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Shivadry Shivalak Sivalik Siwalik : Shiva+alik ‘Shiva’s Head’, Shiva+alak means ‘Shiva’s Hair or Stresses’. These hills form the southernmost belt of the Himalayan foothills & have been known as Mainak or Shivālik Parvat. They extend, according to one source, about 1500 miles from the Sindhu to the Brahmaputra; according to another to just 200 miles from the Beas in Punjab to Hardwar. The width varies from 6.2 to 31.1 miles & their elevation from 4900 to 6600 ft. & several rivers including the Ganga cut through them. [See Roodhra, Prince of Mathura]
... Down the snowwhite mountains speeding, the immortal peaks and cold, Crowd thy waves untouched by man. From Gungotry through the valleys next their icy tops were rolled, Bursting through Shivadry ran. Page 256 In Benares' stainless city by defilement undefiled Ghauts and temples lightly touched With thy fingers as thou ranst, laughed low in pureness like a child To his ...
... Further, it has been noted that the 17-ribbed horse described in the Vedas is anatomically different from the 18-ribbed Central Asiatic horse. The Indian horse is probably descended from the 'Siwalik horse' (Equus Sivalensis), also with 17 ribs, fossils of which have been found in India going back to untold antiquity. It is time to stop flogging this dead horse.] KARPASA and the Case ...
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