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... have considered as part of the mendicant policy. These articles and other items (satiric verse, parodies, etc.) referred to in these pages (not of course Vidula and Perseus) were the work of Shyamsundar Chakrabarti, not of Sri Aurobindo. Shyamsundar was a witty parodist and could write with much humour, as also with a telling rhetoric; he had caught some imitation of Sri Aurobindo's style and many could ...
... Bepin Pal who was strongly supported by C. R. Das and others remained as editor. Hemendra Prasad Chose and Shyam Sundar joined the editorial staff but they could not get on with Bepin Babu and were supported by the Mullicks. " The editorial staff comprised Bepin C. Pal , Sri Aurobindo, Shyam Sundar Chakrabarty! and Bejoy Chandra Chatterji , both of them 'masters of the English language,' and Hemendra... Aurobindo would not have consented to Bepin Pal's departure as he regarded the qualities of Pal , an ardent 1. "Shyam Sundar was a witty parodist and could write with much humour as also with a telling rhetoric.... In Sri Aurobindo's absence from Calcutta it was Shyam Sundar who wrote most of the Bande Mataram editorials, those excepted which were sent by Sri Aurobindo from Deoghar." ... sufficient. If we replied in the negative, he would stand by our table, look over the telegram sheets, and write a 'para' or two, as the mood was on. Other denizens of the editorial sanctum were Shyam Sundar Chakravarty A first page of the Bande Mataram, with Swadeshi advertisements Page 343 and Hemendra Prasad Ghosh, a witness to the 'high audacity' of those days, Sri ...
... company was projected and formed, but the paper was financed and kept up meanwhile by Subodh. Bepin Pal who was strongly supported by C. R. Das and others remained as editor. Hemprasad Ghose and Shyamsundar Chakrabarti joined the editorial staff but they could not get on with Bepin Babu and were supported by the Mullicks. Finally Bepin Pal had to retire, I don't remember whether in November or December, probably ...
... Letters of Historical Interest Letters of Historical Interest Letters on Personal, Practical and Political Matters (1890-1926) Autobiographical Notes To Shyamsundar Chakravarty Pondicherry, March 12-1926 Dear Chakravarty, I have been obliged to answer in the negative to your request by wire for contributions to the ["Bengalee"] 1 on the occasion of ...
... the house of her salvation, the house of Swaraj." On 21 December a whole contingent of Bengal Nationalists boarded the Bombay Mail from Howrah station. Among the leaders were Sri Aurobindo, Shyam Sundar, Suresh Chandra 1. Railways had four classes of bogies: first, second, intermediate, and third. Page 402 Samajpati; among the young men were Barin, Satyen Bose, Abinash... autobiography that he found the compartment almost like a bedlam! A deafening uproar was going on when he arrived ! Seeing the young man without any suitable clothing and shivering with cold ,Shyam Sundar wrapped his own warm overcoat round Barin.Then he gave a packet of food to the hungry young man who thought it was near enough to be termed 'nectar ' I After such Page 403 a... king wherever he had gone. As a matter of fact he was regarded as the leader not merely of Bengal but of the whole country." From the station Dr. Munje and others escorted Sri Aurobindo and Shyam Sundar to the Raghubir Theatre. There Sri. Aurobindo delivered an address to the packed house. And whom did he see there ? Sir Moropant Joshi, one of those who had taken the oath of the revolutionary society ...
... the Congress. We wanted to have a militant programme and our own organ. So I called a meeting of the extremist leaders—there we decided to have a paper and Subodh Mullick offered to finance it. Shyam Sundar and Hem Ghose were not pleased with Pal's editorship. They said he was too moderate and when I was dangerously ill—the illness almost took me away—they published my name as editor without my consent ...
... The Mother [ST] Chinmayi Chit, the pure spirit consciousness. Chinmayi, one who is full or all made of the pure spirit consciousness. Sri Aurobindo [ST] Chintan (Pensif) Son of Shyam Sundar The Mother [ST] Dara A name borne in ancient times (Given to Ibrahim) To Dara There were two Emperors of Persia named Darius (Dara). The first was Darius Hystaspes, the greatest ...
... circulate throughout India. On its staff were not only Bepin Pal and Sri Aurobindo but some other very able writers, Shyam Sundar Chakravarty, Hemendra Prasad Ghose and Bejoy Chatterji. Shyam Sundar and Bejoy were masters of the English language, each with a style of his own; Shyam Sundar caught up something like Sri Aurobindo's way of writing and later on many took his articles for Sri Aurobindo's. But ...
... very much longer in the affairs of the world and engaged in journalistic work." Sri Aurobindo remained in Calcutta just long enough to see the return home of a freed Krishna Kumar Mitra and Shyam Sundar Chakraborty, in February 1910. If we take August 1906 —when he joined the National College and began the Bande Mataram — zs the beginning of his open political career, then by February 1910 ...
... Sukumar had written to several English friends including the above two, describing the plight of his father in the Agra jail. K.K. Mitra, along with eight others, among whom were Subodh Mullick, Shyam Sundar Chakravarty, and Aswini Kumar Dutt, had been deported or held without trial for months and months, from December 1908, because "even the police" were "unable to procure evidence Page 71 ...
... attend a meeting held in honour of his uncle's release. On the other hand, press reports make it evident that he was still in Calcutta on the 15 th when he went to Chandpal Ghat to welcome back Shyam sundar Chakrabarty, released after fourteen months' exile in Burma. We have therefore the choice between 16-17-18 February 1910 Page 530 —the 7 th - 8 th - 9 th day of the moon's bright ...
... Aurobindo had able assistants to help him: Shyam Sundar Chakravarty, Bejoy Krishna Chatterjee and Hemendra Prasad Ghose were writers of exceptional ability but, as the historian J.L. Banerji wrote at the time: 'Whoever the actual contributor to the Bande Mataram might be — the soul, the genius of the paper was Arabinda. The pen might be that of Shyam Sundar or whoever else, but the voice was the voice... company was projected and formed, but the paper was financed and kept up meanwhile by Subodh. Bepin Pal who was strongly supported by C.R. Das and others remained as editor. Hemendra Prasad Ghose and Shyam Sundar joined the editorial staff but they could not get on with Bepin Babu and were supported by the Mullicks. Finally, Bepin Pal had to retire, I don't remember whether in November or December, probably ...
... of co-adjutors, chief among whom must be mentioned Babu Shyam Sundar Chakravarti. . . . In one respect, however, the judgment of the public was sure Page 1162 and unerring. Whoever the actual contributor to the "Bande Mataram" might be— the soul, the genius of the paper was Aravinda. The pen might be that of Shyam Sundar or who not— the world did not care about it; but the voice... is known that Sri Aurobindo was the leading writer for the Bande Mataram from November 1906 to May 1908, except when he was absent from Calcutta. During such periods, he later wrote, "it was Shyam Sundar who wrote most of the Bande Mataram editorials, those excepted which were sent by Sri Aurobindo from Deoghar." For 1 As a matter of policy the name of the editor-in-chief was not... relied on their subjective judgment, informed by a close familiarity with Sri Aurobindo's writings of all periods. They have had to keep in mind, however, a fact noted by Sri Aurobindo— that "Shyam Sundar [Chakravarti] caught up some imitation" of his style, "and many could not distinguish between their Page 1158 writings". He also noted, in an essay written some years before ...
... indispensable. When S. and the others return, that will no longer be sufficient. I am writing to S. to try and make some real bandanas [arrangement] about money before coming back. Please also press Shyam Babu and the others for the money due to me. This habit of defalcation of money for noble and philanthropic purposes in which usually the ego is largely the beneficiary is one of the curses of our movement ...
... on 11 December 1908, K. K. Mitra had requested C. R. Das to take up the defence of his nephew Ara. K. K. Mitra was suddenly arrested along with several other prominent men — Ashwini Kumar Dutt, Shyam Sundar Chakraborty, Subodh Mullick, Manoranjan Guha Thakurta were among them; they were unceremoniously packed off to distant jails or even overseas, and kept imprisoned without trial for more than one ...
... hear Pal. Suren Banerji cannot be compared to Pal. He has never done anything like what Pal did. But Pal was more an orator than a leader. He had not the practical qualities of a leader. Then Shyam Sundar and some other people came in to help the Bande Mataram. Soon it drew the attention of a large number of people and became an all-India paper. The Punjab and Maharashtra joined the Movement. ...
... letter you will understand that it is unnecessary to write to you separately about them. A reminiscence of the Bande Mataram days: Sri Aurobindo is sitting in his house at Scott's Lane. Shyam Sundar Chakra-varty comes and asks for the editorial. Sri Aurobindo draws out a piece of old packing paper from the pile of papers on his table and begins writing on one end of it. He finishes the article ...
... going, and Bepin Pal, enjoying as he did the support of C.R. Das and others, remained editor; but differences unfortunately developed between him and two of the editorial assistants, Shyamsundar Chakravarti and Hemendra Prasad Ghose, and so Pal retired towards the end of 1906. Although Sri Aurobindo wrote most of the leading articles and made other contributions as well, his name did not figure... revise and refine, to pick his epithets, to chisel his images, to measure his periods; the words apparently came straight on" (as Mark Antony might have put it). It is said that once, when Shyamsundar Chakravarti asked for an article, Sri Aurobindo drew out some old packing from a pile on his table, and began writing and finished it in fifteen minutes - "not a scratch, not a change, not a moment's... opponent being worsted every time. The Bande Mataram also carried certain snappy items like satiric compositions Page 241 and parodies, many of which were the work of Shyamsundar Chakravarti though of course Sri Aurobindo's inspiration was there too. Shyamsundar was a witty parodist and could write with much humour and he could be tellingly rhetorical as well; he had caught ...
... circulate throughout India. On its staff were not only Bepin Pal and Sri Aurobindo but some other very able writers, Shyam Sundar Chakravarty, Hemendra Prasad Ghose and Bejoy Chatterjee. Shyam Sundar and Bejoy were masters of the English language, each with a style of his own; Shyam Sundar caught up something like Sri Aurobindo’s way of writing and later on many took his articles for Sri Aurobindo’s ...
... ignorance and fear of what he doesn't know. It is only the Asuras and a few great hostile beings who refuse or oppose the Divine even though they know what He is. 21.11.1968 Your child Shyam Sundar must accomplish the three "S": Sincerity, Surrender and Spontaneity. Very good — we are going to work for it with such ardour that the result will be obtained in 6 x 6 days minimum ...
... even had it got at the intended victim, would have proved nothing and solved nothing. But as it actually turned out, it was a ghastly tragedy, a piece of pure terrorist excrescence. And Shyamsundar Chakravarti wrote editorially in the Bande Mataram: Outrages of this kind have absolutely no sanction in our ancient tradition and culture.... Moderatism is imitation of British constitutionalism... to the lack of financial support and the withdrawal of Sri Aurobindo from the editorial sanctum. The paper carried on desperately for a time, thanks to the courage and resourcefulness of Shyamsundar Chakravarti, Hemendra Prasad and Bejoy Chatterjee, but this could not go on for ever. It was decided, therefore, that the paper should die with a bang rather than cease with a whimper, and so "Bejoy ...
... L’Agenda de Mère III, 491 × En route Correspondance avec Shyam Sundar × L’Agenda de Mère VIII, 311 ...
... and the Bande Mataram paper began to circulate throughout India. On its staff were not only Bepin Chandra and Sri Aurobindo but some other very able writers, Shyam Sundar Chakravarty, Hemendra Prasad Ghose and Bejoy Chatterjee. Shyam Sundar caught up something like Sri Aurobindo's way of writing and later on many took his articles for Sri Aurobindo's." 85 Soon after the launching of the daily... and peace-at-any-price tendencies are not at once stopped.” Bande Mataram — 29-9-1907 152 "On the 1st May, 1908, while I was sitting in the office of the Bande Mataram, Sj. Shyamsundar Chakravarty handed me a wire from Muzaffarpore. I read in it that a bomb had exploded at Muzaffarpore and two European ladies had been killed. On that very day, I read further in the Empire that the... in the truth of its perspective. Prof. J.L.Banerji says: "Whoever the actual contributor to the Bande Mataram might be - the soul, the genius of the paper was Aravinda. The pen might be that of Shyam Sundar or who not - the world did not care about it; but the voice was the voice of Aravinda Ghose: his clear clarion notes calling men to heroic and strenuous self-sacrifice; his unswerving, unfaltering ...
... early weeks, Sri Aurobindo's two constant companions were Moni and Bejoy. In October, Saurin Bose joined them and in November, Nolini. In answer to a letter from Manoranjan Guhathakurta and Shyamsundar Chakravarti from Calcutta seeking guidance in Politics, Sri Aurobindo wrote to them that he had severed all connection with politics, and that Bhagavan Sri Krishna had taken the responsibility for freeing ...
... letter to Das on the same day that he wrote another to his brother Barin (see the first letter under "To Barindra Kumar Ghose and Others" in Section Two below). To Shyamsundar Chakravarty. 12 March 1926 . Shyamsundar Chakravarty (sometimes spelled Chakrabarti or Chakraborty) (1869 - 1932) was a nationalist writer and orator. When Sri Aurobindo was editor-in-chief of the nationalist newspaper ...
... then a prisoner at Mandalay in Burma. * On 11 December 1908, Minto had issued orders for the arrest and deportation of Subodh Mullick, Krishna Kumar Mitra, Manoranjan Guhathakurta, Shyamsundar Chakravarti, Aswini Kumar Dutta and others. Page 333 this tidal wave of repression and the false logic behind it provoked even Morley to protest in these terms: That's the Russian ...
... gone to Pondicherry, Mono Ranjan Guhathakurta and Shyam Sundar Chakravarty wrote a letter requesting him to guide them (and the party) in politics. The letter was answered: its purport was that Sri Krishna had taken the responsibility of freeing India. And so all of us must act from a firm status in yoga. This letter was read at the house of Shyam Sundar Babu, in Vidyasagar Street, Calcutta." This ...
... × Notes sur le chemin , 472 × Shyam Sundar, En route, 36 × Words of the Mother 13, 95 ...
... × Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya, I Remember , pp. 313ff. × Shyam Sundar, En route , p. 41. × Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya, op. cit., p. 320. ...
... the daily Bande Mataram . This political newspaper, edited by Sri Aurobindo and others, carried a number of satirical poems, most of which were the work of Sri Aurobindo's colleague Shyam Sundar Chakravarti. This piece is the exception. Sri Aurobindo remembered writing it in 1942 when his poems were being collected for publication in Collected Poems and Plays . (It was not ...
... not suffered in vain. Would India now follow the lead given by Bengal at Pabna? The Surat happenings were also the theme of a satirical poem and a satirical drama, both the work of Shyamsundar Chakravarti. The verse skit was the supposed effusion of "Alexander-de-Convention during his unhappy abode in the Sleepy Hollow at Surat", and it was in obvious imitation of Cowper's Alexander Selkirk ...
... and better relations with the Page 118 people of this village. A concrete scheme will be made by them in such a way as to suit the overall Auroville programme in consultation with Shyam Sundar and Roger and placed before the Mother for approval and blessings. * * * August 71 (On August 16 I placed before Mother a request for a symbol for Auroville and its departments ...
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