Sinnet : Alfred Percy (b.1840): journalist, editor of Hong-Kong Daily Press 1865-8: editor of Pioneer, India 1872: converted to theosophy in 1879 on witnessing one of the most famous of Mme Blavatsky’s miracles, which took place during a picnic. He recorded several such phenomena in his books The Occult World, Esoteric Buddhism, Karma & United, The Growth of the Soul: president of London branch of the Theosophical Socy: editor of Broad Views Review from 1904 [Buckland].
... soul and allot to it eternal heaven or eternal hell depending upon its behaviour in the single human life lived by it. The virtuous believers will go to heaven, the unbelievers will go to hell, while sinnets amongst the believers will have to undergo first the purificatory sufferings of Purgatory before they are allowed access to heaven. The ideas of the ancient Greeks regarding the "other worlds" ...