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Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
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Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]

Sir C.V. Raman : Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman (1888-1970), recipient of 1930 Nobel Prize for physics, 1958 Lenin Prize for peace, & other international awards.

1 result/s found for Sir C.V. Raman

... course more marked here because of our presence and the work done. Then it means that there is no such thing as accident, chance, or coincidence; all is predetermined—all is a play of forces. Sir C.V. Raman once lectured to us that all these scientific discoveries are games of chance. I have not said that everything is rigidly predetermined. Play of Forces does not mean that. What I said was that... do with predetermination. On the contrary one watches how things develop and gives a push here and a push there when possible or when needed. There is nothing in all that to contradict the great Sir C.V. Raman. Only when he says these things are games of chance, he is merely saying that [...] 116 human beings don't know how it works out. It is not a rigid predetermination, but it is not a blind i... Aurobindo September 1935 What is happening really, Sir? Have you stirred sleeping snakes and monsters that are rushing up now? Excuse me, they were not sleeping at all; they are simply coming into light. Now I hear that Y is leaving you to go to Raman Maharshi. What next? You are astonished? Really, you seem to be living like a cherub chubby ...