it the passive Brahman – I did not fall into unconsciousness of common things; I was fully conscious on the physical plane. It ...
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