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Sharma, R.S. : a spy sent by Madras British whom Sri Aurobindo turned away because he saw through him, managed to rip-off Motilal Roy. [SABCL 27: 431 + 444]
... Colony New Delhi-110048 173.Sharma, KS. Additional Secretary Ministry of HRD Shastri Bhawan New Delhi -110001 174.Sharma, Kavita Principal, Hindu College University of Delhi Delhi-110007 175.Sharma, R.B. Flat 1177 Sector 37 NOIDA 176.Sharma, R.P. Rohini, Delhi 177.Sharma, Raghunath School of Correspondence... Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Nagar Jalandhar, Punjab 169.Sharma,A.C. Reader (Retd.) NCERT 3-C/DDA MIT Flats Rajouri Garden New Delhi Page 742 170.Sharma, D.P. Principal, Bhavan's Sawan Public School Bhatti Mines Road, Chattarpur New Delhi -110030 171.Sharma, H.L. National Open School B-31-B Kailash Colony... University Delhi -110007 178.Sharma, S.D. Lok Sewak Sangh Lajpat Bhawan, Lajpat Nagar -IV New Delhi-110024 Page 743 179. Sharma, Shashi Shekhar Director (Finance) I.F.D. Division Dept. of Education Ministry of H.R.D. Shastri Bhawan New Delhi -110001 180. Sharma, Sima 11-B Vijay Mandal Enclave ...
... these factors need to be taken into account while considering the concept of character. Smt. Savitri Sharma said that education for character development should be based upon the lessons that we can learn from the lives of Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, Swami Vivekananda and others. Dr. R.P. Sharma said that while we talk of values and virtues, which are very good words, what is important is the man... undertake new programmes. He also referred to the wide variations that obtain in the school system in the country. Dr. Sharma pleaded for presentation of the proposals in the form of simple implementable formulas so that they can be implemented without much difficulty. Dr. Sharma added that in any reforms of education, home has also to be involved. He said that there are today many things ... papers presented by Kireet joshi and said that listening to those papers had been an experience of rebirth. He said that those papers gave a great hope that new future is awaiting our country. Shri R.S. Bhardwaj said that the papers presented by Kireet joshi envisage long-range programmes. He, however, felt there should be also short-range programmes. He felt that the papers presented by Kireet Joshi ...
... detective. It turned out to be Ram Rao Yogi, the detective from Maharashtra side." There were others. In an undated letter he wrote to Motilal Roy, who had sheltered him at Chandernagore, 'Your R.S. Sharma ' Prakamya: a Siddhi of knowledge by which the mind and senses surpass the ordinary limits of body. Page 218 I hold to be a police spy. I have refused to see him ...
... jana, 328 donkey, see ass dragon, see ahi Dravidian language/culture, 153-4, 159, 164, 175, 177, 178, 294 Dravidian sun-god, 172 Dravidian Theories, by R.S. Aiyar, 177-8 Dravidians, 153, 158-62, 175, 177-8, 206, 346 Drbhika, 330, 332 Drsadvati, 238, 255 Druhyu(s), 355, 357 Duchesne-Guillemin, J., 262, 318 dvandva, ... excavations at Mohenjo-dāro, 190 Pakthas, 355, 357 Page 429 Pakthuns, 357 pana (= price), 194 Pānchāla, 239 Panchmukhi, R.S., 219 Pānini, 268 Pani (etymology), 207, 292-3, 346-9 Panis, 206, 207, 284, 285, 291-3, 295-7, 305, 340-50, 359, 362-3, 365, 397 Panjab, see Punjāb Paravatas, 291 ... Himalaya, 189, 313 himavantah, 313 Hindu /Sindhu, 267 Hindukush, 282, 284 hiranya, 235-6 Hissar, 234, 311 History to Prehistory ..., by G.R. Sharma, 220, 250, 278-80 Hittite, 273, 274, 368-9 Hlopina, 311 Hoffmann, 291 horse, 159-61, 166, 169-71, 179-84, 205, 208, 215, 216, 220, 221, 225, 230, 232, 234, 238, 243, 247-50 ...
... Indian National Congress (1946) Sri Aurobindo Pathamandir (Calcutta). Loving Homage (1958) Sri Aurobindo Ashram (New Delhi). Pioneer of the Supramental Age (1958) Srivastava, R.S. Contemporary Indian Philosophy (1967) Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. The Phenomenon of Man (1960); translated by Nemard Wall. Tagore, Rabindranath. The Religion of Man (1931) Toynbee... Krishnaprem (1968) Saint-Hillaire, P. B. The Message of Sri Aurobindo and His Ashram (1947); Education and the Mm of Human Life (1962); Sri Aurobindo: The Future Evolution of Man (1963) Sharma, S. Krishna. Seed of Grandeur, Commentary on Thought the Paraclete', 'Rose of God' and The Symbol Dawn' (1972) Sastry, T. V. Kapali. Lights on the Upanishads (1947); Further Lights: The Veda ...
... History to Prehistory: Archaeology of the Vindhyas and the Ganga Valley by G.R. Sharma. Co-workers with Sharma were not only Indian archaeologists but also Dr. M.A.J. Williams and Keith Royce, who were members of the team led by Professor J. Desmond Clark of Allahabad University. The following passages from Sharma are well worth study: The explorations in the valley of the Belan and Son have... neighbouring countries such as Turkestan (Durest 1908) and Palestine (Garrod and Bate 1937) but not so in India.' " A little later, Dr. Alur refers appreciatively to the opinion expressed by R.S. Panchmukhi, chairman and editor of the Diamond Jubilee Volume of the Karnataka Historical Society, to which Dr. Alur contributed an article on "Horse in the Prehistoric period in India and its Aryan... levels reading 6570±210 and 5540±240 B.C., the totality of evidence furnished by these excavations and explorations ... presents a continuous story of human achievements.... 32 In the face of Sharma's report, how shall we judge Parpola's contention, on the basis of Meadow, that the horse was introduced in 2000 B.C. by his 'Aryans' from outside India and therefore could not have existed in the Indus ...
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