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Sindh : the valley of River Sindhu below its confluence with Vitastā (native name of Jhelum). It witnessed the birth & collapse of a pre-historic civilization in about 3000 BC of which many relics have been discovered at Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, & other sites. Under British rule Sindh was administered as a part of the Bombay Presidency until April 1936, when it was made into a separate province having Karachi as its capital. After the partition of India in 1947 it became a part of Pakistan.

20 result/s found for Sindh

... Pakistan's covert programs in Kashmir and Punjab by sending agent provocateurs into the bordering Pakistani provinces of Sindh and Punjab. In 1983, there was a rebellion in Sindh. Military rule invariably heightens ethnic tensions in Pakistan, since Sindh and Baluchistan are poorly represented in the armed forces. They account for about 30% of the population but only 5% of the... the day of mourning arrived, and United Pakistan died. Yahya was forced to step down by a rebellion in the military high command, and he handed over power to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, a feudal lord from Sindh. His People's Party secured 81 of the 138 seats in West Pakistan in the 1970 elections. However, none of these were located in the two smaller provinces. Bhutto's rule was marked by an unprecedented ...

... us now look at the internal state of Pakistan and the adoption of jihad as one of the main planks of its State and foreign policy. Internally, Pakistan is facing rebellion from the different States. Sindh in particular, is demanding separation from Pakistan and complete freedom. One of the leading figures in this movement is Altaf Hussain. In London recently, Altaf Hussain spurned Partition and invited... because of its colonial ways," he said. "It just can't go on like this. We Pathans did not surrender to the British; we certainly won't surrender to the ISI. You can't make slaves of us," he said. Ditto Sindh. "We've no rights any more," says Page 106 Syed Imdad Shah, son of the late G.M. Syed, who was in detention for about 30 years. "Our land is occupied, our waters taken, the ... like slaves, a time will come when we'll get independence and you'll be without slaves." The leaders even took on Qaid-e-Azam, M.A. Jinnah. The Mohajirs are not carving out a separate Jinnahpur within Sindh because - and Hussain almost shouted this out - "if we break the country, we will never name it after Jinnah". Hussain now says his next step will be to write a letter to Indian Muslims: "I will inform ...

... socialists do not know what is socialism. Disciple : There were many humourous speeches in the Sindh-assembly. The League has been exposed. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, the Sindh Premier – I always forget his name – seems to be a strong man and stands up for his ideas at the risk of unpopularity. The Sindh Muslims were anxious to join the Congress. The Congress should try to do something to make a coalition... socialists do not know what is socialism. Disciple : There were many humourous speeches in the Sindh-assembly. The League has been exposed. Sri Aurobindo : Yes, the Sindh Premier – I always forget his name – seems to be a strong man and stands up for his ideas at the risk of unpopularity. The Sindh Muslims were anxious to join the Congress. The Congress should try to do something to make a coalition ...

... who were in the latter locality ends there in c. 340 A.D. Obviously, the Gadaharas who were in the same locality lost their authority also. At this time there is no presence of 1."The Punjāb, Sindh and Afghanistan", A New History..., p. 20 2. Ibid., pp. 22-23. Page 414 Samudragupta in the vicinity of the Central Punjāb. He appears fairly later at the time Kidāra is preparing... the coins attributed to a successor of 1. The Journal of the Numismatic Society, Vol. XIV, 1957, Part II, pp. 135-44. 2. Op. cit., p. 36. 3. Ibid., p. 35. 4."The Punjāb, Sindh and Afghanistan", A New History..., p. 15. Page 444 Kanishka I: Huvishka (between 106 and 138 A.D.)? 1 As the Roman influence in India cannot go too far back in the pre-Christian... ncement on the Gupta Era: "The epoch of the era of Śaka or Śakakāla falls 135 years later than that of Vikramāditya. The here-mentioned Śaka tyrannised over their country between the river Sindh and the ocean, after he had made Āryāvarta, in the midst of this realm, his dwelling-place. He interdicted the Hindus from considering and representing themselves as anything but Śakas. Some maintain ...


... guidance I need, as to what can be said and how. In the matter of very intimate experiences, human language is an inadequate medium of expression. My readers have probably heard of the great mystic of Sindh, Shah Latif. He has told a story, something like this, bearing on the point: "One day I was sitting by the village well meditating on my beloved. (The Sufi loves to call God his beloved, his M'ashuqa)... of very subtle steps, before he finally threw wide open the portals of my heart. All this I shall recount, as I go on. In 1910, at the end of my compulsory furlough, I rejoined my job in Sindh. The chief left Calcutta the same year and took up a new line of work here in Pondicherry. All this I have related already. In 1925,I retired from service and took up residence in Bengal. For some time ...


... Bahawalpur, heart of Punjab, "to defend it from the enemy," at the throw away rate of Rs 380 per acre (US Dollars Six & 50 cents). The list is only of one District. Such lists exist all over Punjab and Sindh where a new breed of landlords has already been created through similar allotments. These fertile lands were given to the serving and retired generals on the pretext that these army generals... protection and a fair share of resources for Sindhi people here on Saturday. "I don't think the armed forces want a war. They are too busy making money. If there is a war, it won't be confined to Kashmir. Sindh will be in the front lines. So, it's certainly in the interest of Sindhis to work with the other forces in Pakistan favouring an end to Pakistani support for Islamic militant incursions into Kashmir ...

... Page 243 Sri Aurobindo : The best solution would be if Congress got the majority of the nationalist Muslims on their side, and then take the Sindh Premier who wants to be with them. Thus they can retain Sindh for the Congress – and then in the Punjab they could come to some understanding with Sikandar Hayat Khan. If they had not driven out Khalikuzaman in U. P. there would ...

... Hindus had held them at bay from A.D. 638, when the Mahomedans made the first of a series of attempts to conquer Sindh. Even when they finally wrested it in 712 from its Brahmin king Dahir, the Pratihara empire, the last great Hindu empire in Northern India, checked their progress beyond Sindh for nearly 300 years. In spite of the establishment of the Sultanate at Lahore in 1206, the major part of India ...

... but practical & active religions as those of Nanak Page 153 & Dayanunda Saraswati, religions which have been unable to take healthy root beyond the frontier of the five rivers; Gujarat & Sindh show the same practical temper by their success in trade & commerce, but the former has preserved more of the old Western materialism & sensuousness than its neighbours. Finally the Mahrattas, perhaps ...


... the first and imperative need. As with backward communities, so with backward provinces. It is vitally important to Nationalism that these should awake. Bihar, Orissa, the Central Provinces, Gujerat, Sindh must take their place in the advancing surge of Indian political life, must prepare themselves for a high rank in the future federated strength of India. We welcome any signs that the awakening has ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... It is a tamed elephant that is led to the battlefield; one whom the Raja rides. The best among men is he who patiently bears insult. Trained mules are excellent, as also the thoroughbreds of Sindh and the mighty tuskers. Better yet is the man who has brought himself under control. Not by mounting one of these animals does one attain the unexplored path, but by mastering oneself. By that ...


... "Attribution of Chandragupta-Kumāradevī type", Numismatic Supplement XLVII, 105 - Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, Letters III , Calcutta, 1937 "The Punjāb, Sindh and Afghānistān", "New Indian States in Rajputana and Madhyadesa", "The Administrative Organisation", "The Coinage", "Social and Economic Conditions", "Religion and Philosophy", "Education, Literature ...


... him the king can ride. And among men the best is he who is controlled and endures censures.   [3]   Mules, when controlled, are excellent, so also are the pure bred horses of Sindh, so indeed are the mighty tuskers. But best of all is the man who has controlled himself.   [4]   With such conveyances you cannot go where none has gone. He who has controlled ...

... like Mr Tata, will, as circumstances improve, take a leading place in the commercial world? Or can enterprise and commercial capacity be denied to classes like the Bhatias, Khojas and the merchants of Sindh? When we have individuals and classes like these in our midst we may well enquire why it is that we stand so poorly in industry and commerce, without fearing that the answer, however ungratifying to ...


... Arabs. This is primarily based on a story recorded by Albērūnī . It is said that a rich citizen of Valabhī had a quarrel with the king and, 'being afraid of his resentment, fled to the Arab ruler of Sindh. He offered the latter presents of money, and asked him to send a naval force against Valabhī. The Arab ruler accordingly made a night attack, killed the king and his people, and destroyed the town ...


... an inevitable consequence of this attitude, there is a sense of dismay and revolt spreading in the whole of Pakistan. In fact there are strong indications that the constituent elements of Pakistan - Sindh, Punjab, Baluchistan and NWFP — are demanding separation and independence from the Central Government of Pakistan. It seems clear that as they begin to feel more strongly the centrifugal pull, they ...

... afterwards. The Pan-Islamic sentiment behind the Khilafat Movement was clearly indicated by the mass migration of Muslims from India to Afghanistan. This planned movement, known as hijrat, started in Sindh and gradually spread to the North West Frontier Province. It was estimated that in August 1920, nearly 18,000 people were on their way to Afghanistan. But unfortunately for the Khilafat Movement, the ...

... , 254­ Shiva, 13, 41, 150-5 Shobhanaka,77-9,81 Shyam, Ruhira, 167 Page 312 Shyama, 159 Siddhacharya, 254 Sindh, 239 Soma, 134-6, 144,288 Sri Aurobindo, 3-14,22-3, 26-31, 35, 38-9, 52n., 57, 60 – 1, 66-7, 70-1, 88-9,93,95-6,98-9, 103-5, 107, 147, 149-50, 155, 266 –Bande Mataram, 57n ...

... and the League, and the Aga Khan also is starting for India. He too may try for some rapprochment. SRI AUROBINDO: It is no use unless they can get rid of Jinnah from the League. SATYENDRA: The Sindh Premier is trying to get Congress support for his Ministry but the Congress refuses. He is very anxious and he remarks that the Congress is throwing him to the wolves, meaning the League. But the Congress ...


... dictators. The British may say to Germany :  we will supply you raw materials, you can come and settle here. Disciple : (to another disciple) You have seen Hidayatullah has become a Minister of Sindh? Disciple : Has he? Allah Bux has won him over, it means. He earned a lot of money from the Sukkur Barrage Scheme during his ministry in Bombay, before the congress government. Sri Aurobindo ...