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Sir Edwin Arnold : (1832-1904), English poet, best known for his The Light of Asia, a blank verse epic on the life of the Buddha.

8 result/s found for Sir Edwin Arnold

... following narrative to bring one of our old legends before the English public in a more attractive garb than could be cast over them by mere translation or by the too obvious handling of writers like Sir Edwin Arnold;—preserving its inner spirit and Hindu features, yet rejecting no device that might smooth away the sense of roughness and the bizarre which always haunts what is unfamiliar, and win for it the ...


... original legend in the Mahabharata and made my own rendering, though I found the prose versions of Pratap Chandra Roy and John Brough as also the verse renderings of Sir Edwin Arnold, Romesh Chunder Dutt and Torn Dutt useful for one reason or another.         Parts of the chapter 'Overhead' Poetry and Savitri were presented as a paper before the English Faculty ...


... Savitri, pp. 822-3.       112.  ibid., p. 823.       113.  Sri Aurobindo, p. 64.       114.  Collected Poems and Plays, Vol. I, p. 76.       115.  ibid.,p. 82.       116. Sir Edwin Arnold gave this title, Love and Death, to his verse translation of the Mahabharata story of Savitri. It is an interesting coincidence that Sri Aurobindo should have followed up his Love and Death ...


... continuance, a power in the land certainly, but a power for order, for permanence, not a power for disturbance and unrest. In such an enterprise they were bound to fail and they failed egregiously. Sir Edwin Arnold when he found out that it was a grievous mistake to occidentalize us, forgot, no doubt, for the moment his role as the preacher and poetaster of self-abnegation, and spoke as an ordinary mundane ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... character is little improved when the writer brings in what he must be considering a similarity of temper and adds that Sri Aurobindo was affected "also possibly by the Tennysonian blank verse of Sir Edwin Arnold, whose work he certainly knew well".   Mind you, I am not a hundred per cent denigrator of Tennyson the Poet. I set a fairly high value on his "young experiment", but his old performance ...


... character is little improved when the writer brings in what he must be considering a similarity of temper and adds that Sri Aurobindo was affected "also possibly by the Tennysonian blank verse of Sir Edwin Arnold, whose work he certainly knew well". Mind you, I am not a hundred per cent denigrator of Tennyson the Poet. I set a fairly high value on his "young experiment", but his old performance ...


... various ways, including the offer of a world-wide Kingdom; failing in these attempts, Mara tries force, and fails again and flees with his hosts in disorder. There is a vivid description in Sir Edwin Arnold's The Light of Asia, culminating in a nobly articulate passage:         Stars shot from heaven,       The solid earth shuddered as if one laid       Flame to her gaping wounds; ...


...       Aeschylus 267       53,318,319,458       Aiyangar, Narayan 279       Alexander, Samuel 436       Anouilh, Jean 267       Ariosto31,383       Arnold, Sir Edwin 335       Arnold, Matthew 292,311,312,412       Arya 14 , 15,31,328,359,416       Atkinson,WilliamC.382       Aurobindo, Sri       Tagore on, 3-5; Paul Richard on, 5; life-sketch...       Reddy,C.R.9,16,17       Richard, Paul 5,14       Richards, I.A. 410       Richardson, Dorothy M. 35       Richardson, Jack 268       Rishabhchand 20       Robinson, Edwin Arlington 314       Rodogune 47-49,318,341       Rolland, Romain 4,5       Rose of God 42, US, 458       Roy, Dilip Kumar 462       Roy, Dwijendralal 45       Roy, Raja Rammohan...       Williams, Charles 381, 448       Williams, Tennessee 268 Winternitz 254, 255 Wolff, Otto 37 Woodroffe, Sir John 330 Wordsworth, William 135, 309, 388         Yeats, W.B. 314,389,391,445 Younghusband, Sir Francis 5 Yutang, Lin 305       Page 497 ...
