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Shushna : Asura associated with Vritra; personification of impure & ineffective force.

6 result/s found for Shushna

... स्वर्वतीरपो नभन्तामन्यके समे ॥१०॥ 10) Intensify him by your purifications, the brilliant warrior with the illumined word, even him who with might breaks Page 350 the serpent-eggs of Shushna, may he conquer the waters that bear the light of the Sun-world,—let all that are alien be rent asunder. तं शिशीता स्वध्वरं सत्यं सत्वानमृत्वियम् । उतो नु चिद् य ओहत आण्डा शुष्णस्य भेद- त्यजैः... स्वर्वतीरपो नभन्तामन्यके समे ॥११॥ 11) Intensify him who is perfect in the rite of the path, the true warrior who follows the law of the Truth; it is he who observes, who breaks the serpent-eggs of Shushna, conquers the waters that bear the light of the Sun-world,—let all that are alien be rent asunder. एवेन्द्राग्निभ्यां पितृवन्नवीयो मन्धातृवदङगिरस्वदवाचि । त्रिधातुना शर्मणा पातमस्मान् वयं स्याम ...


... the grand Adversary; for he obstructs with his coils of darkness all possibility of divine existence and divine action. And even when Vritra is slain by the light, fiercer enemies arise out of him. Shushna afflicts us with his impure and ineffective force, Namuchi fights man by his weaknesses, and others too assail, each with his proper evil. Then there are Vala and the Panis, miser traffickers in the ...


... Ushanas son of the seer, he mounts behind a happy and still happier pair.Mightily he loosed out the waters to their movement in a flood Page 216 and hurled asunder the fortified cities of Shushna. (12) On thy car thou mountest up in the drinkings of the strong winegod offered to thee by the son of Sharyata in which thou hast rapture. O Indra, when thou hast thy desire [of] the wine we press ...


... plenitude of riches attained possession, then singing the hymn of light he became at once the Angiras. Becoming in our front the form and measure of each existing thing, he knows all the births, he slays Shushna"; that is to say, the Divine Mind assumes a form answering to each existing thing in the world and reveals its true divine image and meaning and slays the false force that distorts knowledge and action ...


... shown to have a psychological character and symbolism, then there can be no farther doubt about the profounder sense of the Vedic religion and ritual. Finally, if Vritra and his associated demons, Shushna, Namuchi and the rest appear when closely scrutinised to be Dasyus in the spiritual sense and if the meaning of the heavenly waters he obstructs be more thoroughly investigated, then the consideration ...


... the grand Adversary; for he obstructs with his coils of darkness all possibility of divine existence and divine action. And even when Vritra is slain by the light, fiercer enemies arise out of him. Shushna afflicts us with his impure and ineffective force, Namuchi fights man by his weaknesses, and others too assail, each with his proper evil. Then there are Vala and the Panis, miser traffickers in the ...
